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  1. H

    Will Piedmont hold a Jan. Match

    To all, I got an email from Tommy Williams @ 2 months ago that said they were shooting for Jan.3rd. Shooting LG then HG. Matches usually start at 09:00. Can't say this is the gospel. Maybe some one else has heard for sure recently. I remember last Jan. we had some bad fog and could not...
  2. H

    BAT SV or S for dasher

    If you definitely want the short both throw of the S or SV action, I would suggest a SB action in 1.55 inch round. It is actually 7.5 inches long, but with the same short bolt throw of the 6.5 inch actions (SV and S). The SB has a 1 inch shroud in front of the action to add to the bedding...
  3. H

    New 600yd record

    Congrats. to Paul Wagoner! Paul Wagoner is one great shooter to be only 18 years old. We have got to be on the top of our game to compete with the Wagoners! If both are at a match, it seems like it is impossible to beat both of them. It seems one of them is in the winners circle every time...
  4. H

    Schatz strikes again

    Congratulations to a fine fellow!, I love to hear of great shooting! I have heard it said by some that small single target records are luck? But I saw first hand at the IBS 600 Yard Nationals this year how well you had your rifle tuned and you certainly have the skills to shot it the best of...
  5. H

    Piedmont 600yd match

    Larry Wheeler really gave us a run for our money yesterday. Every relay I stopped and looked at his (great) targets. Someone said he was a new shooter. I thought the first target was beginners luck, but he kept it up all day! Hope he will be a regular to the sport now! He seems like a fine...
  6. H

    600 yard Nationals - Results

    I would like to thank everyone for the their kind words! Like me and Terry Brady were talking about on the way back from the Nationals. We shooters usually don't get much recognition. I really enjoy reading these forums and everyone's input. I have made two paper copies of this post to put up...
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    IBS 600yd SOY points

    Larry, That is mighty fine of you adding up the points! Then again, you are a mighty fine fellow! By the way, I talked to Terry Brady tonight. We are going to leave out Weds., mid morning. to go to the Nationals. I am looking forward to see everyone and finally meet all the great shooters I...
  8. H

    IBS 600 yard Natrionals

    Larry, I took a head count at Piedmont yesterday of the guys that said they were going to the Nationals. Nine said they were going. That does not include D. Tooley, Steve Shepp, Greg Culpepper, Doug Paschal, and a few other not at the match that I feel sure will be there. Most people will...
  9. H

    IBS 600 yard Natrionals

    Larry S.,I have sent my registration money in and will definitely be there. I have talked to alot of people who are going. I will try and get an estimate of how many will be coming from the Piedmont Club this weekend and post it. Samuel Hall
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    piedmont club

    I would love to see the 600 yard nationals next year at Piedmont myself! I second the motion! Samuel Hall
  11. H

    Sam Hall's Agg record

    Thanks guys for the compliments guys! I really do appreciate it! I owe alot of thanks to the guys, several on these posts, that have helped me out. To name a few: Terry Brady, Larry Isenhour, Mike Davis, Joel Kindrick, Doug Paschall, Dave Tooley, Leonard Baity, Bill Shehan, Brian Moore, and a...
  12. H

    New Record 600 IBS group Pics

    John, I would like to congradulate you also! I was in the pits above John's target when he shot it. There was a front coming in. The trees were whipping around and it had just started raining. I heard Terry Brady say " there all in a little bitty wad" as he looked at John's target on the backer...
  13. H

    Peidmont IBS 600

    Larry and Mike, I would also like to congratulate you two on some fine shooting! I still can't believe ya'll shot that good in the wind we were having. It was about to blow the trees down at my house! Larry, a 2.345 agg. and 190 score is great on a blue bird day and unbelievably good on a...
  14. H

    2008 Oak Ridge 600yd SOY Matches?

    Jim, I bet that scope lens cleaner works best if it is left on the lens and not even rubbed off. You ought to market that! I am not sure how competitive I will be the first match. I have a couple of new rifles I just got back from Leonard Baity I want to try. I will not have time to work...
  15. H

    2008 Oak Ridge 600yd SOY Matches?

    Thanks for the replys and info. I was looking in the wrong place. Larry Sparks also emailed me the dates. Thanks again, Samuel Hall
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    2008 Oak Ridge 600yd SOY Matches?

    I have seen the schedule on the IBS websight, but it does not designate which are Shooter Of The Year (SOY) matches, that is what I want to know. Samuel Hall
  17. H

    2008 Oak Ridge 600yd SOY Matches?

    Can someone tell me for sure what 600 yard matches at Oak Ridge are SOY this year? Their SOY matches are not listed on the schedule listed on the IBS websight. They have 6 matches listed besides the Nationals. If it is the same way as last year only 5 matches can be SOY's. I need to start making...
  18. H

    Match at the Rock 2-2-08

    Great shooting Larry and Gerald!!! And the rest of you fellows I have not had the honor to meet. Looks like you two can shoot great at long or short range!!! I hope to join you next year for some score shooting. Samuel Hall (at work) in NC.
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    600 SOY 2007 season revised.

    Richard, Congradulations on SOY!!! You have been shooting extremely well for several years now! From what I hear of you, you are a great guy too. You certainly deserve SOY! You and Glenn really put on a show at the Nationals also! Hope to finally meet you, Glenn and the rest of ya'll great...