New Record 600 IBS group Pics

Dave Tooley

Active member
I haven't even unloaded the truck yet but wanted to get this out.

Now you see-now you don't

I want to add one thing. There were at least 8 current or former World Record holders there to witness this. Including the current, now former record holder in Hvy gun group. I don't think I've been around a better bunch guys. To a man we were probably more excited about John breaking the .500" barrier than he was. This capped off a great day of shooting. I'm glad I was there to see it happen.



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With shooting like this it looks like backers may be required for 5 shot groups at 600 yards. Wouldn't it have been terrible if one of the five got lost in the middle of this group and could not be verified?

If backers should ever go into effect (and probably should), I would also hope to see 10-shots for HV.

........................ Agenda items for 600

Happy Shooting
Donovan Moran
Dave,,,,First let me say you and Larry put on a very good match. I think we all had fun and we all got to witness some of the best long range shooting I have ever seen.

Congradulations to John for his group. It was an awsome target. I don't think he had a clue until the target was brought up from the pits. It would be hard to see bullet holes with the scope he had. I have been shooting with John for some time now, at long range and some short range, and this couldn't have happened to a nicer man. I am very excited for John, and because I got to witness this group....Good shooting, John.

Samuel Hall put on a clinic for us yesterday. That was a great display of consistant shooting. Sam is always a tough competetor and it is my pleasure to call him a friend.

If my memory serves me right, I think he set a new "Two Gun Agg" record at 600yds yesterday...Maybe Dave can tell us for sure......Good shooting, Sam.

To those of you that missed the match, we missed you, and you missed a great day of shooting.
Larry Isenhour

What was the actual size of the group, and what cartridge was he shooting?
I have never shot long range benchrest, but a gun that shoots like that would give us short range shooters a lot of trouble at 100 and 200 yards. Just dividing the distance should put him around .075 at 100, and .150 at 200, not even giving thought to how much easier the conditions are read at shorter distances. I'm the guy that loves to kick PPC tail with a standard 30-30 Winchester. That's why I would love to see his 600 yard rifle fired at a short distance match.


John was shooting a Tight neck 308, Hart barrel, Lapua 155 gr bullets. More details should come.

Mark Schronce
Well, now days is all about 5R, 5C etc. barrels, custom actions, custom stocks. I'm surprised that "old" barrel shot that group! I love the fact that he did it with a plane Rem700 action.
BTW it was range measured at .386"

He was using Lapua brass, RL15 powder, 155 Gr Lapua bullets in a Remington action.

John, I would like to congradulate you also! I was in the pits above John's target when he shot it. There was a front coming in. The trees were whipping around and it had just started raining. I heard Terry Brady say " there all in a little bitty wad" as he looked at John's target on the backer. I said that is John Lewis shooting a 30 cal., but I don't know what kind of 30. Terry said I think it is a 308 Win. I said " are you sure it's not a Win. Mag.? Terry said I think he said just a 308 win. I said I'll sure find out when we get back. After the relay we went back to the firing line and I congradulated John on such an accomplishment. He did not let on much but I know he was excited. I could tell it in his voice and his bottom lip was shaking. It could not have happened to a nicer, humble man! I am also glad I was there to witness it and congradulate John. Some records you think will get broken, but a .386 at 600 yards, well... I sure am not thinking I will be trying to beat that! Thats one that will be in the books for a while!
By the way, I heard the barrel block on John's rifle use to be used as a weight to hold down a corner of a tent at benchrest matches years ago. And that John ask about it and the owner of it gave it to him. Boy there is sure some history and a story behind that amazing rifle.
Sincerly, Samuel Hall
John, I would like to congradulate you also! I was in the pits above John's target when he shot it. ..... By the way, I heard the barrel block on John's rifle use to be used as a weight to hold down a corner of a tent at benchrest matches years ago. And that John ask about it and the owner of it gave it to him. Boy there is sure some history and a story behind that amazing rifle.
Sincerly, Samuel Hall
Sam, the barrel block that came off John's barrel is at my house. He is coming by this afternoon to get it, AND, the barrel that is the companion to THAT barrel!!

John did see some of the Minneman barrel blocks at the Shamrock that Jim Carmichel was using to hold down a rug under his awning, but not that barrel block.

Look at the other thread about the Oak Ridge 600 yard record. I posted a picture of that particular block there.

BTW, Sam, you did a considerable feat Saturday yourself!!

Oh yes, I just remembered, the other block in the above noted photo is labled "308 AK". John's other barrel may be an Ackley, which means even better wind bucking!!
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Congrats on your record John.

A fine bit of shooting and the story behind the gun will make this record a great tale for years to come!!

Richard Schatz