New 600yd record


New member
We got to witness some fine shooting from Paul Wagner yesterday at Piedmont. Paul shot a .711 group in Light gun and that should be a new record. He wasn't finished yet. His light gun agg. was 1.628 and that should be a new record. Good shooting, Paul. We are all proud of you.

Paul was shooting a 6BRX smithed by Mike Davis.

We have had a great shooting season at Piedmont. The matches were run very smooth and safe and there was some fine shooting witnessed by everyone who attended. I know I speak for all of the competitors when I say we appreciate all the work that went into putting on the matches. The Piedmont Gun Club volunteers gave up seven of their Saturdays so we shooters could enjoy the competition......Thanks guys and gals. You did a great job.

Larry Isenhour
Grats Paul.

Boy, this 600 yard IBS game is getting serious. With Paul's 0.711 in LG and John Lewis's 0.389 in HG what else is there to do. A long WInter and a lot of gunsmithing I guess.
The Wagner Boy's have been shooting Great all year. Great shooting Paul.

Mark Schronce
Great shooting at Piedmont!

Yesterday was the end of the seasons IBS matches at Piedmont. That means we have all winter to figure out what we are going to do about all these small groups & great aggs. Paul Wagner finished it out with an awesome record! Great shooting & congrats to Paul... Sam Hall won the Piedmont Gun Club shooter of the year. Closely followed by Rodney Wagner in second. This literally came down to the wire for there was only two points separating them. I want to congratulate both shooters on some fine shooting & to Sam - all your hard work paid off. I am glad to have been able to shoot with all of the folks in 600 yard IBS this year. It has been alot of fun & a learning experience to meet everyone at the nationals & to be with all of my regular shooting buddies. Hope next year is as good as this one has been... IBS 600 YARD HAS EARNED IT'S PLACE IN LONG RANGE SHOOTING - JUST LOOK AT THE RECORDS!

See you all next season!

Mike Davis
Good Shooting

Mike your too humble........look what Mike did with a gun he smithed....
Mike Davis 1.76, 2.709, 0.982, 2.206, agg, 1.9143 Heavy gun group.:D
Way to go Paul and Sam

Congrats Paul!!

Awesome shooting and a fine record to go into the off season with.

Congrats Sam on your Piedmont Shooter of the year accomplishment. You've really had your BR's hummin again this year!!

Richard Schatz
Thanks all !

As Paul's designated press secretary I'd like to relay his thank you to everyone. He would be the last to admit it but I think he likes the attention. He has learned so much from all of you this year and I hope he has had at least half the fun I've had this season.

Congrats to Sam Hall for the "Shooter of the Year" at Piedmont you worked hard and deserve the win.
Congrats to Mike Davis for some fine shooting after some time off and I can only imagine what the results would have looked like had his gunsmith not left his scope rings loose ;)

It's been a great year and I go along with Larry in thanking all those that made it possible.

Rodney (Paul's Dad)
Congrats. to Paul Wagoner!
Paul Wagoner is one great shooter to be only 18 years old. We have got to be on the top of our game to compete with the Wagoners! If both are at a match, it seems like it is impossible to beat both of them. It seems one of them is in the winners circle every time. It is all in fun and I really have enjoyed seeing a smile on that young man's face and Rodney's when they have beat us all.
If this last match is any indicators of what is going to be done next year- we are in for some more records to be broken. Three agg's under one inch. Three groups under 1 inch. Wow! As Greg was saying, Mike Davis don't be so humble, not only did you shoot great you smithed the 3 guns that agged under 2 inches including yours. It was great to have you back!
I would like to mention how well Larry Isenhour has been shooting also. He was tuned in with his 6 Grendle at the 1st half of the year. It seemed like he was untouchable for Piedmont Shooter of the Year shooting low 2 inch aggs in blustering winds. It seemed to come out of tune just before the Nationals and has not been the same since. Larry was in 1st for Piedmont SOY through most of the year, but things would not stay together. He did finish a very respectable 3rd. I hope the winter is good to him again.
I have really enjoyed the year, especially the comradery we benchrest shooters have with one another. I have made some great friends.
Richard Schatz, I don't know if you looked in the equipment list, but I finally gave in and followed you and Glenn's led. I had Mike Davis re-chamber me a Dasher. To say the least, I am impressed! So impressed he has 2 more of my barrels to rechamber!
I would also like to thank the volunteers at Piedmont for putting on another great year. Your efforts are greatly appreciated! I am still hoping we will have the 2009 Nationals there!
Sincerely, Samuel Hall, Boonville, NC
Congratulations Paul.
I'm curious Rodney do you share a gun or do each of you have an excellent shooting 6BRX.

Good Job Paul, You have done some outstanding shooting this year. It has been a pleasure to shoot with all you guy's from N.C this year. If you have never took the trip to Piedmont NC and shot there, you need to. What a fine club that makes you feel like you have been there for years. The best of the best belong to that club and the range is outstanding. I hope nationals is there next year.
By the Way

That was some incredible shooting. Congratulations to all the winners. Looks like that was one of the best attended 600 yard matches of the year. Looks like some hardcore 1000 yard guys showed up and shot.
I feel real happy to see the progress. Shooters are posting groups that noone could have dreamed of. I recall some 4 shot groups in early matches with promise and the 5th shot killed the group. I am proud to see these postings.
I have not been active in shooting for some time, and I miss the "everyone". From The pie eating contest to Matt Green eating softshell crabs and shooting very well on ice covered benches. I hope to be in action soon and drag my son along. He kicks my butt shooting short range, I want to see how he does at 600 and 1000 yards.

Hats off to all and hair off due to some.
Bill Truitt

Rodney, I talked to the gunsmith he said he would try to do better. So with that said make sure yours are not loose also:). And to James, Paul and Rodney shoot different rifles.

Mike Davis
The Cat Daddy---Paul Wagner!

Way to go Paul. You and your dad are a great pair of shooters. You can cover my wing any time. And Rodney, you did great Saturday as well.
Congrats on your season at Piedmont. Second place at Piedmont is as good as it gets. Looks like Sam Hall has discovered DASHERS. From the results of Saturday's match looks like he knows how to use one.
Congrats to Sam Hall, Larry Isenhour, and Mike Davis. Looks like Mike is as good a shooter as he is a gunsmith.
Hey Rodney, are we going to St. Louis again in October. Mo and Darrell have already registered. You can stay at my house again.

Randy Dawson
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Nice shooting and congrats Paul. Tip of the hat to you too Mike. 600 yd shooters and smiths are really finding their groove. You sure have to be ready when you show up now!
