2008 Oak Ridge 600yd SOY Matches?


New member
Can someone tell me for sure what 600 yard matches at Oak Ridge are SOY this year? Their SOY matches are not listed on the schedule listed on the IBS websight. They have 6 matches listed besides the Nationals. If it is the same way as last year only 5 matches can be SOY's. I need to start making plans.
Thanks, Samuel Hall,Boonville,NC.
ORSA 2008 schedule

You can find the full Oak Ridge schedule posted in the "Match Information" section.

I have seen the schedule on the IBS websight, but it does not designate which are Shooter Of The Year (SOY) matches, that is what I want to know.
Samuel Hall
Go to Match Information and Results on this forum, all your questions will be answered. I see someone has already tried to steer you that way. There are five, April26, May24, are the first 2, June 26-29, is the Nationals, July 26, August 23, September 27 are SOY

Dan Honert
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Thanks for the replys and info. I was looking in the wrong place. Larry Sparks also emailed me the dates. Thanks again, Samuel Hall
Don't feel bad Sam as I was looking in the wrong place as well. I'm glad you asked ... now we know. Congratulations on your 2007 Shooter of the Year ranking . You had a really good year .


If you come to the 600 yd. match at Piedmont on March 8th how about looking in the wrong place when you pull the trigger. It would help me place a little higher. By the way, I have formulated some scope lens cleaner that I want you, Terry, Larry, Mark and several others to try. It is made from 1/3 used motor oil, 1/3 valve grinding compound and 1/3 river sand. You apply liberally to the objective and rub very hard in a circular motion. Works best if done just before the relay is called.( Hey, I need all the help I can get).

I bet that scope lens cleaner works best if it is left on the lens and not even rubbed off. You ought to market that!
I am not sure how competitive I will be the first match. I have a couple of new rifles I just got back from Leonard Baity I want to try. I will not have time to work up some good loads. I am barely going to have time to fire form brass before March 8 with my schedule. I am going to try them anyway since the first 2 matches are not SOY matches. I love the challenge to get something new to shoot.
See ya March 8! I can't wait for the new season to start. I miss talking to you guys!
Samuel Hall
Dual purpose

Sounds like you may have a dual purpose product Jim. Send some to the top ten in SOY points tell them how well it works on barrels also.

Mike Davis up in the mountains
Boone NC

I think Glenn Williams is going to have the range open Friday. That would give you time to get dialed in. Mike- I will have enough lens cleaner to give some to you also. The club is building a new club house down between the 100/200 and 6oo yd. ranges with plumbing inside No more corn cobs or Sears Roebuck catalogues. For those not in the know, you use two red cobs then a white one to see if you need another red.
