Search results

  1. J

    Br in the St louis area ? It's one of the premier benchrest clubs in the country. Located in Wright City.
  2. J

    .30BR barrel twist rate

    1-17" is pretty standard. But some have had great success shooting slower twist rates. Wayne France comes to mind. 1-18" is an alternative.
  3. J

    Barrel spinner/ polishing aid

    Someone left the chuck key in that thing!
  4. J

    R.I.P. Larry Kuse

    I heard this earlier this morning. I always enjoyed talking to Larry, and he was truly a decent person. He was always willing to try something new when it came to barrels.
  5. J

    Those columns

    Dan, I think you hit the nail on the head with that one.
  6. J

    laser bore-sighter for chronograph setup

    I don't own one of these, nor have I ever used one. I just see it as an easy solution that solves lots of problems with chronograph setups.
  7. J

    Applying flutes AFTER the be or not to be???

    Boyd, there are two types of gundrills. Machines that rotate the workpiece, and machines that rotate the drill. Workpiece rotators are the type that are typically used in making barrels. There is no benefit to counter rotating the drill on this type of machine. Think about it. Yes, gravity...
  8. J

    Hunter BR Class in St. Louis

    A lot of guys get hung up on the scope power, but the answer is pretty simple. You align the crosshairs on the circle just like you would with a 36x power scope. You also have the added advantage of always being able to see your windflags in the scope. Maybe this answer is a little cheeky...
  9. J

    Applying flutes AFTER the be or not to be???

    It is certainly easier to contour a barrel blank that already has perfectly aligned centers created by the drilled hole. It is also easier to turn the shank portion of a barrel on centers created by the drilled hole. Final turning after drilling is the only way I can think of to ensure that...
  10. J

    Mandatory Superfeet use

    With these, gravity is the only force necessary to keep the front rest in place. I agree with Mr. Shaw, the feet aren't the problem, it's the hammers...
  11. J

    Hunter Class BR

    Slowshot, They shoot Hunter Class in Wenatchee. I believe it is at the Wenatchee Rifle and Revolver club, someone may correct me if I have the name of the club wrong. This is a club that hosts NBRSA matches, and unfortunately a .222 does not meet the cartridge rules...
  12. J

    Help with 30x47

    I shoot that same case with a 120 grain bullet. Your load should fall somewhere between 42.0 and 43.0 grains of VV N135.
  13. J

    Secrets Of The Houston Warehouse

    Butch I have often wondered this same thing. When chambering I rarely worry about runout. I know my setup is good when the reamer sticks slightly as it is withdrawn (locking taper). When the setup is poor, the reamer will practically fall out of the chamber after taking a cut, and will insert...
  14. J

    Went to a State Fair today----

    I feel an urge to go buy some Nike's.
  15. J

    30 brx chamber ?

    Paging Al Nyhus...;)
  16. J

    Rem 700 thread pattern action

    I think a Stiller Predator would fit your requirements.
  17. J

    SC State IR 50/50 Match at Palmetto Gun Club

    Shouldn't that be €100.00...?
  18. J

    Mirage, heat flippers

    I shot at a centerfire score match a couple of weekends ago, that had conditions much like this. Mid-80's, 10% big fluffy clouds, rest was blue sky. We were shooting at 200 yards, and when the sun was out mirage was terrible. When it is very mirage-y I usually make sure to hold my crosshairs...
  19. J

    hunter class results ??

    Results from Casper
  20. J

    hunter class results ??

    Just look on the NBRSA website, I'm sure the results will be posted there...oh wait.