Those columns

Andy Cross

New member
I recently went to the range to compare the berger column bullets with those hand swaged by a good local maker. To be honest there was noting in it. Once I found the correct seating depth for the bergers. So the market for the hand made bullets could drop if my tests seem to be the norm. The only issue will be supply. I received about half of what I ordered but so did everyone else.

I would be interested in hearing from others who have shot the bergers as to whether they shoot well and to find out if demand is exceeding supply as much as it is in Oz.
The Berger columns shoot about as well as Bart 68 Ultras in my 6PPC and 6BR 14 twists.
I love them, Heck I shot them in two NBRSA matchs and finished 3 and 4 in the yardages with them , against some top name shooters.
Yep I Concur

After competing in a match recently I can concur that shooting the LV in both the LV & Hv there was noting in the agg's between the custom made bullets and the Berger columns. If this trend appears to pan out amongst the top shooters then custom bullet sales may drop. Provided Berger can maintain supply which at this point seems to be a problem. Well here in Oz any way.
What are you guys seeing the columns like for seating depth? I just got some the other day.
I ran out of the 65gr berger flat base bullets i was using. my gun liked the 65s jammed hard
I have had good luck with the colums as well, but i dont really think it will effect the custom bullet makers much. Everyone likes to have a few different bullets on hand to play with. Well at least i do. Lee
I have always been of the mind that once I find something that works for me I quit trying to invent the wheel, also cost becomes a factor as well.
Considering the cost of jackets that J=4 is charging, it kinda of seems that they are trying to force the small guy out of business. Toooooo bad there isn't more competition in the jacket making end of the business.
Dan H.
I have always been of the mind that once I find something that works for me I quit trying to invent the wheel, also cost becomes a factor as well.
Considering the cost of jackets that J=4 is charging, it kinda of seems that they are trying to force the small guy out of business. Toooooo bad there isn't more competition in the jacket making end of the business.
Dan H.

Dan, I think you hit the nail on the head with that one.
I tried about 25 out of a box and gave the rest away . I guess you all had better luck than i had with them..

Isn't berger the only supplier of J4 jackets? What better way to sell more bulets than raise the price of jackets so high the "little guy" cant afford to make his own.. seems like a great marketing strategy too me..

Just saying.
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The jamm

What are you guys seeing the columns like for seating depth? I just got some the other day.
I ran out of the 65gr berger flat base bullets i was using. my gun liked the 65s jammed hard

It seems that the column bullets used in both my barrels liked them jammed into the lands about 8 to 10 thou. I think any more and the bullet would move back into the case. Bolt was firmer to close but that's the only thing I could complain about.