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  1. J

    Favorite Songs....

    This song is heading right up there with Skanky Cyrus in number of YouTube views. 140+ million views and climbing fast, so it must be a great song?
  2. J

    Shut 'er down!!

    I sure hope Michelle doesn’t have to cancel any of her vacations over this shutdown thing….
  3. J

    Measuring Small Group

    Remember when a couple of people (Wilbur lol) decided to remove the barrel block rules from the book? Then they didn’t print or send members an updated book for a few years, and made everyone look like fools when they questioned Mr. Biggs new stock design. That was a funny one wasn’t it? Chet...
  4. J

    0,0077 group!!!!

    Ashamed of shooting two screamers, a NBRSA world record, and a sub ¼ moa agg? What’s the world coming too! ;) The reason I asked is that I always wondered what McMillan's agg was, but I think it was lost in history. Congrats again! Jim
  5. J

    0,0077 group!!!!

    Excuse me if someone else asked and I missed the answer. What was the 5x5 agg? Congratulations!
  6. J

    Record setting rifle stolen--help

    Watch Craigslist also! The link above will search all Craigslist cities at once, the only problem would be guessing the keywords to search for. I’d also be checking road ditches, drainage tubes and under bridges close to the crime scene. Our shop was broken...
  7. J

    positive quotes

    OMG that's funny! :D
  8. J

    speaking of "being played like a fiddle".....

    11 minutes and 21 seconds is the scariest picture I’ve ever seen. What would you do if you looked out your house window and someone riding in an armored vehicle pointed a loaded machinegun / sub-gun at your head?
  9. J

    speaking of "being played like a fiddle".....

    Some news courtesy of YouTube
  10. J

    speaking of "being played like a fiddle".....

    I saw that and may have it recorded. He said something like “I bet quite a few people setting afraid in their houses wish they had a firearm right now” Good stuff!
  11. J

    speaking of "being played like a fiddle".....

    I Think They wanted everyone to stay inside because they knew the PD would dump every round they have at anything that moves, and most likely hit nothing but innocent bystanders. Phones cant take pictures and video when they’re turned off. Neither can news cameras when they are so willingly kept...
  12. J

    Russell Rains ask me to post this.

    done, again
  13. J

    Lack of supplies

    Prototype Quadrotor with Machine Gun! :cool:
  14. J

    Texas Senator Ted Cruz....pour it on!!

    Or you can go here.
  15. J

    Just get a shotgun

    Yea me too :D Could you imagine that ad running today? The nation’s re-programming is coming along just fine….. Jim
  16. J

    Just get a shotgun

    Joe’s home defense advisor.
  17. J

    Stop the Universal Background Check.

    Absolutely not! These gun buy-back programs illegally funded with tax payer monies should stop immediately! Now a question for you In your opinion, should a father be allowed to buy his 12 year old son a 22 rimfire or shotgun and give it to him as a Christmas gift?
  18. J

    Gun Buy Back Fails

    A non-functional empty stinger launch tube isn’t news unless it was dropped off by one of those “Afghan freedom fighters” we gave them to in the 80’s.
  19. J

    c span to air gun hearing tomorrow................

    That’s not a rant Jerry, that’s the way I see things also.
  20. J

    c span to air gun hearing tomorrow................

    If a father gives his 12-year-old son a .22 or shotgun for a Christmas present, how many years will he spend in prison? I’m just curious if my dad, and probably yours, would have been out in time for their 90th birthday under today’s laws. All this enforce the laws talk by “our side” is...