c span to air gun hearing tomorrow................

If a father gives his 12-year-old son a .22 or shotgun for a Christmas present, how many years will he spend in prison? I’m just curious if my dad, and probably yours, would have been out in time for their 90th birthday under today’s laws.

All this enforce the laws talk by “our side” is disturbing. Enforce the laws from 1800, not the arrest anyone for everything laws we have today.
If a father gives his 12-year-old son a .22 or shotgun for a Christmas present, how many years will he spend in prison? I’m just curious if my dad, and probably yours, would have been out in time for their 90th birthday under today’s laws.


First, I don't think your dad would have and I know my dad wouldn't have stood by and let all the government crap and abuse go on that we put up today. The Patriot Act-reading our private emails, the TSA and their illegal and embarrassing airport searches. And Homeland Security Administration, hello, hello, what it the Department of Defense for if not to provide homeland security.

Our fathers went to WW II as fighters and came back as fighters. The FCC would not have been allowed to put the crap in the movies and on TV that we see today. Oh sure, these pieces of filth and violence are "rated", wow. They just would not let this so-called "cultural revolution" taken place just as another example.

I don't think most folks, today, really give a darn what goes on. Just as long as they can stick that little plastic card in a slot and get gas, groceries, and goodies...regardless where the goodies are made. It appears they just don't care. And it is not only a shame it is shirking their civic responsibilities of being American....

Nuff' rant.
As the the CSpan airing the Senate gun grabber hearings, while I have been a loyal watcher of that group for about 20 years, I was very disappointed in their camera work. At the end they tracked Wayne LaPierres departure like he was some sort of criminal. It was like they were trying to collect evidence of who spoke with him on the way out of the hearing room.

With Brian Lamb CSpan is not as neutral as it was previously.

Matter of fact, in the evening news it was brought up to Gabbie Giffords spouse, Captain Mark Kelly, asking what he said to Wayne. Captain Kelly had stopped and shook hands with Wayne and said a few words.

Before long guys, the PC crowd will outlaw phrases like NRA, just like they have created stigmas about many things we can't say in public now!!