Texas Senator Ted Cruz....pour it on!!


Senile Member
At the recent Judiciary meeting in the US Senate, Texas Senator Ted Cruz thoroughly pi$$ed off the evil (and ugly) Senator from Kaliforrny Komrad Feinstein. She sounded like her Depends had just sprung a leak!

Good job Senator Cruz.

Both Ted Cruz and Rand Paul spoke yesterday at CPAC. This morning the Marxist Media Machine (hereafter MMM) were really in a twit.

Hopefully this CPAC meeting will bring some American blood back into the GOP and expel the NeoCOMMunist like McCain, Graham, Kristol, Krauthammer, and the other Vodka raised ilk.

Thank Senator Cruz by going to his web site www.senate.gov and play like you are from Texas, elstswise the message will not go without a Texas city and zip code.

You can use Victoria, TX 77901 since Victoria TX is where Kentucky Senator Rand Paul was raised.
senator Cruz

Saw it on the NRA show Cam has. Loved it ! Does that senator go by comrade or reich minister? Thats first on the agenda for either one disarm the people. The senator didnt answer the question. Just went on a rant about autos and clips. I wish we had more senators like Cruz.
Thank Senator Cruz by going to his web site www.senate.gov and play like you are from Texas, elstswise the message will not go without a Texas city and zip code.

You can use Victoria, TX 77901 since Victoria TX is where Kentucky Senator Rand Paul was raised.

Done did..! Forwarding to other Republic Loving AMERICANS..!

Thanks Jerry!
He looks solid as a rock......and as cool as a cubecumber wnen having to tangle with these Democrats!

Let's hope Senator Cruz remains that independent and fearless spokesman for conservatives that he's been thus far....... and hope that he doesn't get corrupted with the "go-along to get-along" mentality so common up there that seems to happen to so many politicians.

So far from what I can see, his having a Harvard degree in law and having been a top lawyer and debater with a strong and smooth delivery (and rebuttal too) is working very well for us. There doesn't appear to be anybody up there, including the worst vermin like Feinstein who can intimidate him.
He sounds like a winner for constitutional rights of the people.
Lets hope he isn't spoiled after some time in office by hanging around the elite class of profesional politicians.
I hope he remains a true servent of the people. we need more like him if he remains honest.
We are finding out who are the phonys are. The ones that pass legislation for their own special interests.
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