speaking of "being played like a fiddle".....

aka, please don't keep pushing or I'll have to answer you :) and I don't know how to.

Kudos, at least you're willing to admit it. :)

BTW, if you're close to my neck of the woods when you come to SC this summer let me know and I'll buy you a dog and a Coke.
I Think They wanted everyone to stay inside because they knew the PD would dump every round they have at anything that moves, and most likely hit nothing but innocent bystanders.
Phones cant take pictures and video when they’re turned off.
Neither can news cameras when they are so willingly kept blocks away from the truth, whatever that was.

With that said I’m thrilled they got both of them and in my mind they got the right animals, no question about it!!!
But their marksmanship skills are embarrassing.
I loved it and wish I was taping. I know it won't be aired again.
Who else heard Chris Wallace rambling on this morning when he spilled the beans? He said a good argument for relaxed gun control "I suppose" would be that all these residents of Watertown, Cambridge, and Boston that are hunkered down hiding from the bomb suspect could protect themselves better if they were armed. He went on to say this may be one source of discussion on this Sunday's show. Maybe he was just hyping his show. Still, I loved it.

I saw that and may have it recorded. He said something like “I bet quite a few people setting afraid in their houses wish they had a firearm right now”
Good stuff!
Kinda looks like the Goverment spent way more money than was needed to get these two creeps. Ole B-Rack should have just called up Joe Biden and told him to go on over there to Boston with his double barrel shotgun and take care of this problem.

Society as whole always has its dangers. Thats the point I was trying to bring out.
Ever since cain slew able Evil has existed. It Mans Nature to BUILD also on the other side of the coin DESTROY.
Man can find many excuses to do Evil deeds The only thing that keeps politicians from doing is THE CONSTITUTION and The bill of rights.
Believe it many are Evil. Theres a list that has civil charges pending. The only reason they are not in jail is because of their Office.
If you or I did what some of them did we would be doing Hard Time.

The Bombing in Boston is an example of our policy of letting people come here do to political reasons.
Ethnic cleansing in Russia this time by the Russian Muslims
Society as whole always has its dangers. Thats the point I was trying to bring out.
Ever since cain slew able Evil has existed. It Mans Nature to BUILD also on the other side of the coin DESTROY.
Man can find many excuses to do Evil deeds The only thing that keeps politicians from doing is THE CONSTITUTION and The bill of rights.
Believe it many are Evil. Theres a list that has civil charges pending. The only reason they are not in jail is because of their Office.
If you or I did what some of them did we would be doing Hard Time.

The Bombing in Boston is an example of our policy of letting people come here do to political reasons.
Ethnic cleansing in Russia this time by the Russian Muslims

Nicely stated..

The one thing that we must do is to ensure that the politicians do not further corrupt THE CONSTITUTION. No individual (or small group of individuals) can approach the destruction that a determined line of politicians (read PROGRESSIVES) can and are doing to this country.
A few violent individuals may be able to cause local destruction or take my life, but I can accept that knowing that they cannot survive a just system.
What I cannot and will not accept is a lineage of corrupt politicians destroying a system of government that has been a light and protectorate to it's citizens under the guise of "protecting" them..
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Yep, as we say up here in the Applacian Mountains, we are being played like a $3 fiddle and treated like a rented mule!!

Anyone wondering why we no longer have "world news"? The 24/7 news cycles are now dominated by the likes of sleeze purveyors like Nancy Grace,Don Imus, Rush, et. al.

Why no news? The powers who run this country, its news outlets and banks, not the elected, don't want you to know what the world pulse is on current US foreign policy.

They don't want you to know about a recent military/economic alliance, BRICS. The Euro will not last but the BRICS "dollar" just might.

And if the dollar crashes, then what???

As to world news, we have over 900 military bases in over 140 countries and there is no world news to report????

Look for the 3 W's and things will become clearer.
I know what you mean Alinwa --I also think that voting is more dangerous than guns or bombs and voters should have backgound checks and pay for them. A bad government can cost tens of thousandths, even millions of lives, extermination of their own people by race , religion or idealism enslave, torture and imprison people for different values and beliefs. We've seen these things happen and they still are-it can happen here too. When you start to see groups being picked out as in- the- way, selective enforcement of laws like immigration, etc, talk about having an domestic army just as powerful as the current military-voting is pretty dangerous.
I would not put anything past that crew. But remember the treaty has to be ratified by 2/3 majority in the senate.
We all know abourt Kerry the war protester helping Hanoi Jane during the war.
An act of TReason that went Unpunished. And here he is Secretary of State appointed by another commie Obama

The only reason Jane didn't get punished was because of Her dad Henry. Kerry got away with it with his familys money and influence.
They are still Traitors
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--I also think that voting is more dangerous than guns or bombs .

The dangerous ones in this country are the ones who vote uninformed, or who are led by the news media, on both sides.

There is an interesting book by Andrew P. Napolitano "A nation of sheep". Read it sometime instead of watching "dancing with the glitter queens" on TV.
Now that it is over and the two bad guys who set off the bombs to kill people are corralled the spinners can begin to spin the thing. The various law enforcement agencies involved did their jobs and got these two off the streets. We owe them the respect they are due.

After all the money that was spent, I hope they buy the guy a new boat.

Concho Bill
Yep the spinners will spin'
See how effective Homeland security is. How much does it cost to employ these loosers?
Wheres the screens and background check on these people?
The spin is spinning every day.
Gerry you're right were are the background checks on all that come into this Country! I had to wait for 21 years before I could apply for a pistol permit with no arrests or any other thing they could try and find. So I think anyone coming into this country should be background checked and wait a minimum of 10 years to buy a gun of any kind.

Joe Salt
Now that it is over and the two bad guys who set off the bombs to kill people are corralled the spinners can begin to spin the thing. The various law enforcement agencies involved did their jobs and got these two off the streets. We owe them the respect they are due.

After all the money that was spent, I hope they buy the guy a new boat.

Concho Bill

They put a spin on it right up front. The few minutes I watched it they were interviewing folks that were associated with school shootings - in an attempt to keep folks thinking along those lines.
OK guys answer me this, talk about being played! When there is a Bombing they blame the Bomber, When someone gets killed by a Drunk driver they blame the driver, But when it a shooting they blame the GUN! WHAT A BUNCH OF DUMMIES WE ARE.
