Just get a shotgun

Well, I'm NOT laughing....we're stuck with an arrogant socialist and his moronic partner in the W.H. for 4 more years.....and if my memory is correct the OP is an apologist for this bunch as I remember threads where members were chastised for being too hard on the emperor. It just doesn't matter what comes out of this administrations mouths'....the press will either suppress it, spin it, sanitize it, or make excuses for it. In short....we be screwed.
as Bugs Bunny frequently said "what a maroon"........... and this idiot is heading the committee.

While I agree with the premis that a Shotgun is by far the best home defense weapon, anyone who followed the Vice President's advice, and fired rounds into your backyard, would probably be arrested soon after.

This guy Biden (his fevered masses call him "Smokin' Joe") is a real bright one eh!!!

OK Smokie, lemme' get this straight...... ya's takes yer double-barrel out on the porch and forthwith FIRE IT INTO THE AIR!!

Not only do you not know what's out there, not only have you violated a number of laws and civil ordinances, NOT ONLY have you behaved in an irresponsible and dangerous manner...

Now you're empty


In the DARK

Silhouetted against your own patio door while you attempt to crack your gun open....

and hanging over the porch rail......whilst ya dig in y'er jammies for some more 12ga shells (my jammies would be dragged down around my ankles at this point)

I've gotta' stop.

My neighbors elected this moron.

And my Lord Commands me to "Love My Neighbor."

I'm torn

"Just Get A Shotgun"

It's simple folks. According to Joe Biden. Just buy a shot gun. Listen carefully to what he says on the video. "I live in a wooded area,that's secluded, just walk out on the balcony with a double barrel shot gun and fire a couple shots in the air. I promise you, it will work."

He's right. It will scare away the Bears from the garbage cans,if you live in Alaska.:D Probably where he got the idea.:)

This guy holds next to the highest office in Government. The same guy that said on National Television that he was "Proud to be President of the US"

The sad thing is, a lot of people will go out and buy Double barrel Shotguns. An,out of control nut, with a Double barrel Shotgun,can do a lot of damage inside a gun free zone.

OK, point by point.... to illustrate the complete elitist disconnect this guy stands for....

"I live in a wooded area that's secluded"

-Yeahh, so what??? Is THIS where the crime statistics originate?? Ya THINK??? Secluded private estates? hmmmmm

" just walk out on the balcony"

-Ohhhh yeahh, "the balcony," I'm sure MOST of Jokin' Schmoe Biden's voters have balconies

"with a double barrel shot gun"

-A double-barrel eh... AGAIN, I'm curious just what percentage of Ba Bo's and Joe Schmoe's A'stituents have doubles, I guess we'll jus' ISSUE dem doubles......GUB'mint supplied, from sequester savings....

"and fire a couple shots in the air."

-yeahhh-shure, "just fire a couple shots in the air my voters....."

"and I promise you"

"And I PROMISE you"

"I promise"

"I promise"

"i promise"

It will WORK!




vote fer ME!




And we DID!



Gina--Doesn't that make you wonder who voted for these people?
I'm just surprised to see some of the people on this site that was so adamant back in the fall supporting this administration mostly for the pie in the sky are now opposing this administration's policies now as if the election never happened; I guess the old saying "be careful what you wish for-you may just get it" holds some truth.
most people don't know how dumb some of our politicians are'
Some even have Law degrees .{biden omama clinton shumer ] just afew.
see how dumb they are. they can't read and they have a degree in law'''
Its written in common English , so all can understand it meaning.
I heard there is a new program out there sponsored by HLS called the Drone Program, it even will take care of you even if you have pre-existing conditions (like owning a gun, voting Republican, etc) it's FREE and you may save funeral expenses.
So lets impeach then, the dumb news media is behind these idiots. We don't stand a chance in ever getting rid of them EVER. Just remember when they come to get your gun's, the one's you shoot, make sure you pick up there guns and all there ammo and what ever else they may have. I've seen all the movies before!

Joe Salt
So if the intruders are already in the house that means your gonna sneak past'em to blast 2 on the balconey...