Shut 'er down!!

I sure hope Michelle doesn’t have to cancel any of her vacations over this shutdown thing….
shut er down

Nancy Polosi { quote}
Lets hurry up and pass the vote on it , so we can open it up and see what it says''
shut er down

I sand corrected axact works
Let hurry up and pass this bill so we can open it up and see whats in IT { Nancy Polosi}

floor of the house pending a vote on the health care bill.
see whats happening not even bother to read the bill before voteing on it. Our government in action.
Sad to say our current congressman voted for it'
This is all just a smoke screen for what they are writing up right now! Hold your had on your butt, the GUNS aren't on the back burner yet. Wounder if Obama's food tester was furloughed?

Joe Salt
If anyone thinks the Republican Party will win back the White House in the next general election, or the one after that, think again. The average middle-of-the-road citizen doesn't forget years of obstructive behavior. All the rhetoric in this site, including mine, is meaningless. Everything happens in the voting booth.
Not that simple

I hope you are aware that the Affordable Care Act was written by the senate democrats behind closed doors and did not allow any Republican senators to have any input whatsoever to the bill.

Like any bill in Congress it was not just written and passed by the Senate--the House passed it too. Like any bill in Congress, it went through committees. The President signed it. It was upheld by the Supreme Court. The voters supported it in the 2012 election. Despite all this, a small minority of Representatives in one house of Congress doesn't like the law and demands that we re-fight the whole battle all over again and is able to bring the country to its knees when we don't.

If the Tea Party wants to repeal the law, there is a legislative process to accomplish that. We don't do it by holding the federal budget hostage.
Let's hope so!

The average middle-of-the-road citizen doesn't forget years of obstructive behavior.

Man, I hope you are right. Unfortunately, gerrymandered election districts keep the clowns in office in most red states. They hijacked the process--just as they hijacked the legislative process in Congress.
If anyone thinks the Republican Party will win back the White House in the next general election, or the one after that, think again. The average middle-of-the-road citizen doesn't forget years of obstructive behavior. All the rhetoric in this site, including mine, is meaningless. Everything happens in the voting booth.

I'm afraid that you're right. We're past the tipping point. The people have successfully voted themselves "bread and circuses" and will do so in greater numbers as time goes on. Probably the next implementation of "fairness" will be the government forcing you to turn over your retirement savings into a pool for it to distribute it "fairly" to those who didn't save. Might want to start looking for ways to turn your monetary assets into hard assets.
Well Vic you never cease to amaze, I am a 21 year military man, I beleive in Duty Honor and Country, I believe in a balanced budget and not spending money we don't have, I believe in treating everyone fairly, I believe in the all the amendments to the constittution and the constitution itself! When my credit card is maxed out I don't call the bank and say could you please double my limit, but I don't have any additional iincome to cover it! I don't think that I have ever called someone an extremist that held the the opposite view as myself, and because you have a different view than me I have not stooped to your level of insensitivities! So you continually label people like me as extremists! I don't think you have any idea of how the ACA was created and I certainly don't think you have done the research to form an accurate assesment of how bad the law actually is. If your going to espouse a position it should be founded by research not speculation.
To date 1600 large companys and unions have asked for and been granted 1 year waivers, small business's have been granted a 1 year delay, becasue the HHS can't provide enough information to small business about how severly its goiing to impact them, seniors are losing $700 billion from medicare next year, and in order to receive care from your doctor like a hip replacement or any other surgical proceedure your doctor will have to submit a request to IPAP! Just in case your not familiar with that acronym it means Indepentent Payment Advisory Board. Thes are 15 health care professionals and doctors that will decide what care you will be given, and thats how they plan to save $ 700 billion from medicare. Add to all this the fact that congressional staffers have now been give a subsidy to pay for other health care, so they don't have to participate in the ACA. You sir are a shameful individual because you lack the accumen to state your case without labeling people like myself as extreme! Come January when everyones tax bill goes up to pay for this guys like you will be the first ones howling and crying fowl. The medical device tax, the new tax of 3.8 charged when you sell your home, you are clueless because you have closed your mind to looking at the law with an open mind instead esposing the partyline rhetoric. I could go on but what good would it do you don't get it and probably never will, until it impacts your wallet, and I hope that occurs sooner rather than later.

Your absolutely wrong on the Affordable Health Care bill. The current bill was not passed by the Senate. They were to afraid to vote on it. The senate and the house passed seperate versions of the bill (without any input by the Republicans). The Bill did not go through the typical committee process.

After the Senate and the House deliberated the two different bills and came to a comprimise (Republicans were not included), the Democratic ran House passed it. The Senate would not bring it to a vote, thus by the constitution, once it goes past some many days without a vote, the House approved bill goes to the President for signature. That is how the Democrats got it passed. Period. They even admitted they didn't know what the bill said.

Any party that would pass a bill and not know what was in it, is Full of Shxt. The Republicans in the House and Senate got the written version 24hrs prior to the vote in the House.

Oh lets list the other Obama credits:

1. Cash for clunkers - cost taxpayers over 24000 per vehicle.
2. Green Initiative - Companies went backrupt costing tax payers billions, but not before millions made it's way back to the democratic party for campaign contributions.
3. Fast and Furious Program - Obama had to invoke National Security reasons to bury documents. What national security was at risk?
4. IRS shaking down Conservative Groups non-profit status's.
5. NSA Serviellance Program -

And the list can go on and on....also, please name one thing the Democrats have reached across the aisle on?

Just a big ruse like everthing else. Why is it most Democrats believe the Republicans are the richest and treat the workers the worst. Lets have a little fact checking.

8 out of top 10 richest in U.S. are Democrats
60% of the top 100 are Democrats.
Worst company in treatment of Workers - WalMart - Owned by Democratic family.
Compainies who shipped the most jobs overseas since 2001 - GE, Apple, Intel, Microsoft - all ran/owned by democrats.

Socialists overtake a society by four primary means:
1. Control the Propoganda - Tell someone lies long enough, they become assumed fact.
2. Remove Religion from Society - It's a threat to the powerful because of it's ability to organize and pass information to a vast majority of people outside of the normal proproganda channels, also, easier to keep people happy when there are not morales to judge oneself against.
3. Make people dependent upon the goverment - we are now at 43%.
4. Disarm - Don't really need to explain this on here.

As far as I'm concerned, leave the goverment shutdown, at least the numb nut in the white house can't tax me anymore than he already has. As it stands now...the all mighty one who is all for the middle class (that's where I fall) cost me 250.00 more per month in taxes this year, doubled my electric bill in the last two years (through the EPA) and if he gets his way with health care, will increase my cost by 230.00 per month and that is not including what I will have to pay in taxes for those who get the credits. Yeah...he really likes the middle class.

I keep coming back to when should the line in the sand be drawn????? We own 16.7 TRILLION dollars which is an abomination. Yes, both sides racked that up but another big entitlement program won't swing the pendullum the other way. And don't buy any of this administration's "budget neutral" rhetoric. Sure, it's budget neutral when you take the CBO's best case scenario and overlay it on 9 years of taxation and 6 years of payout. The other 3 major Federal entitlements are all deep in the red and have been for years (Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security). So we're willing to give these guys a fourth that'll influence 1/6 of our economy?

We need to shrink the Fed and push accountability down to the states and more importantly to Americans themselves. Nanny-state hasn't worked anywhere else in the world and it won't work here (nor should it).

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If it looks like a duck...

I don't think that I have ever called someone an extremist that held the the opposite view as myself...

Well, I believe in calling a spade a spade. It's not just "the opposite view." I think most Americans agree that the Tea Party faction in the House and Senate has resorted to extreme tactics in trying to defund or delay the ACA. Things like a 21 hour "filibuster" that, among other extreme claims, tried to draw an analogy between appeasing Hitler and supporting the ACA.

This really isn't about the ACA. It's about a minority of Congressmen who regard the POTUS as illegitimate and want to nullify his election by a majority of Americans. In my book, that's extreme and those who support it deserve the label.
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Well, I believe in calling a spade a spade. It's not just "the opposite view." I think most Americans agree that the Tea Party faction in the House and Senate has resorted to extreme tactics in trying to defund or delay the ACA. Things like a 21 hour "filibuster" that, among other extreme claims, tried to draw an analogy between appeasing Hitler and supporting the ACA.

This really isn't about the ACA. It's about a minority of Congressmen who regard the POTUS as illegitimate and want to nullify his election by a majority of Americans. In my book, that's extreme and those who support it deserve the label.

Make that his TWO elections. And with more to come by the Democrats. The election booth is a MIGHTY tool.
Watch out for the Grey-haired Brigade

YES...WE can do it. We Must stand together!

Can you feel the ground shaking??? It's not an earthquake, it is a STAMPEDE.

Where were you in Nov 2012?
62% of americans don't want the ACA, and any member of the congress that was elected by his constituents, and they sent him to speak for them, so are they suppose to sit down and be quiet when their voters are having a law stuffed down their throat! When you align the Tea Part as extremist it just shows me that you think people like me shouldn't have a voice in whats going on in this country
Now when the heat is on you, to put up or shut up about the ACA you change the sublect and say its not about the ACA its about an illegitimate president! Get a life, your ignorance goes right along with your arrogance of anyone that does not think exactly like you, and we should be able to put up a fight when we believe that we are being treated irresponsibly by our government! Once again you fail to see the equality in this discussion, you act like your sainted democrats sat on their hands and never put up the same kind of fight when they were in the minority.

Well, I believe in calling a spade a spade. It's not just "the opposite view." I think most Americans agree that the Tea Party faction in the House and Senate has resorted to extreme tactics in trying to defund or delay the ACA. Things like a 21 hour "filibuster" that, among other extreme claims, tried to draw an analogy between appeasing Hitler and supporting the ACA.

This really isn't about the ACA. It's about a minority of Congressmen who regard the POTUS as illegitimate and want to nullify his election by a majority of Americans. In my book, that's extreme and those who support it deserve the label.

Get a life, your ignorance goes right along with your arrogance of anyone that does not think exactly like you...

My, my. You were so proud of not calling anyone an extremist, but now you call me ignorant and arrogant (and assert I have no life!).

Let me repeat: If your faction wants to repeal the ACA there are procedures in Congress to accomplish that end. To ignore those procedures and instead hold the federal budget hostage is extreme--and many Americans would add shameful, irresponsible and childish.
Now Boys no need to be calling each other names, this government can go to hell as far as I care, Now there saying we may not be safe with the shut down. As long as they don't come after my guns I'm safe! What a bunch of no brains we have running this Country! And I mean all of them!

Joe Salt