Shut 'er down!!

Shut er down

Ahh Medicade
The other screw you type of insurance that the state has.
After 101days in the hospital Medicare , no longer pays. The next step is Medicade , another bad insurance deal ran by the State.
First you have to qualify by giving them all information as to your assets. Then they begin to clear you,. If you have any moneys set aside your required to use them First.. after that they begin paying , a portion of the bills , If you
Have blue cross and blue shield that will pay some of the expenses, after that you at the mercy of the state. They place liens on your property.
If by chance you still need coverage and you do finally get well enough to go home your deeply in debt. Maybe even Bankrupt.
So figure that one out if your retired and on affixed income, Taxes, insurance utility bills to heat your home all become a big problem, thanks to the way it's set up.
You best not get sick and have to stay in a hospital or skilled nursing facility for any length of time exceeding 4 to 6 months.