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  1. J


    I don't take any meds for it, I guess my other adrenal gland does the job. Not sure how it got so large without detection but it was discovered by chance while doing an ultra sound for something else. They then did a cat scan to confirm followed by PET scan followed by surgery.
  2. J


    I had an adrenal gland removed due to a benign growth about the size of a tennis ball. Within months my bloodpressure stabilized and is now excellent. The surgeon did tell me (jokingly I guess) that if you see danger coming at you - start running as I won't have the natural adrenaline rush any more.
  3. J

    My local club is sooo anti benchrest rifle shooting compeitions

    Doghunter, send me a pm to discuss so I can look into this. John Babic SSAA National Benchrest Chair
  4. J

    tuning n133 in a big temp drop

    Jackie, Once you have run the cases through like this, do they last as long as new cases do and would you do it a second time around or is it a one time deal? John
  5. J

    Would you go to an out of town match at this time??

    Not sure We just had our group Nationals cancelled here in Australia. I guess it depends on your personal health and can you keep a safe distance (what ever that is) from other shooters at the match. You are in the "most at risk" demographic. Good Luck.
  6. J

    322 in the 6PPC

    Jackie, A lot of guys in Aus are using Benchmark 2 which is 2015 BR under different branding (from what I understand), with a lot of success. It is an excellent powder and has a wider tune window then 133. You are 100% about neck tension, very light is the go.
  7. J

    6mm PPC

    I beg to differ. I've fireformed my cases using 22 cal bullets for years, and it works. Simply load the cases with powder you would normally use, seat a cheap 22 cal bullet and shoot it. You then expand the cases and neck turn as desired. You could take it a step further and pre-turn your cases...
  8. J

    777 crash reports, Pilots names

    Wow, you would think the news media would do a better job of fact checking, but then again, maybe not. I've seen some stuff ups on tv but this was a doozy.
  9. J

    777 crash reports, Pilots names

    Surely, there is no way this is for real Tom.
  10. J


    Unfortunately, what is happening in the US is not unique. The mass indoctrination of young people through union controlled public schools is a world wide issue. I grew up in a socialist country and I can tell you from personal experience that all the stuff the left is currently pushing for has...
  11. J

    Pocket scale

    Fergus, I just bought the RCBS rangemaster scale. It's a little bigger then a pocket scale but still quite compact. Runs on a 9 volt battery. Downfall is it switches off after a few minutes of inactivity, I would prefer to have it running continually. It's as consistent as my chargemaster and...
  12. J

    New Record LV 100yd

    Groups that small are rare but coincidentally, here in Australia, Tony Allinson shot a 0.053 at the NSW State Championships last weekend and I beleive the scorer was a bit of a "scruge". Check out the link Congratulations to both Bill and Tony.
  13. J

    Fore end of stock

    Hovis, All I can say... It ain't parralllel. Thanks for your input guys. I'll have to work out how best to fix this. Not sure if I need to follow the barrel OD as it's not in line with the bore anyway. I'm thinking of clamping the stock up side down in the mill, indicating the centre line and...
  14. J

    Fore end of stock

    A bit of advice needed. Should the fore end of a 3 inch stock be parrallel or have a slight taper. Reason I'm asking is I have a stock which is slightly narrower right at the end then 2 inches down. If I nip the stock up with the stock 2inches beyond the front bag, when I slide it back level...
  15. J

    a good blond joke

    We can all relate to this one Husband and Wife were visiting the zoo and stopped in front of the Gorilla cage. The Gorilla suddenly noticed them and started behaving in a strange way. The husband noticed that the Gorrillas attention was all on his wife. Just to check out his theory the husband...
  16. J

    Wa'cha get for Christmas ?

    My wife really went to town. New lathe, guerrot test indicators, deltronic pins, Henrickson reamer, PTG range rod and bushes, bald eagle reamer holder, a couple of Kreiger barrels and a D-Back drop port from Stiller. I've been a veeery good boy.;)
  17. J

    Neck turning motor

    Here's a link A good demonstration on video to the method Jerry describes.