777 crash reports, Pilots names


e publius unum
News flash from the Korean 777 crash last week, this was actually broadcast on Fox News San Fransisco/Oakland. I almost puked laughing.

The Korean pilots names were Sum Ting Wong! Wi Tu Lo! Ho Lee Fuk! Bang Ding Ow!

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Surely, there is no way this is for real Tom.

Actually it is, google it and notice that the KTVU "mistake" was reported from a large number of sources including Drudge, MSNBC & Huffington Post. Here is the televised retraction.

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You would have

Thought that with one read through of the names any sane person would have contacted someone else at NTSB to check it out. HO Li Crap!
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Actually it is, google it and notice that the KTVU "mistake" was reported from a large number of sources including Drudge, MSNBC & Huffington Post. Here is the televised retraction.

Wow, you would think the news media would do a better job of fact checking, but then again, maybe not. I've seen some stuff ups on tv but this was a doozy.
Mistakenly anouncing the pilots name wrong...

One of the comments under the FOX retraction.. "Sum Dum Ho" referring to the news anchor..
Nat Lambeth