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    Clear coating a stock

    Multiple coats of clear can put a LV gun over the top weight wise
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    Bolt shrouds

    I have several delrin shrouds that Gene made. We used them to replace the heavy SS shrouds that came on Farley actions. After many thousands of rounds there is absolutely zero wear on them.
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    Look whati just got!

    It’s been 15 years. I plan on competing this year, and I am shocked at the decline in GC group shoots this year.
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    Look whati just got!

    Jackie, are you making me bullets now ??? I am just about out of Fowlers today. Hope all is well my friend, Bill
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    As of today Canada is being led by a DICK TAY TORE....New firearms BAN

    First Nations are exempt, of course... How much longer until the west pulls away from Quebec ?
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    shilen stock

    I have a glass BR stock for a single shot DGA.
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    47 Years and Counting

    Congrats, Both you and Marilyn are special to me. It is 35 for Patty and I this year... Did you order the Pork Chop ???
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    Front Rest

    I shoot with a Hayes base and top. Rock solid. I can pin the rifle and squeeze the bag with zero movement.
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    What's For Dessert??

    I can remember eating banana pudding with Jackie a few years back at the Memorial Day shoot at Raton. Marilyn made chicken spaghetti and banana pudding for desert. I don’t think I have had a higher calorie meal since then.... I also recall that Robert Whitewood joined us, I was in awe at how...
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    OT-How bout them Astros?

    Not the killer B’s, but very exciting. I get all pumped up just watching Altuve.
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    What is the issue with the NBRSA out west these days ?
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    1910 Chilean Mauser rifle strength

    Butch, Who did your stock work ? Bill
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    Hey Dusty, put this on that Big 300 Merc

    And Jackie's Monarch EE lathe is in the same room. He turns case necks on this machine.......
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    Desert for News Years Party.....My Specialty

    I can clearly remember eating your Banana Pudding many times. The best was after Marilyn's chicken spaghetti. My cardiologist would have a fit if he knew about that meal..... Happy New Year !!!
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    133 Rolling Over

    My father and myself are having troubles with 683/03 133 rolling over and going bad. We each had a small bottle with about a 1/2 pound of the powder go bad in our loading boxes. Mine just about rusted/ruined everything near it while his turned into a solid block. He recently gave me an opened...
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    Gene Bukys wins the super shoot

    Simply outstanding....... Gene is THE MAN....
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    2013 Super Shoot Results Day 1

    Great shooting, congrats Gene ! Bill
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    Wind Flags

    Is Smiley Hensley still making and selling flags? Bill
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    Rail Gun Preferences

    Tim, I have exactly what you describe!!!
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    Rail Gun Preferences

    if you were ordering a new rail gun, what would you specify and why?