Search results

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    Diana 820?

    I have been trying to determine exactly what I have here. In "Rifles of the World" there are several pics of rifles which seem to have parts from this rifle: The stock, trigger, appear to be from a Krico running boar target rifle. The barreled action from pics of a Mayer & Grammelspacher. The...
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    The New Scope Tuner For Accuracy....

    Again, again, again, again. Ideas, theories, and observations/experiences from 2 to 4 years ago being touted as the newly discovered invention of another. (Sigh)
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    Remington 513T/Fecker scope

    Congrats on a great find! Whats the magnification of your scope, I've one that's similar at 16X. Take care, warren p.s. I've a 510p I'll take apart tonight an see whats possible with the trigger. I once had a 513T, but can't remember if they're the same or not.
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    Having trouble accurizing a 541-S... What am I missing here ?

    Sorry for the late reply. I just lived with it as I lack ready access to shop equipment to modify a barrel should I change headspace excessively. IIRC it was Brian Voelker who drew my attention to the lug issue while answering my query on converting a 582 to a single-shot light match rifle (a...
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    Ammo standard dev. vs barrel length...

    Another's question re: barrel length for long range accuracy triggered (forgive the pun) this thought: Has anyone ever ran a bore length SD test with ammo of known consistency (ie. clock the consistency in a long barrel, cut and recrown, clock again, cut and recrown, etc. etc. down to 16") ...
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    Having trouble accurizing a 541-S... What am I missing here ?

    Dan, I've owned the 540XR, 580, & 582, I don't currently own any, but still like the rifles a bunch. I've cleaned up and tested four CMP 540X prone rifles my club purchased for youth programs. A really cool discontinued action! Inconsistencies came from the aforementioned way the action sits in...
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    Kowa TSN 820M Spotting Scope

    FYI: Fluorite is a man made (grown/cultured) crystal material that has been out for quite a few years. Most early scopes had a one piece objective lens (Crown Glass) which alone gave a horrible amount of chromatic aberration. Early scopes used "stops" or internal rings which cut down on the...
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    Trapping rimfire rounds???

    I like suggestions on material to catch (without damaging) my .22lr rounds for examination. Years ago I used a type of wet mulch which worked extremely well, showing no deformation to the nose or rifling marks, sadly I no longer have access to it. Thanks, warren
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    Bore Solvent

    We're evidently like-minded, I tried some home grown ideas myself awhile back. A fella on RFC suggested a few household chemicals for dissolving lead that actually worked on a 41 smith's aluminum compensator, had to monitor it closely though to prevent its attacking the anodising. Somethings I...
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    40 X Remington 22

    Hmm, yes and no. The bolt handle relief cut and (I think) the safety cut are slightly different depending on whether you have a 40X or 40XB. Take care, warren
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    Bore Solvent

    Ed, I learned about it from the guy who taught me to shoot a handgun, and like anything applied to my firearms (which cost a lot of time an patience to acquire) I tested things slowly. The stuff has a very slow evaporation rate, will not attack any metals I've subjected it to, and I've let parts...
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    Bore Solvent

    Still recommending Yamaha Combustion Chamber Cleaner, best I've ever tried and been using it consistantly for over 15 years. Take care, warren
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    Sir, I would highly recommend checking on Take care, warren
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    Dunno if things changed in the latter years, but every 452 I've ever seen had the checkering done after finishing, meaning the checkering was bare unsealed wood. First thing I'd do with a new rifle was work in a drop or two of trueoil with a fine plastic bristle brush. Never owned one of the...
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    Choice between a SAKO or a Cooper

    Sounds like accuracy is comparable, wonder which has the better trigger? I've owned a Forester Varminter in .243, several Finnfires and a Cooper 36 MFW, I'd hate to have to choose between 'em.
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    Precision Shooting/ Ruger 1022 article

    While I have not read the article in question, a whole lot has been done with these "tabletop gunsmith" rifles, and I would encourage those interested to visit for various tips and tricks, as well as evaluation of different aftermarket parts for these guns. Take care, warren
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    Bernoulli Effect

    Al, appreciate your response, and hope you had a great holiday as well. I'm not a professional or amateur anything, just a guy who tinkers on guns and shoots a bit. That said, I have seen .22 rounds that fly in a helix to the bull, I've seen over- stabilized and under-stabilized rounds on the...
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    Metal spraying

    Could one of the nitride coatings be applied? Seems at least one is gold colored. warren
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    Bernoulli Effect

    alinwa, as I'm not in the habit of spreading misinformation, please enlighten us. Does the link I posted contain errors/mistakes? Not being confrontational, just a polite response. Take care sir, warren russell westphal jr.
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    Most Accurate American Made .22 RF ....????

    Thanks Douglas, and very good to see you posting Mr. Haller ;) Take care, warren