Remington 513T/Fecker scope


New member
A Few weeks ago I won this rifle and a Winchester 52B at an on-line auction. They arrived at my FFL last week and I got a chance to look them over. This one looks pretty good, except for the stock finish. The Fecker scope seems to be pretty clear and sharp.

The trigger is pretty bad compared to the Winchester, which came with a Canjar trigger. Is there any help for the stock 513T trigger?




About all you can due with the 513 trigger is polish it a bit, just isn't anything there to work with. Never saw or heard of any type of replacement either. I started out with a 513 and a 8 power Fecker scope some 40 years ago.
If you can handle approximately 1/4" extra length of pull, there is a trigger assist that fits on your trigger guard in front of the trigger w/ set screws which increases the leverage and you can get a lighter trigger return spring from Patriot which also helps greatly. I'm not saying that this is a top rate way to go but it definetly helps a lot. Google the stuff you'll find it. The trigger assist is about $30 to $40 and the spring about $9.
Pete-Canjar didn't make any triggers for the Remington 500 series (513, 521, 511, 512). They did make one for the Rem 788 cf which fit the Rem 540 rf series.
Calfed- the EZ pull trigger assist is available from Cheaper than Dirt and the Patriot spring from Barnes.
Pete-Canjar didn't make any triggers for the Remington 500 series (513, 521, 511, 512). They did make one for the Rem 788 cf which fit the Rem 540 rf series.
Calfed- the EZ pull trigger assist is available from Cheaper than Dirt and the Patriot spring from Barnes.

I have one of the Canjar 788 triggers that fits the 540 series. I was wondering if it would also fit the 513. Now I know and must make a note somewhere. can't believe someone hasn't made a few copies of the Canja rand Kenyon triggers, as well as they work.

I wish someone did because there is a lot of those rifles out there and they shoot real good for off-hand but the trigger is the bugaboo. Whoever made them would make a few bucks.
Pete-I imagine anything can be done with extensive machining and work, I was told once that a M64 Anschutz trigger was fitted somehow in a 513 but never saw it. Tubbs fitted Anschutz (M54) triggers to M70 Winchesters and I think he even sold the adaptors to do this (maybe still does), I've had ideas in the past about adapting a decent trigger for the Rem 500 series, but never really pursued it. If a person made a thick trigger guard for them and then mounted the EZ pull trigger assist on it to where the rooler on the trigger assist just touched the bottom of the original trigger shoe, then made a complicated wire loop to hold the trigger assist trigger straight up in front of the original trigger shoe w/ enough play to put the trigger off, change the trigger return spring and as stated polish all engagement surfaces on the original trigger (reharden if necessary); you might have something pretty decent.
Congrats on a great find! Whats the magnification of your scope, I've one that's similar at 16X.
Take care,
p.s. I've a 510p I'll take apart tonight an see whats possible with the trigger. I once had a 513T, but can't remember if they're the same or not.
They are the same, except the 513 has a flat spring w/ 2 screws on the top of the trigger shoe to adjust the trigger pull and travel but does not do very much.
I tried to help the OP out on this, but if anybody don't believe me or think I'm wrong-that's fine, sometimes it isn't worth trying to help out.
Congrats on a great find! Whats the magnification of your scope, I've one that's similar at 16X.
Take care,
p.s. I've a 510p I'll take apart tonight an see whats possible with the trigger. I once had a 513T, but can't remember if they're the same or not.

Warren, I've looked all over the Fecker scope and can find nothing that discloses it's power.
Calfed--Measure the objective (glass), then measure the little round clear circle in the eyepiece with your eye backed away considerably, then divide that into the clear objective and that will give you the power. Please let us know what you come up with.