Savage wins Hickory Groundhog shoot

Put up or shut up

There is only one way to end this bickering. I will put up the cost of this savage rifle 1000.00 . It is a LRPV .223 against any factory remington 700 regardless of its caliber as long as it is a factory chambering. If it is under 400 miles I will travel to your range if it is over I will meet you halve way. We will shoot four 5 shot group @ 500yd or 600yd. Not none of this 100yd sh-t. The best agg. wins the 1000.00. You said put up or shut up so I did. Jason Hunt 1-731 -607-5871 This is for you Varmit Guy.
Twist on 223 LRPV


What is the twist you had success with? The 7" or the 9" for the 223? You mentioned you had tried the 22-250 as well. I assume it was the 9" twist as well. What was your option of it and why not it over the 22-250? I have a 1"8" 22-250 AI PacNor 28" that I am just starting to work up loads for. It looks tremendously promising. 69 SMK at 3550 fps. 80 Amax at 3350. However, I wouldn't mind a fast twist plain 22-250.

Thanks, tiny

I have two lrpv's and both will shoot one hole groups at 100 yds
Hi VG,
I have not been on the site recently, I have been on the left coast doing some body guard work - OOPS!! that wasn't me, that was my alter ego.

I just re-read the post and nowhere is your name mentioned in the post, HMM!! - Does the description in the post fit you??

All jesting aside I am currently in the Northwest prepping for a match this week-end, while visiting a friend I had an opportunity to log on to their computer and took a look at the site. I will be home in a week or so and will be glad to respond to your posting in more detail although there is nothing that I have to "prove" to you. But, in the meantime it looks as though you are the one who must prove something - it seems as though you have had a direct challenge laid down to prove something in a head to head competition.

By the way - I believe the saying "all hat and no cattle" is more of a Texas saying than a Montana saying. I first recall it being used by the late governor of Texas, Ann Richards.

I will close for now with the same saying that I ended my previous post with -
"Arguing with an expert is like wrestling with a pig in the mud… after a while you realize the pig enjoys it"

I think you bet is safe. VarmintGuys keyboard won't reach 500-600 yards.

He hasn't answered anyone in a while here. Must have got called to gaurd Whitney Houston:eek::eek::D
I think you bet is safe. VarmintGuys keyboard won't reach 500-600 yards.

He hasn't answered anyone in a while here. Must have got called to gaurd Whitney Houston:eek::eek::D

I agree with Doug,VG's best groups are with his keyboard.Congratulations,Jason,fine shooting with a fine rifle.

Steve Kenney
Put up or shut up

There is only one way to end this bickering. I will put up the cost of this savage rifle 1000.00 . It is a LRPV .223 against any factory remington 700 regardless of its caliber as long as it is a factory chambering. If it is under 400 miles I will travel to your range if it is over I will meet you halve way. We will shoot four 5 shot group @ 500yd or 600yd. Not none of this 100yd sh-t. The best agg. wins the 1000.00. You said put up or shut up so I did. Jason Hunt 1-731 -607-5871 This is for you Varmit Guy.

Way to go Jason!
The old saying; 'money talks and bull---t walks' applies here.
There is only one way to end this bickering. I will put up the cost of this savage rifle 1000.00 . It is a LRPV .223 against any factory remington 700 regardless of its caliber as long as it is a factory chambering. If it is under 400 miles I will travel to your range if it is over I will meet you halve way. We will shoot four 5 shot group @ 500yd or 600yd. Not none of this 100yd sh-t. The best agg. wins the 1000.00. You said put up or shut up so I did. Jason Hunt 1-731 -607-5871 This is for you Varmit Guy.

Hold on......500 yards? I'll wager that doesn't say which rifle is best, which wind-reader is best.
What happened did varmit guy get a case of the lock jawl. That's what we call it here in tennesse.
...still waiting on somebody to explain how 500 yard shooting determines the more accurate rifle rather than a better wind reading...
That was the competition

Hickory was shot at 100, 300, and 500 yds. That was the competition. Sure at 500 yds the skills of the shooter come into play. But if the rifle doesn't shot then it doesn't matter the skill set of the shooter. In a way I agree with what your saying. I have shot plenty of 0.2s and 0.3s and the rare 0.1s at 100 yds under controlled wind (I choose when to go shoot). But in the past few years I have been reaching out to further and further distances and getting an education. The varmint hunt competition was what VG cried fowl play on was shot at those distances. If you what to compare the performance of a gun to another, might as well do it at the conditions where it will be used.

my 2 cents, tiny
If you what to compare the performance of a gun to another, might as well do it at the conditions where it will be used.

my 2 cents, tiny

So exactly how do you compare the gun rather than the shooter? You can't. You can only compare a particular combination.

A superior shooter that shoots .3 moa shooting a .5 moa gun will out shoot a .75 moa shooter with a .25 moa gun. PERIOD.

Therefore, you've not tested anything but who is a better shooter. As I've said over and over again, I've seen as many poor shooting Savages as Remingtons. You guys that get on here and baselessly bash Remington make yourselves look foolish. Savage is not some kind of hammer of Thor, divine shooting stick. Some shoot well, some don't. Same with Remington and Winchester. I've got two Remingtons that shoot .2s and .3s. Not all will do that. Neither will all Savages.

One particular friend shoots a few Cooper rifles. My Remingtons shoot better than his Coopers, so I guess according to the Savage Kool-aide logic its all gun, not the shooter, and all Coopers are inaccurate.

It comes down to shooter skill, load development skill, and rifle. Not a single aspect.
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Bash Remington?

I can't speak for others, but you have never heard me bash Remington. Otherwise I would be silly to own as many as I do. Based on my limited experience with 14-16 different Remingtons and a handful of Savages that I have witnessed shoot plus my own, I would put my money on a Savage to yield the smallest group straight out of the box. I have owned a couple of Remingtons that would shot true 0.4-0.5s out of the box. I have also had some that I couldn't get to shot 2.0" after being worked. Those all made their way to the gun show. A little trigger work and a little truing and bedding and things get pretty equal in a hurry.

While technique and shooting skills will limit your overall group only if the worse that the capabilities of the gun. The guys that shoot these big name varmint hunts like Hickory are not beginners for the most part. They have the skill set. Once there skills exceed that the accuracy limitations of a factory action/barrel, most move on to customs. But, you can say the same thing with a 100 grouping in a 10-20 crosswind. I have witnessed a couple of 100 yd matches where a 0.25 aggregate won it. They conditions were that bad. Probably most of the guns there could agg in the 0.1-0.2s with no wind. Much easier to shoot smaller groups in a tunnel, but how does that reflect real world shooting?


I guess you know how to read the wind. So if I was you I would save my money and just throw rocks from 500 yards,since the rifle don't matter
I guess you know how to read the wind. So if I was you I would save my money and just throw rocks from 500 yards,since the rifle don't matter

Nobody said the rifle didn't matter. Or are you too dense to understand what I said? If you need it explained more clearly, don't be ashamed to ask.
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Nobody said the rifle didn't matter. Or are you too dense to understand what I said? If you need it explained more clearly, don't be ashamed to ask.


With all do respect,you would be the last person I would seek out for wind reading,rifles and shooting!:D