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  1. V

    Need some advice on gun safe

    Not if its like mine and anchored to a wall with four 4" long lag bolts.
  2. V

    Trying to find primers........

    I can remember when Dad complained when primers went from $3.50 a carton to $4.00 He always wrote the purchase date on everything.
  3. V

    "C" word

    How many guns did Ted use at Chappaquiddick ?
  4. V

    Help when you need it the most.

    Right click on the word with the red line and left click on the correct one in the pop up list and it will insert the correctly spelled word.
  5. V

    Drone shot down, ground to air fire:

    Pigeon $hit control by Ford, worth the 23 seconds to watch.
  6. V

    Drone shot down, ground to air fire:

    oops ...I screwed up the link in the first one.
  7. V

    Change happens

    I have lost all confidence in the intelligence of the US citizenry,the results are in on America's IQ test, we have failed miserably.
  8. V


    Two shots is all it should take from a rest. Fire first shot, then while holding the rifle securely at the aiming point on the target adjust the cross hairs to where the bullet hit on the target, second shot should hit where you aim.
  9. V

    grizzly 4003G VS PM 1236??

    "Almost all modern lathes, Grizzlys included, have a sacraficial synthetic gear somewhere on the outboard drive set to prevent excessive crash damage. Get an extra sacraficial gear if you think you will be prone to crash damage...............Ive had a spare for 20 years, never...
  10. V

    grizzly 4003G VS PM 1236??

    False, it's a gear head. Most all lathes use belts for the main drive from the motor to the headstock,Gear head is in refference to the how speeds are changed without having to move belts to different sized pulleys to get the desired speed. No way to run the belts so loose to prevent damage in...
  11. V

    Indoor Practice

    Here's one more,lighter background
  12. V

    Indoor Practice

    Trying to attach a pic, but I keep timing more try.
  13. V

    Indoor Practice

    Thanks for the reply, I'm shooting my old Anshutz that I had received for my 12th birthday It has been mothballed since late '75,Last fall I got the bug to start shooting smallbore again. Been playing with in on and off last winter and decided to re-finish the stock and pillar bed while I was...
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    Indoor Practice

    Does anyone practice indoors during the off season,And if so what distance and what size groups are you shooting. Just curious for a comparison for my old position rifle I shoot in the shop at 50 feet.
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    Model 37 Remington

    Early models are removed by just pulling on back on the trigger,later ones by pulling back on the trigger and at the same time depressing the bolt stop through a hole in the ejector with a small punch.
  16. V

    Interesting Bedding Technique

    +1 on using o-rings.
  17. V

    How old is my Remington Rangemaster 40X ?

    Greg, when dad ordered his he was told the custom shop only built 7-10 a week so about 350-500 a year for a total of approx.20,000 in the last 45 years. First digits in a serial number don't always mean total production numbers. So mine being a '70 vintage at 39,000 would back up the 37,000...
  18. V

    How old is my Remington Rangemaster 40X ?

    The 40X doesn't use a letter prefix for a date code, at least mine doesn't. Mine was ordered in June '70 and received February '71. #39400B