Indoor Practice


New member
Does anyone practice indoors during the off season,And if so what distance and what size groups are you shooting.

Just curious for a comparison for my old position rifle I shoot in the shop at 50 feet.
I have a 540 that shoots well my best 5 shot group is .040..........a cooper sporter .088 and a 40 X custom barrel .075.
The 540 was a stock trigger 2.5 stock .Cooper was a 2.5 stock custom barrel 40 X 3inch stock custom barrel 10.5# gun
When shootin score 40 X would come out ahead. These were shot inside at 25 yards.
Thanks for the reply, I'm shooting my old Anshutz that I had received for my 12th birthday
It has been mothballed since late '75,Last fall I got the bug to start shooting smallbore again.

Been playing with in on and off last winter and decided to re-finish the stock and pillar bed while
I was at it.
Well worth the effort as 10 shot groups(5 each) at 50 feet shrank from .079 avg. down to .055 almost
a 50% improvement, sure wish we would had known of pillar bedding back then.

The rifle is 1968 Super Match 54 in a thumbhole stock that my dad carved from a Fajen blank, trigger is
factory 5039 set at 1/4oz. topped with a Redfield 3200 that started out as a 20x but dad had it boosted
to I think 24 but I can't remember for sure.

I'd guess it is shooting about as well as can be expected of it as has had 45-50,000 rounds thru it and I'm
using '75 vintage Eley Tenex red box.
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Stay with it. You have a great rifle to get into rimfire benchrest. Don't change anything on it that you cannot change back. It is a lot of fun to hit a dot on a target at 50 yards.

Vickie: There are several rimfire benchrest disciplines that actually have an indoor season. Look at the home pages for PSL, IR50, ARA and RBA for schedules and locations. The home pages are all easily accessed from the links on home page of this forum. Find one near you and come join us if you can. You will enjoy the competition and fellowship and get lots and lots of helpful advice and friendly ribbing. Come a day early and practice and test all you want. Often the day before is more fun than the actual match. Just as an example, in February the PSL held an indoor match at Rocky River Barn with over 100 shooters attending. Check out the scores from that one here Hope to see you with that Redfield on your 54 soon. bob
Trying to attach a pic, but I keep timing more try.


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Any practice, indoor or out, is good pratice. Now say that three times. It's strange, but the harder you work, the luckier you get. Keep at it.