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  1. M

    Ruger number one

    The answer to your original question... is that there is no external indication as to whether the trigger is fully adjustable or not. If you remove the buttstock, it will immediately be seen whether or not there is a sear engagement screw on the trigger mechanism (if so, it's the early...
  2. M

    AK47, can it really be this acurate?

    AK47s In the original caliber, brand new (of whoever's make) and with good military ammo are capable of about 6" at 100 meters - no better in my experience. SKS average is ca. 4" or a bit more. Under 3" with any AK variant at 200 yards/meters is definitely into 'show me' territory - I...
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    A retiree's thought

    I 'retired'... from the Army (after 24 years and a bit) in 1993. Since that time, I've been busy doing things I've enjoyed (not to say I didn't enjoy my Army career: I did, but outlived it) - making barrels, building rifles, managing a retail gunstore, shooting sometimes, and, of course, the...
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    Suppressors for hunting... are specifically outlawed by many, if not all, states. Your friend would be well-advised to look into the legallity of his proposed use for the suppressor before proceeding. mhb - Mike
  5. M

    "T" Style rifling in .22rf barrels

    Gain pitch rifling... is, indeed, nothing new. However, it seems worthwhile to mention a few facts regarding such rifling: 1. Gain pitch barrels cannot be lapped to improve surface finish, so extra care is required in their manufacture - a bore-riding lap can be used on the lands, but the...
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    Lothar Walthar BBLs

    For Alinwa, Ref. W. Woodall As you may or may not remember, I was, perhaps, the primary 'Mr. Interlocutor' to Woody's 'Mr. Bones' (reference to the old-time minstrel shows, for the younger folks here - Mr. I. being the 'straight man', and Mr. B. providing the snappy, comic patter) in his...
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    Lothar Walthar BBLs

    Precisely, Butch. BR shooters use what works best - they'll try anything that seems likely to show an advantage, but won't continue to use anything that doesn't perform. LW's proprietary LW50 steel is, indeed, 17-4 PH to all practical intents and purposes. My buddy, Bernie, the metallurgical...
  8. M

    Lothar Walthar BBLs

    LW barrels... are, so far as BR goes, unexplored territory. LW would have you believe they make barrels able to compete in any discipline - their claims are, as yet, unproven in BR competition, where only demonstrated performance sells barrels. So far as their barrel material goes - there is...
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    Coffee/caffeine My feeling is that it depends very much on the individual. When I first began to shoot pistol competition seriously (a very long time ago), I gave up caffeine (for a while, and VERY reluctantly) to see if that would help steady my hold. When my scores were consistently up in...
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    stamping letters straight.....

    Brownell's... has a device for holding the punches together for just this purpose. mhb - Mike
  11. M

    Barrel Bore Dia Question

    The bore and groove diameters you mention... are perfectly suitable for a .22 centerfire caliber - .217" is a standard bore for such barrels, and .224 is, of course, the nominal standard groove diameter. 14" pitch is suitable for lighter bullets, but is not well-suited for any of the heavier...
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    Low frequency reamer chatter

    Hmmm... Well, I ream at low RPM, so don't know what constitutes or causes high frequency chatter (the resultant harmonic of necessity being a product of number of flutes/RPM) - I've never encountered a chatter situation that wouldn't submit to the dodge. Good luck! mhb - Mike
  13. M

    Low frequency reamer chatter

    Reamer chatter: You did not say whose reamer this is, but the first thing to do is send it back to the maker. Failing that, there is an old gunsmith's dodge which really works (I've used it to tame reamers that chattered like a deranged ape): wrap the reamer from the butt to the shoulder in...
  14. M

    11.25 twist with 24-inch barrel

    180 grainers in 11.25" pitch Ought to shoot just fine, other factors being equal. You didn't say what caliber, specifically, but I've shot a large number of 180s in NM M14 rifles with 12" pitch and 22" barrel, and they shoot great to 1000. mhb - Mike