A retiree's thought


Dennis Sorensen

My wife said, "Whatcha doin today?"

I said, "Nothing."

She said, "You did that yesterday."

I said, "I wasn't finished."


my wife asked me what I planned to do when I retired and my reply was "absolutely nothing", absolute referring to zero which is as low as you can get. I have been working for two years on re-defining the word "worthless". I have not succeded as yet but am having a lot of fun working on it....
Dennis, since I've retired I've considered my full time occupation being to aggravate my wife and entertain the dog. I think that I've been pretty successful at both, but my wife is too easy going and the dog too demanding. Oh well, when it warms up again, if it ever does, I'll go to the range and things will be better.... :D
Guys tell me, "Since.......

I've been retired, I've been busier than H@&^)(*LL." Then I say to 'em, "Y'know, just think about it for a moment, How did you EVER find the time to work?" Then they look at me for a second & say, "Y'know, you've GOT A POINT!!!!":D:D
I quit working

on August 28, 2008. I have gotten a pretty good routine worked out so that I don't have to go outside very often and never when it is inclement. I find I can futz with my gun stuff all day long, going from one thing to the other, wherever my interest leads me. It is now 6:48 PM and I am just getting to my 4:30 Scotch! I think it is a successful transition. ;)
I have been retired about 10 years now. Sometimes people are so rude as to ask me what I do. I reply.....Nothing and I don't start that 'till noon.
I love this thread - I wish I could contribute!

Nothing starts at noon.
I didn't finish nothing yesterday.
Scotch in the afternoon.

I love it!
I retired just over 3 years ago. I had planed on doing nothing but travel and fish and hunt that was great for the first 6 month now I wish I hadn't signed a no competition agreement. I have 2 more years to go. I plan on building a very nice smith shop just to do a little work and B.S. with friends. Until then I volunteer as a gunsmith apprenticeship coordinator for TAOGART, it keeps me off the street.
I have always thought

people who had trouble being retired don't have enough hobbies. There is so much fun stuff I could do or would do if my bad back would let me do them, I wouldn't have any time to do anything necessary.

By the time most of us are able to retire our youth is well behind us and we are very short on time and ability to enjoy all of those things we have always wanted to do. I have noticed that my stamana has diminished noticably over the past couple of years and I know it will continue to decline. I realize I don't have more than 10 good years to play and enjoy it, If I am fortunate enough to survive that long. That is why I am gonna do as many of them as I can now.

I use to think the right plan would be to retire @ 40 and go back to work @ 65; Let them get what they can out of us after 65. At 40 I would have enjoyed most of the things I like to do a whole lot more. I would be looking at going back to work next October insteasd of being in a position of realizing my best days are gone. :(
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Would those of you RETIRED with so much time on your hands, please go and ROUNDUP ALL the Finnancial Scoundrels out there so that the rest of us may see Retiremnt someday. TIA 15yrs to go:eek::eek: Maybe;)
not retired yet

have about 20 years left before i retire.watched my grandparents skimp and save before retirement. planned to travel afterwards. unexpected health problems took care of that.so i decided to have fun now buy guns shoot hunt fish. only problem now is i want to shoot benchrest but work 50 to 70 hrs a week.do things now in life for later on in years unknown reasons may not let you. pete is right retire at 40 have fun let them get what they can out of you later on
I 'retired'...

from the Army (after 24 years and a bit) in 1993. Since that time, I've been busy doing things I've enjoyed (not to say I didn't enjoy my Army career: I did, but outlived it) - making barrels, building rifles, managing a retail gunstore, shooting sometimes, and, of course, the never-ending chores which come with home ownership and marriage. My boys are now independent (one in the Army, in Kuwait, and one working his own way through college). Retirement is very good, if it gives you the chance to do interesting things - nothing is the hardest of all things to do, day after day, and I hope I never come to that.
Color me lucky and grateful for it.
Merry Christmas to you all, and the wish for a better, happy New Year!
mhb - Mike
I retired at 47 I had a hard time staying away from work for about 6 months , then I found out I could do anything I want with in my allowance. I kept the wife working ( teacher ) got married early, so the kids where all gone. so I incressed my shooting ,hunting, fishing, after 60+ I took up machining and haveing a blast. made my own guns, we have gone to Africa, Canada, Alaska. Argentin, Uragway, not bragging but found out if you use your money wisely, you can do most things you want! I don't have enough hours a day to get all the things done. Don't know what day it is most of the time, don't care.

Gerald C
I have been retired for 12 years now and am finally getting caught up on things . Moved from Va to Tx last year - so the wife of 55 yrs can be close to the daughter. I shoot when its warm enough and work in my shop when it's not. I too never pay attention to what day of the week it is - unless it's during match season:D Life is GOOD.
It's just a matter of time !!!

I could fish every day. If they arn't biting today, I can fish tomorrow. Sooner or later I'm going to have been there yesterday when they were really biting! Yesterday I got up at daybreak with absolutely nothing to do all day. By night fall I was only half done!!

Steve Moore

Hi my name is Ray and I am new to this forum and fairly new to just shooting in general. I am retiring December 31,2008. I too am looking forward to a lot of hunting, shooting and fishing. Anyone with our interests can't possibly get bored!!


I spent a few years

Would those of you RETIRED with so much time on your hands, please go and ROUNDUP ALL the Finnancial Scoundrels out there so that the rest of us may see Retiremnt someday. TIA 15yrs to go:eek::eek: Maybe;)

Working as a Securities Rep selling Mutual funds and those kind of things. The regulatory invironment with that system got tighter and tighter as time went on.

It's all the "Free Lancers" who have taken everything down. I knew there were "private Placement" folks operating and have heard of some who I thought were running a Ponzi Scheme but never heard of any going upside down until now. Obviously those who can pay the people who represent us in congress enough to allow them to run with out regulation are those who have taken us down the tubes. I suppose they knew there wasn't realy Money for Nothing but the temptation to make what they could was just too great. I heard a rep from one of the big banks say that each "Deal" paid .5m and it became all about the "Deal". They knew it was bogus but the cash was too intoxicating.

It is looking like none of them are going to pay, either with the money they took or serve any confinement time for doing the "Deal'. Most places in America arrest prostitutes but not in Big Business it appears.

Hi my name is Ray and I am new to this forum and fairly new to just shooting in general. I am retiring December 31,2008. I too am looking forward to a lot of hunting, shooting and fishing. Anyone with our interests can't possibly get bored!!



Ray, you have something nice to look forward to. I retired May '02 and have been very happy. There is a period of adjustment, but if you are like most of us you will adjust to your new lifestyle quickly and wonder how you ever had time to work.

A word of caution about benchrest; it can become such an obsession you will lose interest in hunting, fishing and other firearms. It can be one of the most interesting studies you have ever undertaken. Try to get acquainted with other benchrest shooters in your area and monitor this forum often. Try to attend the Super Shoot, IBS and NBRSA Nationals and any other matches you can. There are several ways you can go in benchrest; group, score, rimfire, centerfire, long range etc.

Best of luck; I hope you enjoy retirement immensely. :D

Welcome to the world of extreme rifle accuracy.

Gene Beggs
Don't know about the snow, rain, fog, hail, ice, etc . I've been retired almost 3 years now and my favorite sport (next to Benchrest) is getting up in the morning, cup of coffee in hand and watching the morninig TV traffic report of the congestion driving to downtown Miami. Especially in the winter when all the snowbirds are here.
Gene beggs is right on about the addiction to BR, but thanks to him and people like him who are always bringing something new to the table it will never get boring.