A retiree's thought

Newby to this site.
First post, in fact.

I retired last Jan 3rd.
Been catching up on a lot of fun ever since.
I never had much vacation when I was working...being a business owner.
But I am catching up, now.
My wife is still working. Ain't she a sweety!
My retirement funds are shot at this time...but ...shoot, I am addicted to retirement, now.:D

this is bu11sh!t im gonna start sellin drugs

I've read every bit of this thread. Now I'm going to bed,You guys wore me out. I'll try to to get back started about noon or so tomorrow. I love this retired life.

for six years. BEST JOB I EVER HAD!!!! Motto---Don't want to, don't have to, can't make me. I'm retired!
But, in keeping with the season, bride and I are running the annual Bed and Breakfast for our children.
At least they will eventually go back home, and continue to work, get paid, and pay that FICA stuff. Ain't life grand!?

Who did you kill??????

hahahaha no one.....yet....just kidding

but im guessing im one of the youngest if not THE youngest guy on this board. im 22 :) , but i guess ive been into shooting and guns for 17 years. my parents got me a classic daisy red rider when i was 5 next year i had a .22 and its been all down hill from there. oddly enough i did indeed shoot my eye out, but it wasnt with a gun and not till i was 16

and everyone thinks this is an older mans sport. HA i laugh at them!!

now lets see if anyone still takes me seriously
when someone asks what did i do

for excitement today, i say got the mail and the paper.
my retired friend told me you'll lose track of days but
remember sunday's the day the big paper comes to help
you keep track. the people who kill me are the ones who
say i don't know what i'd do with myself if i wasn't working.
i tell 'em anything you want to. you'll never find out until
you do. one guy i worked with finally retired after 54 years.
72 years old.
You must work at OTC Tpende:eek:

yes indeed sir, i do work at the OTC plant of SPX corp. started 3 days after i turned 18. and if i had to guess id say i'll end up working here the rest of my life. great place to work...well as good as any...next to google.

the funny part is the next youngest guy in my dept. is 40 and after him the next youngest is 47. i read in a safety magazine once that the average age of a maint. tech. is 55!
A friend told me. . .

Retirement felt like vacation for the first two weeks, then it got habit forming.

For me, there's only 1-3 yrs left.

However, I can't retire until my wife retires. Even though I told her I'd treat her well: I'd get up, cook her breakfast, pack her lunch, & wave goodbye!

Regards, Ron
Stupid question

I have been retired 61/2 years now and still get asked ( how do you like retirement?) My answer: that is the stupidest question I ever heard. What is there not to like? After living out of a suitcase and putting 20 to 30 thousand miles a year on my car for 38 years it"s over. thank GOD.

PS retired construction Boilermaker
I retired the first time at age 48 after 26 years in the military and retired the second time two years ago at age 62. Today, I read, play golf or shoot, as often as I like, or run errands for my wife and kids. I have lunch with them whenever their schedules permit and have their cars serviced for them while their working (I leave them my car). I enjoy doing things for my family and now I have more time to do it. After working for my country and other employers, I've decided that from here on out, doing things for and with my wife and kids is going to take priority. After a 40 year career, which included many accomplishments that I'm proud of, I get more satisfaction today when I'm able to do something for them that makes their life a little easier. It's a joy not a chore and ... I'm having fun.
Retirees thoughts

My last day of work in '95, I went to a local pub, asked the owner Mr. Tom Hanson for a hammer. He asked why, and brought one out. I went out to the curb, took off my timex, laid it out and smashed it. One spring went one way, the other went another. Now...when I'm hungry I eat...tired, I sleep.
When warm weather arrives, I fish the walleye, shoot some, and tend to my vegetable garden. Don't know if it gets any better than that.
My last day of work in '95, I went to a local pub, asked the owner Mr. Tom Hanson for a hammer. He asked why, and brought one out. I went out to the curb, took off my timex, laid it out and smashed it. One spring went one way, the other went another. Now...when I'm hungry I eat...tired, I sleep.
When warm weather arrives, I fish the walleye, shoot some, and tend to my vegetable garden. Don't know if it gets any better than that.

I am quite surprised that you remember all of that JOE being your age and all, (snigger)(snigger):D:D
My last day of work in '95, I went to a local pub, asked the owner Mr. Tom Hanson for a hammer. He asked why, and brought one out. I went out to the curb, took off my timex, laid it out and smashed it. One spring went one way, the other went another.
How do you know when your birthday's coming up?
I just passed

my third month of retirement and I have descended deeply into the not paying attention to the time , etc. I am a night owl so I often watch tv until 3 or later now; sleep till 9:30 or so, get up , eat something @ noon and may never leave the house all day; puttering with gun stuff and watching tv; computer research , emails, chat rooms in the evening and then more tv until 2:30 or so; great life so far.

I think there is a danger in being as comfortable as I am with the way I am going at it but I am liking it so far. Wonder if I will be able to get up early to go to matches next year? Will probably need a wake-up call from someone.
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on August 28, 2008. I have gotten a pretty good routine worked out so that I don't have to go outside very often and never when it is inclement. I find I can futz with my gun stuff all day long, going from one thing to the other, wherever my interest leads me. It is now 6:48 PM and I am just getting to my 4:30 Scotch! I think it is a successful transition. ;)

Thats not good Pete you start the next day 2 hours and 15 min behind schedule.
One thing to remember about having nothing to do--

How do you know when you are finished?? Im having trouble with this one!!