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  1. D

    Isabella County Sportsmans Club-Score Match 5/03/2014

    Look forward to being there... Let's hope the weather is fine. Dick
  2. D

    Target Shooter magazine...

    I've talked to Ms. Brown... and she's a delightful lady. Her magazine is light years better than the last one. Old age and health problems have made it difficult for me to shoot much the last couple of years. I plan on at least visiting the Nationals when they come to Holton. Shooting will...
  3. D

    Target Shooter magazine...

    is now FREE. Find it at It's a free read and download. There is an article in the new January issue written by my favorite gun writer about the most accurate bench gun I have ever owned and shot. Target Shooter is the best replacement I have found for the much maligned...
  4. D

    Just currious Thoughts on a new class "Nostalgia Benchrest"

    We've shot a factory class... at our local matches for twenty some years. At any given match about 1/3 of our shooters use factory guns. Over the years many of our shooters started with a factory rifle. Many have long since bought good bench guns and done very well. Some of the guys are...
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    US World Team

    Lee, Good luck. I know you practiced hard for this. Dick Wright
  6. D

    Precision Shooting, The Accurate rifle and tactical shooter

    As another old guy... with enough health problems to limit the shooting and hunting that I once did, I can relate to several of the posts above. Since I can still sit at my computer and whale away at the keyboard I was disappointed when PS closed it's doors last fall. I had a job writing for...
  7. D

    200 Yard Score Match - Isabella County Sportsmans Club (MI)

    No typo... I was talking about Michigan's real university when it comes to football. When does State play this weekend? I can't find a game for either U of M or State. ??????? I think Michigan has a bye week. Glorya is an MSU athletic supporter and I need to make sure she can find the game...
  8. D

    After Precision Shooting...

    xs hedspace... I still have the Porsche. It's been over ten years now. I finished making the modifications I wanted a couple of years ago and I will keep it till I can't bend enough to get in it and, then, try and find a good new home for it. Old age really sucks. There are no hard copies of...
  9. D

    200 Yard Score Match - Isabella County Sportsmans Club (MI)

    The weather... for Steve's match should be great. Current forecast is for sunny skies and 75 degrees. It will be a tad chilly early so bring something warm. I'm looking forward to just being there and seeing the guys one more time before winter. And the burgers at the Judge's Bench (local bar)...
  10. D

    After Precision Shooting...

    Thanks to those... who said nice things about my writing. Jim Carmichel, whose work I admire, once said that he always wondered if anyone beside his mother ever read his stuff. I've been there, done that. I'm just delighted to find a magazine that covers the aspects of shooting that I'm...
  11. D

    200 Yard Score Match - Isabella County Sportsmans Club (MI)

    I hear the new concrete... benches are ready to go at the Isabella County club. This is the last match of the season in this area and one we probably don't want to miss. It's a long way till May. Let's hope for good weather. It seems that Steve is using the same format that we do in...
  12. D

    Nbrsa nationals HV

    Lee, You done good! Dick
  13. D

    After Precision Shooting...

    I've talked to Audrey... a number of times... nice lady and her magazine is a huge improvement over the previous one. They only want articles that relate to the NBRSA and benchrest shooting. I spent 20+ years writing those articles. Anyone who has ever walked in a Walmart shouldn't lecture...
  14. D

    After Precision Shooting...

    I was as dismayed as anybody when PS went belly-up. I miss the magazine and, every now and then, they would send me a check. Besides, I enjoyed the writing I did for them for over twenty years. Since then I have looked for a replacement and, as all of you know, there hasn't been one... Until...
  15. D

    Harrison Score Match Results - Who Would Have Thought...

    Matt, Thanks for posting the pictures. It took me a minute to figure out who the old guy was sitting behind the desk. If you get an itch to pull your trigger you might want to consider shooting a match at WWCCA. They have some good guys down there and, in the past, have shot right thru the...
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    Jeff Aberegg

    Jeff, I lost your phone number. Please send it to me or give me a call. Two items... Thanks, Dick Wright
  17. D

    Ibs nationals hv results

    Now I gotta... go to the Super Shoot next year if for no other reason than to see our pal, Bart, get inducted into the Benchrest Hall of Fame. You done good, Bud. We are both proud of you. Dick & Glorya.
  18. D

    100 Yard Score Match Saturday - Harrison Sportsmans Club

    Hey, Al... I will be there for paperwork, Matt can help with scoring and Jimmy for range officer duties. There's no reason you can't shoot if you so desire. Maybe we get to meet Ms. Andrea... To my understanding, she participated in the last Olympic tryouts and darn near made the team. She was...
  19. D

    100 Yard Group Match - Harrison Sportsmans Club 7-20-2013

    I'll be there... to register shooters and score. Matt has a family thing he can't get out of. Dick
  20. D

    Group Match Results - Harrison Sportsmans Club

    Good match... on a nice day. The weather was great. Don't be surprised that young Mr. Dardas won the Varmint class. He's fairly new to benchrest but has been one of the best and most experienced shooters I've known for fifty years. How many people do you know that have shot free pistol/ Don't...