After Precision Shooting...


New member
I was as dismayed as anybody when PS went belly-up. I miss the magazine and, every now and then, they would send me a check. Besides, I enjoyed the writing I did for them for over twenty years. Since then I have looked for a replacement and, as all of you know, there hasn't been one... Until now.

Google "Target Shooter magazine". It is published online in England by a nice fellow I met down at Kelbley's a few years ago at the World Championship Benchrest match. You can't get a hard copy but I bought the Sept. 2013 issue from them for a mere $2.65 USD. I paid for the download with Pay Pal which is easy and safe.

I was delighted when I read the issue. The articles were about F-Class, long range and benchrest and were written by target shooters who obviously knew what they were talking about. The ads were for equipment we all use. Pictures and prose were of high quality.

The magazine is published by Vince Bottomley who actually shoots in competition. He's also easy to get along with.. in marked contrast to some folks at PS.

Vince was glad to get an article from me. He will publish it soon and we have plans for the next one. He says he has been needy for coverage from the U.S. where many of his reader/subscribers come from.

If you try this magazine there will be fewer complaints re: the end of P.S.

Dick Wright
former Precision Shooting writer
I was as dismayed as anybody when PS went belly-up. I miss the magazine and, every now and then, they would send me a check. Besides, I enjoyed the writing I did for them for over twenty years. Since then I have looked for a replacement and, as all of you know, there hasn't been one... Until now.

Google "Target Shooter magazine". It is published online in England by a nice fellow I met down at Kelbley's a few years ago at the World Championship Benchrest match. You can't get a hard copy but I bought the Sept. 2013 issue from them for a mere $2.65 USD. I paid for the download with Pay Pal which is easy and safe.

I was delighted when I read the issue. The articles were about F-Class, long range and benchrest and were written by target shooters who obviously knew what they were talking about. The ads were for equipment we all use. Pictures and prose were of high quality.

The magazine is published by Vince Bottomley who actually shoots in competition. He's also easy to get along with.. in marked contrast to some folks at PS.

Vince was glad to get an article from me. He will publish it soon and we have plans for the next one. He says he has been needy for coverage from the U.S. where many of his reader/subscribers come from.

If you try this magazine there will be fewer complaints re: the end of P.S.

Dick Wright
former Precision Shooting writer

Why not write for The Voice of the National Benchrest Shooters Association's PRECISION RIFLEMAN?

It's slowly but surely morphing into very professionaly put together magazine from its former format as a simple newsletter. If you haven't seen one, get a copy [Call Audry Brown at 307-655-7415].

Plus, it's Made in America! :)
I've talked to Audrey...

a number of times... nice lady and her magazine is a huge improvement over the previous one. They only want articles that relate to the NBRSA and benchrest shooting. I spent 20+ years writing those articles.

Anyone who has ever walked in a Walmart shouldn't lecture about foriegn products.

Dick Wright
I paid for the download with Pay Pal which is easy and safe.

One of your co-writers -- Lynn Standish -- would quibble with that. Well, maybe not quibble... I know of several other horror stories with Pay-Pal; it's not for me. Is there another way to purchase this on-line magazine?
Enjoyed your writing, Dick

I've always enjoyed your articles, Dick, and I will give Target Shooter a try. I believe I ran across it, or something like it, a year or so ago. It was quite polished and interesting. My problem is too many guns and loads to fool with and too many piles of reading material around my chair that I haven't got to. Add in this laptop on my knees, the Red Sox on the tube, a full-time job and a two-hour commute, and I don't get to as much reading as I'd like. Also, I've got a huge amount of material for an article on Henry Christman that I need to whip into shape and peddle to someone. At least I doubt I'll be bored between now and meeting my maker, assuming that's the place old shooters go.
Speaking of the Red Sox & to help an Aussie's inquiring mind, what is the white stuff baseball players spit all over the dugout floor?

Thanks, John
One of your co-writers -- Lynn Standish -- would quibble with that. Well, maybe not quibble... I know of several other horror stories with Pay-Pal; it's not for me. Is there another way to purchase this on-line magazine?

I have been reading the Target Shooter UK E mag for a while now as well as the Precision Rifleman E mag. I just bought the September edition of Target Shooter UK today. You get a choice of using pay pal or using a credit card.
John, what you see are probably the husks from sunflower seeds. Thank goodness that many players have substituted these for chewing tobacco. James
Thanks, James, I thought that's what it looked like.

I was chuckling yesterday watching a replay where one player in the dugout was taking a sip of water with his pinky extended & lips neatly pursed while all around him the air looked like confetti being thrown.

a number of times... nice lady and her magazine is a huge improvement over the previous one. They only want articles that relate to the NBRSA and benchrest shooting. I spent 20+ years writing those articles.

Anyone who has ever walked in a Walmart shouldn't lecture about foriegn products.

Dick Wright

Dick, As a big fan of yours, we (Chery and I) welcome any opportunity to read your ramblings, we've always appreciated your diversity and your well thought out articles.
Thanks! Charlie and Cheryl
While the NBRSA magazine maybe an improvement over the previous magazine as far as I know it's only available to NBRSA members and not all Benchrest shooters are NBRSA members.

Precision Shooting magazine was available to anybody who wished to subscribe and so is Target Shooter, and neither of these publications contained only NBRSA information........Ian
Oh. And the very fabricate the binds us together.
I meant the first rule of Benchrest. You can shoot your mouth off, but try to back it up. A little anyway. :)
PS magazine

I enjoyed reading Dick's articles about bench-rest shooting and learned a lot from him.
However,the last couple years of Precision Shooting Magazine,there was little good content for $38/year. It seemed that there was only about one good article per issue.
I suspect the internet and forums like Benchrest Central had a lot to do with the degredation of PS magazine.
I also think that the loss of Bill Calfee's articles was a contributing factor,as was the policy to remain
politically neutral.
When I deemed it necessary to greatly increase my contributions to the NRA,CCRKBA,2nd Amendment Foundation,GunOwners of Amerricaetc.,I finally dropped PS in 2011.
Thanks to those...

who said nice things about my writing. Jim Carmichel, whose work I admire, once said that he always wondered if anyone beside his mother ever read his stuff. I've been there, done that.

I'm just delighted to find a magazine that covers the aspects of shooting that I'm interested in. And even more delighted that Vince knew of me and my work. Old age and health problems have kept me from shooting much lately. However, I still seem have most of my marbles and can still sit at the computer and whale away at the keyboard. I have now completed two articles for Target Shooter with more to come. Even Mrs. Wright is happy since writing keeps me out of bars and mischief.

Vince assures me that my first article will be in the upcoming October issue. I don't know that date yet but it should be soonish.

Dick Wright
Dick, I feel your pain. Had to get my next door neighbor to help drag a 6 pt'r out 200 yds in back of my house last year. Can't get a hard copy?? Laptop reading in the john? Bummer. At least I have 10 yrs of PS back issues to refer to for tech info. Still got the Porche?
xs hedspace...

I still have the Porsche. It's been over ten years now. I finished making the modifications I wanted a couple of years ago and I will keep it till I can't bend enough to get in it and, then, try and find a good new home for it. Old age really sucks.

There are no hard copies of Target Shooter available and I doubt if there will ever be. It's getting harder and harder for a paper magazine to survive. Being old, grouchy and set in my ways I prefer to read a traditional magazine. I guess us old guys are just going to have to learn to live with it.

I find Vince Bottomly a joy to work with. As a lot of folks here know Brennan could be a tad difficult.

Yes, he rejected my offer of a build article on my 45-100 double rifle on a Merkel 12 action(32,000 psi proofed in Deutchland), was afraid some reader would take Grampa's damascus and do a .458 Win mag, I guess. He was probably right, I asked if there was any feedback on an article I wrote, where I stuck in a scary(but true) tale of deer hunting with my uncles' buddies from Long Island. Hey, I was only 16 at the time, never heard the term "Sound Shot" before. He said a reader called from LI cancelling his subscription, tired of bad press on LI hunters.