Group Match Results - Harrison Sportsmans Club


Al Walewski
The results for the group match that was held at Harrison are as follows...

Combined HV/LV Class;
1st. Matt Dardas .2172" agg
2nd. Brian Albee .2228" agg
3rd. Dudley Pierce ,2378" agg

Small Group - Rob Fairbanks

Factory Class;
1st. Rob Fairbanks .4068" agg
2nd. Bob Zimmer .4298" agg
3rd. Charlie Deardoff .4924" agg

Congrats to Matt and Rob for winning their respective classes! This is Matt's second season at shooting Benchrest and IIRC his first win. Nice shooting. Watching the match progress I could see that even though the winds were light and fairly constant there were mild switches which caught some people off guard...

Thanks to those who came out to help out in running the match. It's GREATLY appreciated!

Our next match will be July 6th, a 100 yard score match. Come on out and shoot, we promise to be gentle on you.

The attachment contains the full match results.


  • June 15 Group Match.pdf
    22.5 KB · Views: 214
Good match...

on a nice day. The weather was great.

Don't be surprised that young Mr. Dardas won the Varmint class. He's fairly new to benchrest but has been one of the best and most experienced shooters I've known for fifty years. How many people do you know that have shot free pistol/

Don't miss the score match on 6 July.

Dick Wright