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  1. H

    Global Warming ?

    Funny you said that, eight inches of snow outside and a high of 24 and I killed a mosquitoe in the bathroom trying to land on me. I have seen three in two different houses this winter....freaky. Hovis
  2. H

    Ordering a reamer, what to decide?

    A Redding Type S Small base die for a PPC is done for JGS1045 spec reamers. Hovis
  3. H

    Ordering a reamer, what to decide?

    Do Not Order the Pure Magic reamer. I am attaching Dwight Scott's reamer print. This is a great reamer and is easy to match dies to. This is also the actual reamer Dwight uses on his and Tony's barrels, according to Dwight. Hovis
  4. H

    Purchasing used barrels for BAT actioned rifles

    xxper, forgot to answer one of your main questions. Most often, BAT barrels will fit similiar BATs. There are a few exceptions (90's BATs that were hand made, larger BATs with different tenons and BATs that were special ordered with Panda tenons) but these are not common. What will cause the...
  5. H

    Purchasing used barrels for BAT actioned rifles

    I recommend a FF barrel if you want to form brass in batches. Most smiths will set a FF barrel up .001 short on the chamber so that you can size your unformed brass to a crunch fit. It's up to you how you want it. Many FF form as Tim states, just don't get the brass mixed up. When I do this, I...
  6. H

    Don Creach wins championship in Australia

    Don sure has made a resurgence in benchrest the last few years. He is really enjoying shooting BR again and it shows. Great guy, great competitor and really knows a lot of history. Congrats Don, hope to see you soon and talk. Hovis
  7. H

    orange scoville stock

    If Bob went to using Carbon/Kevlar, that's a new one on me. but is possible but I wouldn't understand the reasoning. Kelvar has some properties that make it even worse to work with than Carbon Fiber. I have had 15 of Bob's stocks. Probably one of the few who have ever seen the inside of both the...
  8. H

    orange scoville stock

    Al, That's red, not orange. Bob will mix a little color into the clear to get depth sometimes. The red stock in the pic has candy apple mixed in the clear. He can also mix a fine metallic into the clear. I really haven't seen a color I didn't like. Most don't know that the colored carbon...
  9. H

    Bragging on my Grandson again!

    Butch, Absolutely Wonderful Hovis
  10. H

    Remington 700 BDL

    Don't forget, you can stuff that full of 4895. I own several 222's and 4895 became my powder of choice. If I had to rank from there...4895, 4895, 4895 Hovis
  11. H

    Debt reduction?

    Jerry, Who has paid the price for the bubble, the energy bubble, the mortgage bubble that was created during the so called economic boom of the 90's....we have so far found out that taxes were paid in on money that wasn't earned so that the stock market would look good and dividends...
  12. H

    Debt reduction?

    National Debt Bush - 8 years - 5.849 trillion Obama - 4 years - 5.081 trillion There is no goverment program in the history of the U.S. that actually cut national debt. Hovis
  13. H

    Shut 'er down!!

    Obamacare - State of Indiana, IU Medical Health Organization announced that it is laying off 900 employees due to obamacare. Deaconness Hospital and it's associates announced that it is laying off 800 employees due to obamacare. 1700 medical personnel to be unemployed by the end of the...
  14. H

    Open 'er up

    Very good post!!!! Hovis
  15. H

    Debt reduction?

    Yep...there it is in simple format...awesome. Hovis
  16. H

    Shut 'er down!!

    I didn't distort anything, I told the truth and the whole truth about the penalties. You were correct about 2014 but your answer did not limit itself to 2014, it came across as being what it would be every year and that is not correct. Typical, call it distorting when it's the truth. I went...
  17. H

    Shut 'er down!!

    Like most liberals, your only telling part of the story. The information above is only for 2014. 2015 is 325.00 per adult and 265.50 per child (up to 975.00 per family) or 2% of income, whichever is greater. Then, in 2016 it's 695.00 per adult and 347.50 per child (up to 2085.00 per family) or...
  18. H

    Shut 'er down!!

    I have a question. The Goverment runs three health care programs now (not including the ACA). They are also involved in four others (for federal employees). All of them are a heavy drain on tax dollars and two of them are considered disastrous by politicians, meaning, they can not be maintained...
  19. H

    Shut 'er down!!

    I do want to say this again.... The current ACA bill was NOT passed by the Congress...only the House passed it, the senate did not vote on the current version or even bring it to the floor....WHY....because they didn't have the votes to pass it. Thus, they used a bypass provision in the...