Global Warming ?

Dick Grosbier

Club Coordinator
As I drove to town this afternoon I noticed my car thermometer said "24" . I have plowed 6" of snow out of my driveway twice since returning from Florida 6 days ago. I think I have had about all the "Global Warming" I can stand. I realize my low temperature and 10-12" snow since Sunday are nothing compared to what some of you guys have had so far this year. But I am here in Maryland, technically this is considered the South, and just too cold too soon for me.
Hey Dick if you haven't got enough "SNOW" you can come to OSWEGO,NEW YORK! We average over 300" a year.I'd rather snow blow than I would cut the grass. Good time of the year to get your reloading room back in order, everything prepped.

Joe salt
We haven't had to swat mosquitoes, have we?

Funny you said that, eight inches of snow outside and a high of 24 and I killed a mosquitoe in the bathroom trying to land on me. I have seen three in two different houses this winter....freaky.

Yes and the Dinosaurs let to many farts! When we get back to the right spot where they were, say goodby! Everything is one big Circle. Think we have a lot of life times before that happens.

Joe Salt
Those global warming tree hugging idiots are barking up the wrong tree. They keep harping about CO2 levels going up--well the actual % of CO2 in the atmosphere is around .2 %. So even if it doubles, the rest of the air is still 99.6% the same!! I asked a scientist once about things like unchecked forest fires, meteor strikes, and volcanoes affecting the planet temperature thousands of years ago, when CO2 levels went up, and he admitted nobody knows what came first. Chicken or egg, flip a coin. But I have to admit, China's air pollution is out of bounds. Darwin's population control, perhaps??
Global Cooling

Dick...I can handle the Snow. The ice is what shuts things down, here in Texas. It was two inches thick in some places on streets,bridges, and interstates. Most people here have never seen a snow shovel,let alone a snow blower. Tire chains and four wheel drive don’t work on ice. Without thinking,some people, get in their vehicles and try to drive on the ice. The whole city literally turns into a demolition derby. Some major traffic arteries have to be totally shut down,jammed with fender benders. Tree limbs break from the weight of the ice and knock out power to thousands of homes. Its a mess. I’m tired of it to. I think I would have stayed in Florida as long as I Could.

Dick...I can handle the Snow. The ice is what shuts things down, here in Texas. It was two inches thick in some places on streets,bridges, and interstates. Most people here have never seen a snow shovel,let alone a snow blower. Tire chains and four wheel drive don’t work on ice. Without thinking,some people, get in their vehicles and try to drive on the ice. The whole city literally turns into a demolition derby. Some major traffic arteries have to be totally shut down,jammed with fender benders. Tree limbs break from the weight of the ice and knock out power to thousands of homes. Its a mess. I’m tired of it to. I think I would have stayed in Florida as long as I Could.


Sounds miserable Glenn,
I am not really complaining as much as I am saying how ludicrous it seems to claim we have a serious Global warming problem when people are freezing their a--es off.
Global Warmming

Ice did you say ice? Ask Joe and I about Ice.
Tire chains, studded snow tires we had all of that. we hope we don't need them .
Gerry you're right we have all that stuff, but you just have to be smarter than the ICE, stay home. Headspace if we didn't have the greenhouse effect, we would be cold, we would freeze to death! Al Gore is just trying to make a little more money, like he needs it.

Joe salt

shoveling and snow blowing are fine ways to exercise. It's been cold here but not much snow.
global warming

Gore? do you mean Al gore? president slick willy's pal.
former Vice President SO FAR HE HAS MADE WELL OVER 10 MILLION talking about global warming.
It bogus we all know it but he still talks. some people need a toungectomy'
Climate change

The issue is not short-term, local changes in hot or cold weather, it is long-term trends driving climate change. Weather extremes in both directions are predicted and expected as part of the overall trend of climate change. Regardless of the cause, average global temperatures are rising. One well documented effect is arctic sea ice melting which reached record levels in 2012. But this does not mean that winters will be warmer everywhere or that summers will be hotter everywhere. The earth's weather and climate patterns are complex but the trends are real and well documented.
Vicvanb Is that the reason a whether man some place in south America didn't predict a flood and it killed a lot of people, so they ended up killing him. Everytime the wind changes there goes the prediction. Thats why they give a percentage that it will snow or rain. They can't even get it right with the Radar.

Joe Salt
Back in the ''70's the next ice age was coming. When that didn't pan out, "global warming" became the hue and cry.

That didn't pass muster either, so now it's simply "climate change". That can encompass everything.

And of course, allow some government agency to tax it......jackie
When that didn't pan out, "global warming" became the hue and cry.
That didn't pass muster either, so now it's simply "climate change".

Climate scientists don't claim that each year will be warmer than the last for every year--it is the overall trend averaged over the years that is relevant. And they certainly don't claim that the weather in every local area will follow the global trend.

They do predict more extremes, and so far, that prediction holds--Super Storm Sandy, severe droughts in the west, record wildfires, the recent typhoon in the Philippines, and record melting of arctic sea ice.

We can debate the cause but climate change is real and will have serious impacts worldwide.
can you imagine if everyone in texas tallked at the same time ?? all that hot air,,,,my gawd

It would be like standing next to an air conditioner when compared to all the hot air generated by 535 members of congress, plus one yahoo 16 blocks up the street.
In case no one else knows, I know you've been hammered ( with snow ).
If Lake Huron doesn't get you, Lake Erie will.

How much snow do you have? Can't be too bad, the 402 hasn't been closed.

Well we have some snow, but nothing we can't handle. The temps got a little chilly last couple of days. about minus 1F or 2F but again nothing we rugged Canadians can't handle. Talked to Dan Opel out West to day and he said that they where getting about 15 to 25 below zero F so it is a bit chilly, but it does not last that long, maybe a couple of months or so. Look for the 402 to close to-morrow, suppose to be lots of snow and wind. Came back from Manitulon Island last week and they where closing the roads behind us. Had a big pile-up on the 400 in the afternoon but we where home by that time. OH WELL!!! where did I put that wine?