Would you go to an out of town match at this time??

Is there any match worth the risk to life even though the risk may be slight? I am a very important person to my family. I think I would stay home.

Well, yeahhh, I guess that's logical..... considering the simple FACT that more people die in a week, out on the roadways than the virus has taken in 3 months..... it's completely logical to stay home and not drive. Almost 100 people a day die driving....

I don't expect this virus to kill as many people in total as driving kills in one week here in our United States Of American Bliss...... EVERY ordinary day=100 dead. It just might take as many as a normal week of the flu.... (since this can't be counted into the 36,000 that the flu will take on average, cuz it's not the flu hey!)....mainly the elderly..... primarily infected by their young.....

Using these numbers the obvious answer is for everybody everywhere to adopt a new policy where all folks under 65 just stay away from all folks over 65......FOREVER...... We wouldn't want the younkers to KILL 'em with the flu would we???

So, as I said, "hope springs eternal"..... all the timmies out there are hoping that Al's wrong and that lots more die to prove it, and furthermore, IF THEY DON'T, then there's the proof!.....our bounteous goobermint SAVED US from ruin!

And obviously, it then follows that in abject thankfulness for their munificence we PAY them magnificently :)

(there, I gave them an out.... now they can claim "yeahh! with al it's all about the money!!")


I think we should enact a National Day Of Everybody Watching Python's 'The Search For The Holy Grail'

And make everyone write a report on it to show they understand....

edited uhmmmmmm, cuz I got my FACTS wrong ..... LOL

hopefully fixed now
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Just checked statistics: according to the National Highway Traffic Administration for the year 2018 (the most recent numbers available), the daily auto traffic death rate was 98. A sad end for those unfortunate souls, but a far cry from 3000.
I think we should enact a National Day Of Everybody Watching Python's 'The Search For The Holy Grail'

And make everyone write a report on it to show they understand

Only if you watch One flew over the cuckoo's nest .
Four zip.
Hole's gettin pretty deep, Al, don't stop shoveling.
Anybody remember this guy?
You thoght he died but is alive and well in Wa.


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For now, I will pass.

I know where Al is coming from and I respect him for it. Al, I am optimistic too. I don't think shooting with a group outside in the open air is near as dangerous as sitting in a closed room with fifty people all day but let us not minimize this thing. I am reasonably certain that we will not get out of this life alive but let's not rush it. Even if you or I do not get this virus, we don't want any fellow shooters to get it.
Just checked statistics: according to the National Highway Traffic Administration for the year 2018 (the most recent numbers available), the daily auto traffic death rate was 98. A sad end for those unfortunate souls, but a far cry from 3000.

I was wrong, I used world data inadvertantly. My mistake.

YES, it's 98/day almost exactly the same as the flu
I know where Al is coming from and I respect him for it. Al, I am optimistic too. I don't think shooting with a group outside in the open air is near as dangerous as sitting in a closed room with fifty people all day but let us not minimize this thing. I am reasonably certain that we will not get out of this life alive but let's not rush it. Even if you or I do not get this virus, we don't want any fellow shooters to get it.

I wish folks would understand that every time an adult says "even though the risk may be slight, better safe than sorry"...... and then proceeds to do something much riskier....

A kid is watching.

I know this because I was that kid.

I still am.
I think we should enact a National Day Of Everybody Watching Python's 'The Search For The Holy Grail'

And make everyone write a report on it to show they understand

Only if you watch One flew over the cuckoo's nest .
Four zip.
Hole's gettin pretty deep, Al, don't stop shoveling.

Yep, somebody is digging a hole that's going to be tough to climb out of.....but it ain't Al.
Funny thing about common sense, it's extremely uncommon.


During my life, i have seen,up close, too much death and the collateral emotional damage it causes.

I just recently learned that a vietnam vet friend, that I was in country with, is in ICU,after having contracted the covid-19. He was a Helicopter door gunner. We hunted together on my Deer lease, for seven years. We Had a lot of fun. He’s a great guy who doesn’t deserve to go out with a bad virus.
Hope he wins this battle.

I dont have a degree in communicable diseases and their treatments ,so I will reserve opinions about how the country should handle this crisis to ,”Find a vaccine quick."

I remember the old folks used to say, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure “

don't hold your breath for a vaccine...... it's a freaking VIRUS...... been looking for that vaccine for 90yrs

... "hope" ain't never saved nobody.

I wish your friend a speedy recovery.

As per the ounce of prevention.... as I posted earlier, some of us HAVE raised our young to wash their hands after touching, to cough into their own clothes, to "NOT TOUCH" in public places...... from restrooms to gaspumps to their own faces.

You raise window lickers, they'll be covered in warts & wens their whole lives unto the third and fourth generation.

And PET people!!! OHHH My Word..... fer cryin' out loud don't get me started!
Ho-Leee Kowww.........

I think we here in WA just reached one a' them "tipping points!"

We're in the heart of volcano country but the ground rumble tonight is something else entirely.

Our beloved governor Jay Inslee just issued an edict which is IMO his political death warrant.... he actually has used the words "essential worker" in his decree issued at 5:46PM PST. As of Wed the 25th of March The Year Of Our Lord 2020 all drivers on the roads must have papers declaring them to be "essential workers" else they're in violation of the law.....and the police are expected to "enforce it"....... social media is simply frothing with passion. Mothers and sons, men, women and children from across the spectrum are boiling with "let them TRY pull me from my car for going to buy toilet paper!"

I (and all other employers) am instructed to gether my employees tomorrow and pick out the "essential ones".... and issue them signed paperwork to that effect which "they shall carry on their persons at all times" and produce them on demand.

And not lose them under pain of penalty.....

I'm sorry to say, I'm laffing uproariously and the people around me are ready to punch me :)

And of course my BeLoverly Wife Of All Time posted the "essential worker" scene from Schindler's List..... I don't "do facebook" but I know the scene...

So Wilbur, I apologize in advance, I've said too much already. I'll stop.

But to any and all you'se groundpounding WA LEO's out there, I DO support you all the way, but I do not envy you this day!

God Speed


So Wilbur, I apologize in advance,..............not really
I’ve said too much already.........................sure have
I’ll stop....................................................you can’t, you won’t.
Lost it.

Well, I finally lost it...Was just in CVS. Saw a man whose cart was FULL to the brim with hand sanitizers, baby wipes, soaps, everything that people need!! I called him a selfish A, and gave him a low down about the elderly, moms, and people who need these types of things. Told him he should be freaking ashamed of himself!

He said: “Are you done? Cause I really need to get back to restocking the shelves now...”
Well, I finally lost it...Was just in CVS. Saw a man whose cart was FULL to the brim with hand sanitizers, baby wipes, soaps, everything that people need!! I called him a selfish A, and gave him a low down about the elderly, moms, and people who need these types of things. Told him he should be freaking ashamed of himself!

He said: “Are you done? Cause I really need to get back to restocking the shelves now...”

Dave, do we shop at the same stores?

Asking for a friend.....;) -Al

Well, I finally lost it...Was just in CVS. Saw a man whose cart was FULL to the brim with hand sanitizers, baby wipes, soaps, everything that people need!! I called him a selfish A, and gave him a low down about the elderly, moms, and people who need these types of things. Told him he should be freaking ashamed of himself!

He said: “Are you done? Cause I really need to get back to restocking the shelves now...”
