Would you go to an out of town match at this time??

There's an awful lot of dissension here that should probably stop; thus, I'm going to "step" away and help it stop.

thank you sir for your heroic effort, and for taking the high road...... I feel your pain

we're all heroes here....


David you divisive and seditious bastard...... you're supposed to lead people, tell them "where to get their information" not ask them to THINK!

Culturing the ability to THINK incisively is best relegated to free cultures.

Like early America.

NOT to "New, Progressive And Mod'ren America"

I carried a sign up at the capitol yesterday...... it made folks foam at the mouth, nearly caused wrecks as I stood along the road in a long line of bikes.....

(This pic is kinda' embarrassing because the lady who put it in the article asked "can you make sure we can read your shirt?"..... so's I bellied 'er right out there LOL!)



"I done called Dave a bastard...."

"maybe better get in here and settle this meanness...."

Ohh Yeahh, I fergot, Hunter cain't hear me..... not on this side ennyways, he ain't got no ear!!.... he done cut it off with that 'ignore' button :)