Search results

  1. Al Hadfield

    Easthampton Fish and Game - 8/17 IR 50/50 Results

    Michael, As always thanks for your hard work. And of course Marryellen for those great brownies. Ray, just one point shy of one of those magical 750s. Great shooting! Also thanks for lettinig us have some of your brownies. ;) Al
  2. Al Hadfield

    Mass. 3-Gun State Championship Results

    Hi Michael, Thanks as always for a well run match. Boy-Oh-Boy, that was one long day! Thanks also to all your helpers, they did one fine job! And a big thanks to MaryEllen for the tasty treats. Al & Penny
  3. Al Hadfield

    Mass. IR 50/50 3-Gun State Championship - Saturday, July 27

    Boys, Boys, here I thought this was all in fun, shows how wrong I can be. :-( Al
  4. Al Hadfield

    Mass. IR 50/50 3-Gun State Championship - Saturday, July 27

    Say Dave, how about bringing your BB gun instead of the .22? That might even the playing field between us "Flat-Landers" and those "Yorkers". Keep Smiling, Al :-)
  5. Al Hadfield

    Mass. IR 50/50 3-Gun State Championship - Saturday, July 27

    Hi Ed, I understand. Seems your plan would work just fine. Just trying to help you folks from "away". :eek: See you Saturday, Al
  6. Al Hadfield

    Mass. IR 50/50 3-Gun State Championship - Saturday, July 27

    Hi Michael, Penny and I will be attending the festivities. Ed, parking is a little tight at the range so I have arranged parking for your bus at the BigE in Springfield. It's a short walk to Easthampton. ;) Seriously, we are looking forward to seeing all our New Yorker friends as well as...
  7. Al Hadfield

    Angle Tree Stone July 20th

    We are looking forward to it. Bob, be sure to turn up the air conditioner! Al
  8. Al Hadfield

    Wawarsing 7/6 Match Resuits

    Great shooting guys! Especially considering the steamy conditions. I'm glad to see you "Yorkers" are gettig in some practice for the MA State 3 gun matches. Bring your best ammo to meet the Massachusetts Marauders. Good job in Sporter Michael and Mel too! Al ;)
  9. Al Hadfield

    Wawarsing NY 6/22 Match Results

    Hi Ed, As a semi-Vermonter I guess I'll have to call out the GREEN MOUNTAIN BOYS for a redue of that long ago war. If'n menory serves the YORKERS were sent packing with their tails between their legs. Good luck with that new team of mules, may they give a big loud bray just when your McCoys are...
  10. Al Hadfield

    Wawarsing NY 6/22 Match Results

    Golly Ed, ya got us shiver'n in our boots. Looking forward to seeing you, it's been a while. Al
  11. Al Hadfield

    Wawarsing NY 6/22 Match Results

    Congratulations to all the "Winners & Grinners". Some mighty fine scores! We hope the see some of you 'Yorkers at the upcoming MA state shoots. Al
  12. Al Hadfield


    Hi Kevin, "Position rifle is a thing of the past for me". Ya, me too. If I got into most Positions it would take a pry bar and crane to get me up followed by a trip to the ER! Glad to hear your daughter is developing an interest in our game. Yes, you are a very lucky dad. Nettie sends a WOOF...
  13. Al Hadfield

    Easthampton Fish and Game 6/15 - IR 50/50 Results

    Michael, As always thanks to you and your helpers for a great day, and a big thank you to Maryellen for the treats. Frank, do you think Ray was trying to conserve his ammo? ;) Al
  14. Al Hadfield

    Anschutz 2013 BR Question

    I can attest to how well Frank's anschutz shoots. He showed us a thing or two this past weekend beating several of us with our custom guns. Good shooting Frank! Al P.S. Frank, I forgot to mention...Welcome to this forum! :D
  15. Al Hadfield


    Hi Wilbur, long time no see, hope your are doing well. I thought of another reason for posting match notices and results here rather than where they "belong." New shooters, or potential new shooters, may have a better chance of seeing them and realize there is something going on, perhaps in...
  16. Al Hadfield


    Hi Guys, Sorry to butt into this discussion but for what it's worth...even though the proper forum is "Match Information and Results" I for one do not go there. Being creatures of habit we (I) rely on this board for all BRRF info. I see no harm in posting match notices on this forum. Until...
  17. Al Hadfield

    Easthampton Fish and Game - Saturday, June 15 - IR 50/50 3-Gun and UL

    Michael, I asked Nettie to translate. She said that "Woof" is a yes. :D Al PS. Nice poem BenchDog. We'll bring a extra biscuit for you.
  18. Al Hadfield

    Angle Tree Stone Results 6 8 2013

    Good job Bob...and Pops too! Thanks to everyone who waded through Lake Angletree to hang my targets, much appreciated. That 3 minute target was some adventure. My trigger went south after the first shot for score. I tried to replace it but got delayed when realized I had put the replacement in...
  19. Al Hadfield

    Angle Tree Stone Match June 8th

    ;) Ya Pete, this picture is our version of "American Gothic"...we forgot the pitchfork though. ;) Al
  20. Al Hadfield

    Angle Tree Stone Match June 8th

    We are ready!