
I would like to apologize for intruding on this forum, to, once again, post something other than match results and scheduling; I understand that that is the purpose of this forum, always has been, and always will be, according to the vocal members. Sorry. Mr. moderator, you might take note of the slow death of this forum. (90% match results and scheduling; 10% rimfire banter, just go ahead and transfer it to the S and R forum. No one would know the difference.)

So here's my intrusion. I placed an order with Killough's last week. The order was entered, confirmed, and actually shipped within three hours. I received it exactly as ordered. Congratulations to Dan and Dawn for their efficiency, honesty, and incomparable contributions to Rimfire.

You know it is getting harder and harder to find good places to do buisness with and when you find one that has folks like the Killough family running it they become your go to place. I check their site every day. Just wish I had more $$$ to spend there.
Just sayin - -

Mr Gerry,

You are not required to read anything on here you don't choose to read. If you aren't interested in reading and conversing bout results, don't. Just sayin - - -

Hell, it can get a little boring around here but I always figured if its got anything at all to do with precision rimfire throw it up there.
Thought about it some Gerry- - -


I can live with that.


And just posted the results from yesterday evening's match on the proper forum. You are right here, there is a place for the results and we should use it. Now, if only there was good discussion about all the other interesting things that could be discussed, as you say. I have always given freely to anyone who was interested, anything new I had learned about the sports I have been involved in. I don't see the point of holding the info back when so much of success in sports depends on personal performance. One can have the most trick rifle and equipment in the world and if they miss a switch or two of the flags, their edge disappears. Just Sayin - -

Hi Guys,

Sorry to butt into this discussion but for what it's worth...even though the proper forum is "Match Information and Results" I for one do not go there. Being creatures of habit we (I) rely on this board for all BRRF info. I see no harm in posting match notices on this forum. Until Wilbur says otherwise I think posting match notices and results here is just fine. They will get more views too.


And just posted the results from yesterday evening's match on the proper forum. You are right here, there is a place for the results and we should use it. Now, if only there was good discussion about all the other interesting things that could be discussed, as you say. I have always given freely to anyone who was interested, anything new I had learned about the sports I have been involved in. I don't see the point of holding the info back when so much of success in sports depends on personal performance. One can have the most trick rifle and equipment in the world and if they miss a switch or two of the flags, their edge disappears. Just Sayin - -



Judging from the replies I have received to my not so polite comments; I am going to have to learn my manners again. I've been somewhere else where they are not required; and for that, I apologize. I also find that minds may be a tad bit more open here. I hope that this forum flourishes.

Hi Guys,

Sorry to butt into this discussion but for what it's worth...even though the proper forum is "Match Information and Results" I for one do not go there. Being creatures of habit we (I) rely on this board for all BRRF info. I see no harm in posting match notices on this forum. Until Wilbur says otherwise I think posting match notices and results here is just fine. They will get more views too.


I agree with you on this one Al. I've been on this board going on 8 years... didn't even know that the "Match Information and Results" forum was there. I always took this forum for the gathering spot for all things 'rimfire benchrest'. I skim the threads, look at what I find interesting and pass up the threads that hold no interest for me.

This forum has certainly changes over the years. People come, people go ... topics change.

Gerry - I, for one, didn't take offense to your suggestion.

Just as an "Aside"

I just looked on the Match Results Forum. My results have 13 views. My results from Sunday's match posted here has 114. Soooooooo - - - - -. I guess a lot of people don't know the results forum exist, eh!

I just looked on the Match Results Forum. My results have 13 views. My results from Sunday's match posted here has 114. Soooooooo - - - - -. I guess a lot of people don't know the results forum exist, eh!


Hey Pete,

At least you provide some content... match info and results or no. Don't take me too seriously. I'll play devil's advocate just to evoke a response from lurkers who would otherwise not post. And, I B**** too much.

Keep em comin'. Match results included. You too Tim....we love you man.


I agree with you on this one Al. I've been on this board going on 8 years... didn't even know that the "Match Information and Results" forum was there. I always took this forum for the gathering spot for all things 'rimfire benchrest'. I skim the threads, look at what I find interesting and pass up the threads that hold no interest for me.

This forum has certainly changes over the years. People come, people go ... topics change.

Gerry - I, for one, didn't take offense to your suggestion.


Thank you Michael,

I am being overcome with polite. Not used to it.

Hey Pete,

At least you provide some content... match info and results or no. Don't take me too seriously. I'll play devil's advocate just to evoke a response from lurkers who would otherwise not post. And, I B**** too much.

Keep em comin'. Match results included. You too Tim....we love you man.


Hey Gerry,

We must be "Kin" somehow and didn't realize it :). We seem to operate somewhat alike.

Match Info and Results

If that were the only place to find such....then folks would look there. Currently, that particular forum is a confusion factor and, frankly, not worth the electrons to keep it alive. Call it my fault for not moving appropriate content there when posted elsewhere.
If that were the only place to find such....then folks would look there. Currently, that particular forum is a confusion factor and, frankly, not worth the electrons to keep it alive. Call it my fault for not moving appropriate content there when posted elsewhere.

Hi Wilbur, long time no see, hope your are doing well.

I thought of another reason for posting match notices and results here rather than where they "belong." New shooters, or potential new shooters, may have a better chance of seeing them and realize there is something going on, perhaps in their neighborhood, that might be of interest. I know this has happened. They would have never known if the postings were restricted to the "Notices & Results" department.

As it has been said earlier one can just look at posts that are of interest to him. I'm also sure that BRRF questions will be answered.

Take care, Al
Hi Wilbur, long time no see, hope your are doing well.

I thought of another reason for posting match notices and results here rather than where they "belong." New shooters, or potential new shooters, may have a better chance of seeing them and realize there is something going on, perhaps in their neighborhood, that might be of interest. I know this has happened. They would have never known if the postings were restricted to the "Notices & Results" department.

As it has been said earlier one can just look at posts that are of interest to him. I'm also sure that BRRF questions will be answered.

Take care, Al

"New shooters, or potential new shooters, may have a better chance of seeing them and realize there is something going on, perhaps in their neighborhood, that might be of interest." Big Woof to that!

A year ago I decided to dust off a nice old Anschutz that did not deserve to languish in the back of the safe. Position rifle is a thing of the past for me. I had heard about rf benchrest but could find no local activity. The benchrest site led me to this forum where I discovered matches reasonably close to home and a great, welcoming group of people. My 21 year old daughter accompanied me to the 6/15/13 match in Easthampton and then spent two hours playing with my gun on our club range on Tuesday. (She's been shooting since she was little, an accomplished Jr. Rifle kid and still likes to shoot with dad. I'm very lucky.) Now, she wants to shoot future events with me and I want to buy one of them fancy guns!

This fourm is responsible for bringing in two new fans to an elegant sport.
Hi Kevin,

"Position rifle is a thing of the past for me". Ya, me too. If I got into most Positions it would take a pry bar and crane to get me up followed by a trip to the ER!

Glad to hear your daughter is developing an interest in our game. Yes, you are a very lucky dad.

Nettie sends a WOOF your way.
