Wawarsing 7/6 Match Resuits

Bill B

New member
We had a hot match on Saturday! The day started out with some nice scores but as the day went on and the mercury went up the mirage and thermals made the bullets do some funny things. Scores plummeted for most of us (except for Paul Vobecky). Thanks to everyone for making this a well attended and easy match for me to direct. Thanks Jeff for the baked beans (they were great) and thanks to Bob and Michael for help scoring and for everyone who pitched in with bringing in the target stands.

The top scores were:


Mel Eck- 250-12X
Michael Gallant - 249-11X
Bill Buskey - 249-10X


Ed Longo -250-18X
Bob Griffin - 250-16X
Bill Buskey - 250-13X


Bob Griffin - 249-17X
Ken Alfredo - 248-17X
Mel Eck - 248-14X

3 Gun

Mel Eck - 747-46X
Bill Buskey 747-36X
Bob Griffin - 746-45X



Ken Alfredo - 246-15X
Bob Griffin - 245-15X
Michael Gallant - 244-9X


Paul Vobecky - 247-11X
Ken Alfredo- 244-10X
Bob Griffin - 244-9X


Paul Vobecky - 249-15X
Bill Buskey - 248-12X
Ken Alfredo - 248-12X

UL Agg

Paul Vobecky - 739-39X
Ken Alfredo - 738 -37X
Bob Griffin - 735-36X

Congrats to all the winners!
Thanks for running the match Bill. As challenging as the afternoon thermals, switches and mirage were, it was a fun day.

Thanx Bill, Great match! I think my bullet's melted. Ed.
Great Shooting!!

Sorry I had to miss it but you all know things don't always go as planned!!

Michael 249 with the Sporter great shooting!!

Mel still want to trade sporters?

As always Ken and Paul showing the way!

Great Shooting everyone!!
Great shooting guys! Especially considering the steamy conditions.

I'm glad to see you "Yorkers" are gettig in some practice for the MA State 3 gun matches. Bring your best ammo to meet the Massachusetts Marauders.

Good job in Sporter Michael and Mel too!

Al ;)
LOL!!! LOL!!!! LMAO!! We got the ammo, Al !We got the practice,& We also have the Mass. State Title, to defend. It's comming rite back home with us Yorkers!
There may be some Strangers show up :).

Pete: It's "Strangers" like you that's got us worried.
All in the name of good sport & compitition. The state of Mass. has held their state title matches in USRA IR.50/50 For two years now, this being the third, & "Yorkers" have taken it home for the first two. It's wide open, have at it! Good luck to ya. I really hope you do well. I know you Mainers got them Coopers all tuned up and Hot! besides......"Stranger" things have happened. Ed.
Northeast Championship

Pete: It's "Strangers" like you that's got us worried.
All in the name of good sport & compitition. The state of Mass. has held their state title matches in USRA IR.50/50 For two years now, this being the third, & "Yorkers" have taken it home for the first two. It's wide open, have at it! Good luck to ya. I really hope you do well. I know you Mainers got them Coopers all tuned up and Hot! besides......"Stranger" things have happened. Ed.

That being the case I would think that match would more likely be the Northeast Championship. Not the one in PA. I wonder what hat Paul B wears at that match.