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  1. D


    I measured rim thickness and diameter and weight. What a waste of time. Top shelf ammo is very consistent in these dimensions. So my ammo was sorted by length from inside the rim to top of the driving band. There I found a few discrepancies and so made a gauge to measure the variations. It...
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    Just an update. Today was our first rimfire comp at 50m since I adjusted my Lowey tuner at 100m last month. Well, what a pleasant surprise, the 100m node worked sweetly at 50m, possibly better than it had previously. We had good conditions, a slight R-L breeze that just managed to move the...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Dolphins An old man crashed his car into a very expensive automobile. The owner of the expensive automobile jumps out and confronts the old man and says "Give me $10,000 or I will beat you to a pulp!" The old man replies "Whoa, wait buddy, I don't have that much money but let me call my son...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Yep Dave. If I click on 'Manage Attachments' there is no response so unable to contribute pix to this thread. * doggie *
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    Sons and Daughters

    As a parent, just wondering why when my son comes home from a date with his girlfriend with a big smile on his face I feel proud. But when my daughter comes home from a date with a smile I get a bit worried. Is it only me or is it a parent thing? * Doggie *
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    bonding/gluing aluminum

    Hi Al. I faced the same problem many years ago and the only solution that I discovered that actually worked within my limited workshop facilities was low temperature aluminium brazing. The bond is pretty good if one follows the instructions scrupulously. Check out this linky...
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    Deleting posts when "They've done their work..."

    Ancient Posts Well said Al. I value this forum and only ask (sometimes stupid) questions after searching for an answer as usually, somebody has beat me to the question - sometimes years before. The store of accumulated knowledge on this site is awesome and having lately acquired a tuner for...
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    Thanks Lee. I shall try again at 100m with some Lapua Midas + that I have stored away, my Annie shoots well with it. Regards * Doggie *
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    Tuner Setting When Changing Distance To Target G'day all. I thought that I had my Lowey (Australian) tuner dialed in for 50m as I was obtaining decent scores at my local club comps. Rifle is an Anschutz 1411 Match 54, ammo is sorted Eley Tenex. Air temp was 12°C and wind was twitchy mainly...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Lol, attachments can be a problem. I attached a barrel tuner to my annie and had a heck of a time finding a decent setting, cost me a brick of Tenex. As for the pedos, just take them out to the bush and let fate take it's course :-) * doggie *
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    I dunno what went wrong so I have deleted this until I figure out what went wrong. It was just a picture of a trout that I caught in the lake. * doggie *
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    I am sorry if you had a problem, it is just a .png (Portable Network Graphic) picture, as used by many web-page designers. This was introduced to replace the older .gif (Graphics Interchange Format) standard although nowadays most people use .jpeg (Joint Photographic Experts Group). I can...
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    Front tube on a rimfire tuner?

    Some of the local indoor rimfire shooters use a tuner and bloop tube with a dovetail cut in it to mount the front sight (aperture sights). This extends the sight radius.
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    What Went Wrong?
  16. D

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Gas Prices and other stuff Regards from Oz * doggie *
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Wife Wife said "My hands are covered in blisters from using this broom" So I said "Next time take the car!"
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    OH so true
  19. D

    Rimfire Ammo

    With all due respect Dave. The numbers that Eley (and possibly other manufacturers) quote are from their test barrels are from a machine rest fired at their test ranges under ideal conditions. Often they are from a selected lot# (That's business) Like you have observed, the numbers do not...
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    Rimfire Ammo

    The last lot that I tested was Eley Tenex lot # 1017-03243 1058fps Now this was by no means the best that I have ever tried, but in this day of ammo shortages it was the last bricks of Eley Tenex available in my local gun dealer and they sold the to me at the old price (as in they did not try...