Deleting posts when "They've done their work..."


oft dis'd member
Why do people do this? This is not only a forum, it's a vast REPOSITORY of information. Often a necro post is resurrected years later and starts another discussion.... I think it's shortsighted and selfish to throw away an answer or series of answers just because one's own curiosity has been sated. Folks come to forums like these in search of information.

'course that's just a perspective from one information junkie.... junkie enough to start a youtube channel to perpetuate one's own accuracy journey :)

or maybe just to p!$$ off the haders LOL


Why do people do this? This is not only a forum, it's a vast REPOSITORY of information. Often a necro post is resurrected years later and starts another discussion.... I think it's shortsighted and selfish to throw away an answer or series of answers just because one's own curiosity has been sated. Folks come to forums like these in search of information.



Thank You Hunter! For following through..... :)

Had I known your updated opinion, maybe I would not have deleted some of my unpopular threads; my apologies for having been shortsighted and selfish.
Had I known your updated opinion, maybe I would not have deleted some of my unpopular threads; my apologies for having been shortsighted and selfish.

" Known My Updated Opinion" my achin' butt'tox

I realize you just MUST keep it your-sided to feel good about yourself but a simple search will show you that #1 it ain't ABOUT you and #2 I bay'n asking this favor for well over twenny years. I post my plea every year or so. I have phoned some of the best shooters on Planet Earth regarding this tendency and they offer various reasons but for me it's like a real-time replacement for all those years of PS, just easier to search ;)

There are a lot of folks in this world who think an article from PS is therefore an article of faith to live and die on but reality dictates that "peer reviewed journals" like 'Lancet' are much better sources of information than any book or article. This forum is peer reviewed in real time and a lot of bad information has been rectified here because of it. My worldview has been reset many times by said review here on BRC

Having suffered the crushing disappointment of two major website crashes/archive wipes in the first 8 yrs of the forum (un-freakin'-countable words of wisdom lost forever) I treasure this forum as much as a resource as a place of discussion. I send folks here all the time to search the threads......
Ancient Posts

Well said Al.

I value this forum and only ask (sometimes stupid) questions after searching for an answer as usually, somebody has beat me to the question - sometimes years before.

The store of accumulated knowledge on this site is awesome and having lately acquired a tuner for my .22 reading through the 'Tuners Sticky' in the Rimfire thread has answered many of my unasked questions.

I reckon that all posters should leave it up to the moderators/management to delete ancient posts unless the originator has detected a safety error in their post such as advising an unsafe load and then it is important that the poster gets back to rectify the error and then delete the offending data.

Just my 2¢ worth from the land of the kangaroo.

Keep safe * Doggie *

I reckon that all posters should leave it up to the moderators/management to delete ancient posts unless the originator has detected a safety error in their post such as advising an unsafe load and then it is important that the poster gets back to rectify the error and then delete the offending data.


There is no moderation now but Wilbur NEVER deleted stuff cuz it was old. I commented to him once that he was a lot like me in that regard in that I never throw anything away, I just build another building to put it in ;)

Wilbur and I talked about this. He was proud of his library of opinions.....and saddened by the crashes. I even called him to ask if he had personal backup files or any sort of redundancy I could beg/borrow or steal...... (nahhh, I actually offered fair recompence for his time)...... but the point was, he didn't back anything up. Years of absolutely VOCIFEROUS discussion .... gone.


Wilbur didn't delete NUTTIN' unless he felt it was insufferably rude. And his rude button was deeply southern :) .... In fact I don't know that Ol' Snidely ever acknowledged that "bless your heart" was in fact an insult and certainly would never call it rude LOL!!!

And Wilbur NEVER "corrected" anyone like Master Paulie over on ACK'rat because Wilbur didn't have any innate arrogance. Wilbur discussed, Wilbur argued, Wilbur even got his back up time-to-time

But he NEVER "corrected" people by telling them they were wrong and found the idea of deleting posts for "bad information" to be reprehensible

Wilbur Was NOT Google

Wilbur was not a "fact checker"
And Wilbur NEVER "corrected" anyone like Master Paulie over on ACK'rat because Wilbur didn't have any innate arrogance. Wilbur discussed, Wilbur argued, Wilbur even got his back up time-to-time

But he NEVER "corrected" people by telling them they were wrong and found the idea of deleting posts for "bad information" to be reprehensible

alinwa, ur probably gonna be disappointed to know that you & I have two things in common: first, we've both been banned from ACK'rat; second, we both know Wilbur was a good man.
I remember corresponding with Wilbur years ago about this subject. I suggested that the rules be changed to prevent posters from deleting entire threads. Many threads contain great information from knowledgeable folks that can be helpful to so many folks beyond the OP. I haven't been posting lately because of major life events and moves that have kept me otherwise occupied. I was always disappointed to come back to a thread of interest and see that it had been deleted by the OP.
Some threads need to be deleted. When will this thread be deleted?

Never franny-pooh, 'specially now that you've joined. I always try to save your pithy words of wizdom

We can all learn from every post...... as it's said in certain shooting sports "every shot makes someone happy"

And I know how to make you happy
Never franny-pooh, 'specially now that you've joined. I always try to save your pithy words of wizdom

We can all learn from every post...... as it's said in certain shooting sports "every shot makes someone happy"

And I know how to make you happy

No user's post is worthless. It can always be used as a horrible example.

Words of wisdom from my high school shop teacher some 60 years ago.