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  1. D

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Mother's Day Today is Mother's Day here in Australia. I remembered back to when I was a young digger and would approach a pretty young thing and say - "Happy Mother's Day" Pretty young thing woukd reply - "But I'm not a mother" To which I replied - "So would you like to be one?" Only got...
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    Straightening a 10 inch diameter Rudder stock.

    I am lockdown bored so searched for how to straighten a barrel - Amazing what an expert can do with minimal equipment! * doggie *
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Bugger this home schooling. So far I have two kids grounded for fighting at school and one teacher suspended for drinking on the job!
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    Rimfire BR barrel maintenance.

    Considering that there is no known solvent for carbon a brush makes good sense. All the products that I have tried just soften the deposits but still require a brush to remove the crud. * doggie *
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    Corona virus

    When I first read this article a few things made scary sense I know that some people favour BAT actions but just don't eat one. * doggie *
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    Scope ring lapping and bedding

    Hi Al. This is all really great stuff. Thank you for taking the time for taking photo's and explaining what you do and why. Very much appreciated! * doggie *
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    Eley and Lapua Lot Numbers

    This might be helpful for checking your Eley lot #'s * doggie *
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    Cheap earmuffs

    Wilbur. With all due respect. What do you value more? Your health and your hearing or saving a few $$$? I am ex Australian Army. Stood near to too many big guns. 155 muzzle brake (or even a 105) messes with your hearing whatever you are wearing. It was fun when I was a kid; - Now I regret...
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    From Down Under - Thank you for your help during these bushfires

    We have a bit of a problem here in Australia as you might have heard. It was great to see the arrival of firefighting experts from the U.S. arriving in Melbourne to back up the 160 people already here. The people at the terminal clapped loudly as we do appreciate all help during these times...
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    Pillar to action mating surfaces

    Now I am confused. So what is the actual purpose of pillar bedding? I always presumed that they could compensate for a change in stock dimensions (humidity etc) and as long as one torqued the action screws the same each time then things would be sweet. They must have a use, so could somebody...
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    Silly Puddy

    Al. Silly Putty is a non-newtonian fluid. So it absorbs vibrations and just gets a little warmer. Lovely stuff, a blob on a lathe tool reduces chatter so still figuring out how to incorporate...
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    Rimfire tuners

    Even the best tuner in the world cannot compensate for crap ammo. Just find what your barrel likes, purchase a case of it's preferred diet and have fun. Be prepared to pay for the top shelf stuff, my picky Annie 1411 only likes Tenex but my Izmash Biathlon shoots whatever I feed it and does...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    A little girl asked her father.... "Daddy, where did my intelligence come from?" "Well, it must have come from your mother................... because I still have all of mine!"
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    Looking for a rimfire rifle

    I also use an Annie 54 model 1411 in club matches here in Australia. It cost me about $1000 Au including a 6-32x50 scope. In the front rail under the stock I made a 75mm wide sled from delrin to fit my front rest. Using Eley Tenex ammunition sometimes I win against the custom jobs, but then I...
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    I made a couple of wind probes today.

    G'day from Australia. I too am interested in making my own wind probes if I know that they will help with my target shooting and how to use/read them. Any more info as there is very little online. Regards * doggie *
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    My two friends This is a true story. One day a few years ago I was walking to the bank to deposit the days takings from my computer store. A pair of sorry looking blokes were sitting on a bench an as I passed one asked me what was in the attache case. I replied that my two mates were in the...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    A friend said to me "My mother-in-law is an angel". I replied "You're lucky, mine is still alive"
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    Attaching Sail Tails to wind flags

    With the tails attached, do you re-balance your flags? I hold my flags horizontal and slide the head until the vane and flag sit horizontal. This is (hopefully) to remove any bias towards the heavy side if the pivot of the flag is not truly vertical when placed on the ground. My flags have...
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    Anschutz 64 Trainers

    Why is that Tim? I love my '54 Annie 1711 and saw this a few years ago I am not sure if the above-mentioned barrels are still available but as my old girl still kicks butt not really worried although she is very picky about...
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    I thought this was cool.....Happy 4th of July

    Sorry I am a bit slow to reply to this thread, have been a bit crook but am ok now. Like the Canadians, your cousins in Oz are proud to be your mates, we share a bit of great history. The boys and gals are engaged in some games here down-under, no surprises who is poking their nose into things...