Corona virus

Carona virus

FWIW I believe it.s the chin Military playing games with Germ warfare.
Look at the results so far''
As much data here as you can digest. Mostly without the hype it seems. Interesting stuff. Draw your own conclusions.


So 1 in 22 death rate.
Higher than most recent flu types, but the heavy presence
of third world victims probably explains a lot of that.

While flu can kill (often from immune system over reaction) progress
to pneumonia with bacterial infection are the more common path to death.

We have way of treating pneumonia that are common in the first world (Cortisone and antibiotics)
that do not appear to be present in third world medical systems.
Cortisone is also useful in the immune system over reaction cases also.
remember presumptive positive cases include in the numbers. Testing take 7 to 10 days for results, you are either dead or recovered by then, most recover. Since symptoms the same, it is the FLU. who knows, it is a hoax. Many are getting very rich, The H1N1 in (2008?) was worse, again it is the flu season!
irs not a hoax

remember presumptive positive cases include in the numbers. Testing take 7 to 10 days for results, you are either dead or recovered by then, most recover. Since symptoms the same, it is the FLU. who knows, it is a hoax. Many are getting very rich, The H1N1 in (2008?) was worse, again it is the flu season!

cv19 is a new strain but related to SARS, MERS, etc. it appears to have a higher mortality rate than other strains. the actual number isn't known, but what health organizations are seeing is variable, depending on country, population density, age demographic, robustness of the health care system, ability to test. Final number probably won't be know until this is over. CV19 is not a hoax. You can debate the soundness and effectiveness of responses country by country but you can't debate the novelty of CV19.
remember presumptive positive cases include in the numbers. Testing take 7 to 10 days for results, you are either dead or recovered by then, most recover. Since symptoms the same, it is the FLU. who knows, it is a hoax. Many are getting very rich, The H1N1 in (2008?) was worse, again it is the flu season!

Might have a little problem convincing New York state that it is a hoax.
it is not a hoax! Let's hope it passes quickly.

The hype is the hoax.
Annual flu deaths start in the low tens of thousands in the USA.
In a bad year they can approach 100,000.

The flu (regardless of the actual virus causing it) has always been
more dangerous for older folks, and anyone with underlying medical problems.
It is mostly a press that has not been paying attention for many years.
This is no hoax!

The hype is the hoax.
Annual flu deaths start in the low tens of thousands in the USA.
In a bad year they can approach 100,000.

The flu (regardless of the actual virus causing it) has always been
more dangerous for older folks, and anyone with underlying medical problems.
It is mostly a press that has not been paying attention for many years.

You are some right and some wrong. More wrong than right. I find myself as one of those older folks. Also my wife and many of my friends are in that group. I have found myself at funerals of people I have grown up with too often. The press is now doing their job letting folks know what the dangers are and how to protect themselves.

Betsey Price, The Mayor of Fort Worth, Texas, said it in a way her people can understand, "Y'all take care, y'all be nice, and y'all stay home."
it is not a hoax! Let's hope it passes quickly.

The problem is that you bought into the media hype. No one ever said that the virus was a hoax. What was said is that the media hype of the virus was the hoax. We all hope that it passes quickly with a minimum amount of casualties.
The problem is that you bought into the media hype. No one ever said that the virus was a hoax. What was said is that the media hype of the virus was the hoax. We all hope that it passes quickly with a minimum amount of casualties.

Someone else that gets it.
The deaths per case is caulated by dividing cases by deaths.
It the number of cases increases with deaths staying the same the 1 in N gets smaller.
The N increases.
2,000 deaths with 50,000 cases is 1 in 25.
2,000 deaths with 70,000 cases is 1 in 35.
No one else died.
Just the number of cases increased.
This is likely th4 kind of situation we are in.

'1 in 30' is more lethal than '1 in 36.'
That is a rather small change though.
It may not be statistically significant depend on the number of deaths and cases.

The USA is running in the 1 in 70 range for Wuhan Flu.
NY matches this.
Detroit is markedly worse at around 1 in 20.

The 'regular annual flu' has been around 1 in 36 for many years.
The common flu has a death rate of more like 0.1% not 1:36 which is nearly 3%. The world death rate at the moment for COVID is 5.2% but far less so far in the US, Italy and Spain are close to 10% but could get watered down the more positive tests are uncovered. I'm 37 and in good physical shape so I'm not super concerned but if I was a senior citizen I'd be concerned, also being intubated is not something most people want to experience even if you don't die.
The stats are not accurate. Numerous people have had it and not been tested. We don’t have those numbers since not everyone has symptoms. Italy has a high death rate because of age and smoking (cdc). China stats cannot be trusted. The WHO is in China’s pocket, so they can’t be trusted. Our two options:
1. Shut things down to slow rate and destroy economy
2. Get back to business to save economy and work the herd immunity model
I’m sure there is a 3, but shutting down will kill the US. Already over 5 trillion in loses