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  1. Bill Collaros

    Prize List for World Championships being held in Brisbane

    Another Country On a side note we hope to be welcoming our 26th member Country in the coming weeks and it's a BIG Country that target shooting is a big part of.
  2. Bill Collaros

    Prize List for World Championships being held in Brisbane

    Hi the Steyr Air Rifle is a 50/50 sponsorship with our local dealer Potter Firearms and Steyr. We do a raffle each night at presentations for lucky draw prizes and once you win you cant win again, you also need to be at the presentation, this encourages everyone to come along. This is what i...
  3. Bill Collaros

    Prize List for World Championships being held in Brisbane

    There is info and links on Wrabf Website here is full list to date. Below is an update on where we are at for Brisbane Australia 2015, the numbers and generosity of our sponsors is extremely pleasing. As always i ask that you support our very generous sponsors. Countries Attending: Approx 20...
  4. Bill Collaros

    Electronic Scoring

    I give up with you leave me alone we will sort the issue. I give up with you, not even going to answer this time, I am trying to sort this and you actually as usual are no help I cant win even when i agree with you, you put things in your own words and slant them to suit your agenda, so leave...
  5. Bill Collaros

    Electronic Scoring

    Dont know what more i can say or do. Will let you know the result but dont plan on posting much more its just not worth it.
  6. Bill Collaros

    Electronic Scoring

    Short answers below asI heading out to play for the day shortly... Your welcome
  7. Bill Collaros

    Electronic Scoring

    Gert thanks for your comprehensive answers. You are correct also that we are using it at oiur Nationals in Feb with over 80 shooters per event Mr George, i am yet to hear back but my team may be out enjoying the weekend in any case i can advise the follwoing; As Match Director of World Champs...
  8. Bill Collaros

    Electronic Scoring

    I agree they contradict each other and as I believe not what is intended, I believe a plug and or hake eye are allowed in a protest, i have asked the question and will be back to you on it, as I thought we had cleared this type of thing up. Talk tomorrow I am off for my beauty sleep.
  9. Bill Collaros

    Electronic Scoring

    That is not the intention as i understand it, have a look under C8 at 8c and 8i & in the meantime i will also seek clarification to see if what i have stated is what is meant to be in place and if it needs re wording in a better fashion/
  10. Bill Collaros

    Electronic Scoring

    Mr George Delete it from your calender, there will be no issue, as per the Wrabf rules 1 plug and then hawke eye is allowed in any protest, that does not change electronic scoring or not.
  11. Bill Collaros

    Whatever happened to...

    Please tell him hello from me.
  12. Bill Collaros

    Electronic Scoring

    Depends on the size of the event. I think a quote in one of the answers above is correct "most small clubs don't have this problem" and don't need this, we have extensively tested the South African version for the WRABF and will be using it at the Wrbaf World Champs next year. When you get to...
  13. Bill Collaros

    Whatever happened to...

    Yep got that from LD, this was not meant to be political or go back over old wars, just wanted to know where they were, all good.
  14. Bill Collaros

    Whatever happened to...

    Good to hear from LD privately, i now know he is still playing with Air Guns and is ok, so i got my answer, good to hear from you mate.
  15. Bill Collaros

    Whatever happened to...

    Whatever happened to a couple of guys that were right into this game most of us met at the 2011 WRABF World Champs Larry (The Real LD) Durham and Wayne (Whacky) Burns both were very generous with their gear and knowledge wondered why i don't see their names anymore ?
  16. Bill Collaros

    Wrabf announcement

    WRABF ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to advise that the 2015 WRABF World Championships in Brisbane Australia will be my farewell as President and also as the Australian Delegate. I am advising over 12 months out so the WRABF & it’s members have plenty of time to consider a replacement. I have wrestled...
  17. Bill Collaros

    Wind flag tails

    Good Job on those home made tails I must say. If anyone is keen on really good commercial ones, many of you may know or use BRT Flags from Australia, these are used worldwide & I think Butch Lambert sells them in the USA, they have recently devised a specially designed light weight tail in...
  18. Bill Collaros


    Aus RBA Ben all you wrote is correct and the RBA Nationals I am running in Brisbane next year will be even bigger, the difference with our RBA Down Under is we run all the WRABF Classes inc Air Rifle much like Dave suggested Craig should do. RBA down here when started did mirror RBA in the USA...
  19. Bill Collaros

    It's Over

    Hi there, i know how hard it is to run an event with over 80 shooters so wont get into any critisisims pr judgements. Can i ask where I can see the results as that part interests me and I am keen to see who won what and shooting what equipment etc ?
  20. Bill Collaros

    Strange Things Going On at The Nationals in Arizona

    I did not know you went over for this Gert, good on you and good luck.