Wind flag tails

Wind Flag Tails ! ?

The tail on your wind flag, ( imo ) is of utmost importance. That's why I make my own. I have a friend who is a modern day "kite flyer" to the Max! He hooks me up with the best, " state of the art " ripstop fabric in any weight, color, & cut to width size that suite any conditions for your wind flags. Id be more than happy to help you out with this. ( for a small fee , that is.....) I carry a giant array of flag tails in cardboard tubes with me to matches, and like to give them to fellow shooters......but,....that's probly why they beat my arse every time, more of that. ( small fee ) . Ed.
I make my own too.


Add a cheap soldering iron and some aluminum flat bar as a straight edge for cutting and you're pretty much there.
I cut mine 1.25" wide, finished out at 25" long, and can get 50 tails from a yard of material.

I also have a very crude, but effective, template to cut the top tab and i also add a grommet/eyelet.


What a relieve; straight forward good informative helpful info!
No obscuration, teasers or goose chases by H2o boy.
Good Job on those home made tails I must say.

If anyone is keen on really good commercial ones, many of you may know or use BRT Flags from Australia, these are used worldwide & I think Butch Lambert sells them in the USA, they have recently devised a specially designed light weight tail in black for rimfire and i can highly recommend it. This is their website....
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Wind flag tails by Frey .


What a relieve; straight forward good informative helpful info!
No obscuration, teasers or goose chases by H2o boy.

The tails made by Frey are well made,reasonably priced and work! What eles could you ask for! Thanks Frey for your efforts.
Wind Flag Tales

What did the greatest IR50-50 rimfire shooter of all time ( Harry Deneen ) use for his tales? Just asking
Doug Bell has some interesting tails

they are very thin plastic, probably 4" wide and mebby 2' long. They seemed to react very well. I've been shooting Benchrest with flags since about 1997 and I must say, have not learned the subtle tale flags tell.

What did the greatest IR50-50 rimfire shooter of all time ( Harry Deneen ) use for his tales? Just asking

A lot of times he just used what was available. Meaning, whatever the guys on the benches near him already had out. I think Harry can read the wind by looking at the clouds and grass with nothing in between. He sees what everyone else misses.

they are very thin plastic, probably 4" wide and mebby 2' long. They seemed to react very well. I've been shooting Benchrest with flags since about 1997 and I must say, have not learned the subtle tale flags tell.


Hello Pete, I was shooting close to Doug at Manatee in April. The tails he uses have the ability to tranquilize a competitor ... more like a slow rippling effect. LOL I'm waiting on a delivery of ripstop nylon so I can experiment making a variety of new tails. John
BRT Flags

The BRT flags have a curve built into there width I think by a heated up pipe or something. The curve goes away from the direction that the flag points which lifts the tail without the flapping . This makes them easier to read as when a flag flaps it is really hard to gauge the strength of the wind. The BRT flags are as Bill says very well thought out flags and worth the money. IMHO.
kind regards Ben