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  1. jbhotrod

    My new F-TR 308

    How do you like the stock? Fairly stiff?
  2. jbhotrod

    Bix 'n Andy action?

    I was checking out the website, scrolling through the different rifles in the gallery, and was wondering... whose barrels does Mr Andy use? Or does he make his own barrels? Anyone got any details on this??
  3. jbhotrod

    Anyone use a 6ppc ar15?

    May not get any more short range accuracy than a well-built .223, but you can definitely get better long range performance. Ie this is a setup thats similar to what many in the High Power/Across-The-Course arena are running: Pretty much everyone...
  4. jbhotrod

    Bix 'n Andy action?

    Anybody get to check this out at SHOT?? Looks impressive!! See the second item under "SHOT Show 2015, Day 3 (Jan 22 2015):"
  5. jbhotrod


    So how many barrels does someone like Tony Boyer go through in a year? How many does he buy at any one time? Also, Mr Boyer has Dwight Scott build his rifles correct?
  6. jbhotrod

    Ammo test rail

    Hello yall, I saw a post from German Salazar and had a few questions. Specifically, is there much difference between a rail like the one shown above versus a rail used in actual competition? And would...
  7. jbhotrod

    Where buy Weatherby's?

    Never thought Id see a day where I could point Mr Al to something he may never have heard of: See picture near middle of page for comparison to .338 Lapua. The case is around 20gr more than Cheytac IIRC. Its been a while since I kept up...
  8. jbhotrod

    Rail gun/barrel block

    Ive read that one can tune the rifle by moving the barrel within the block fore and aft, have yall ever had to do this during a match? Or is it something that you set once and leave it? Also, does anyone know who builds the ammunition test rail guns for Sierra? One more thing, do yall know...
  9. jbhotrod

    Rail gun/barrel block

    Hmm. No sir wasnt me. Im not much into 409s. Id love a 427 Cammer or a Boss 9 if you got one you wanna give me though! LOL speaking of: No sir dont get much purtier than...
  10. jbhotrod

    Rail gun/barrel block

    Any chance you(or anyone else) have ever slugged an unclamped barrel and then slugged the same barrel while clamped and measured the difference, if there was any sir? Thanks so much yall. Blake.
  11. jbhotrod

    Rail gun/barrel block

    Howdy yall, Blake here. I know theres quite a few rail shooters so I was wondering if i could ask a few things. For one, have yall found a way to get rid of the squeezing effect on the bore when clamping it down in the block? (Maybe an epoxy sleeve or lapping it in the block like Mr Schmidt...
  12. jbhotrod

    Barrel attachment and accuracy

    Maybe theres something to this?: Not exactly a barrel block but it appears to work alright for Mr Beckmann at 600.
  13. jbhotrod

    Barrel Block ?

    Well I saw Mr Ellertson saying he would copy it onto a pdf if there was a place to host it. Figured if there is any possibility someone has done that or will do that Id love to know about it. There is a site that you can put pdf books onto, Though Im not sure how legal that would...
  14. jbhotrod

    Barrel Block ?

    I see what youre saying and maybe I worded it wrong. I meant a tuner thats on the end of the barrel like the rimfire guys use, compared to a conventional barrel block, and just moving the barrel back/forth within the block and playing with the torque. LOL I didnt mean hanging a block off the end...
  15. jbhotrod

    Barrel Block ?

    I didnt want to start a new thread on this but still have a few questions on this myself. For one, can a barrel block ultimately have the same effect as a tuner on the end of the barrel? Provided you move the barrel up or down the block until optimum and play with the torque? Also, what is...
  16. jbhotrod

    6.5 saum

    I know this is a bit off-topic but figured I would ask here instead of a new thread. Ive heard mostly good reports on the .308 Palma case, that the majority of shooters are seeing more consistent vertical. With that said, has anyone tried doing a .260 or .260 Improved using .308 Palma...
  17. jbhotrod

    6.5 saum

    I agree with whats said here. Any cartridge can be "accurate" and win in a tactical format. That doesnt mean it will be able to agg and keep up with a 6BR/Dasher or .300 WSM at 1000yd in a BR competition. But atleast from what Ive seen of cartridge design, and what works/wins in F-Open and...
  18. jbhotrod

    6.5 saum

    I was a little mixed in my statements. Much like the 6mm Competition match, if you run it under their strict/mild load conditions, it will make that high barrel life. But you can also push it to the limit and make the velocities I mentioned in my first post and machine-gun the barrel, it wont...
  19. jbhotrod

    6.5 saum

    You can see the barrel life claims for yourself here: Its been being touted as nearly a wonder cartridge in the tactical sources. Sure does look to me like it would make a potent F-Class...
  20. jbhotrod

    Maximum accurate barrel diameter for Heavy Gun

    What would yall say offers the most options for fine-tuning, between a barrel block, a barrel tuner, and a free-floated barrel? Obviously the free-floated is gonna be the most simple, but which would allow you to squeeze the most accuracy out of the rifle in yalls` experience?