Your slickest action?

How slick do you require it to be?

Your question is hard to answer. Virtually all bolt actions can be "slicked up." I have a Paul Jaeger custom 30-06 based on a Pre 64 Model 70 action that was "honed" and is much, much smoother to cycle than other unmodified Pre 64 M70s that I've owned. Some of them were pretty stiff until the bolt was worked a couple of hundred times.

I would not necessarily reject any suitable bolt action for a varmint rifle based on how smooth they cycle when new. With a little work they can all be made pretty smooth. Besides, how smooth is smooth enough?
The gun looks like this

A Model 1924, Second Model, or Buffalo Newton, rifle with double set triggers that face each other and a "dogleg" bolt handle.

Almost like this one. Except beat. With chunks of wood broke off around the bolt all the way out to the tip of the forearm.
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I'd like to say that my Panda is the slickest action that I have but it isn't anywhere near my push feed Winchester. Absolutely the smoothest, easiest operating action that I own.
And how do you "know" this?

I believe the exact opposite to be true.


Hey Al,
I think it kind of depends on where you live. I live in Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the planes, carrying tons of dust. Sometimes it is difficult to complete a match, one target, without having undue stiffness in the action because of dust. And WE CLEAN BETWEEN EACH TARGET. So if you haven't experienced it.......nuff said.

As to the original poster, I would suggest one of the simi custom BR actions like the Stiller Diamondback or somethng similar. Closer fit but not quite BR standards.

Hey Al,
I think it kind of depends on where you live. I live in Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the planes, carrying tons of dust. Sometimes it is difficult to complete a match, one target, without having undue stiffness in the action because of dust. And WE CLEAN BETWEEN EACH TARGET. So if you haven't experienced it.......nuff said.

As to the original poster, I would suggest one of the simi custom BR actions like the Stiller Diamondback or somethng similar. Closer fit but not quite BR standards.


Where I'm coming from is that a tight action with a fluted bolt and tight "sweeping surfaces" will often function better than a loose one. A tight action works like the ways on a lathe and just slides the gunk into the flutes instead of allowing it into the raceway.

Is this the action

Stan used in the making of his video ? That video should be watched by some of the makers and paid attention to ;)
I 've not owned but a few bolt guns, but can't imagine anything finer than my Steyr, Manlicher from '56 with the butter knife bolt handle and rotary magazine. Second would be my 50's era FN, made in belgium.
There would be a lot of ideas about what "smooth" means and I am sure it would not have to mean the fastest.

From Skennerton:

"The current world record for aimed bolt-action fire was set in 1914 by a musketry instructor in the British Army—Sergeant Instructor Snoxall—who placed 38 rounds into a 12 inch wide target at 300 yards (270 m) in one minute."

That would be a Lee Enfield No1 MkIII which has a ten round mag so some reloading was required as well.
I kinda like my BAT actions. the draw back of the bolt almost feels like a suction when the lugs are properly greased. Maybe thats not what you mean by smooth, but it sure feels impressive, nice and tight!!! Lee
Maybe if you are shooting at a rock quary next to a rock crusher throwing pebbles into the loading port.

Bolt/action clearance on my competition rifles are .0004", and I have shot in plenty of Phoenix sandstorms without missing a beat. More worried about sand pebbles down the barrel or onto my scope lenses.

Bolt action lock ups due to tight tolerances is an "old wives" tales.........Don

my wife just turned 61 and she never mentioned this to me...
Schultz & Larson

Schultz & Larson was the smoothest Ive ever handled, but a terrible design. Those Danes were great craftsmen but poor designers with those locking lugs on the rear end of the bolt. Wrecked a lot of brass, just to much flex ....
But smooth as silk.....
Joe, your right, every time I open the bolt on a custom action I expect it to feel like a Krag. with all the equipment they have these days I would like to have one that felt that smooth.:)

Joe Salt
The first BAT

I kinda like my BAT actions. the draw back of the bolt almost feels like a suction when the lugs are properly greased. Maybe thats not what you mean by smooth, but it sure feels impressive, nice and tight!!! Lee

I owned was the slickest I have had. The current BAT I have isn't as slick but it's nice.
Slickest Action

I would have to say my old Fanner 50.
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"