Would you go to an out of town match at this time??

When this is all over with, and if, it turns out to be not as bad as was predicted, there are those that will say “I was right, all hype”. But, will the severity REALLY be less BECAUSE of the hype and people took proper precautions. Difficult to prove either way.
As a medical professional, I delivered direct patient care for 30 years...through the Swine Flu, Avian (Bird) Flu, Zika, the nasty AIDS/HIV blow up, Ebola, and back around to the new resurgence of Tuberculosis (thanks to the rabid anti-vaccination nuts).

Like most things in life, common sense and solid, basic precautions get you about 90% of the way.

Martin Luther responded to anxious Germans who...way back in 1527...were themselves facing the prospect of an epidemic. Luther wrote that above all else the Christian’s duty is to care for one’s neighbor. That included, according to Luther, taking care of the most vulnerable, following the best medical advice available, and avoiding unnecessary risks.

Still pretty good advice in 2020. -Al
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Yeahh, I get that a lot :)

3 of the folks in this thread have taken opportunity to call me stupid in times past.

Notice my avatar? "Oft dis'd member"

I've earned it

Nice thing for you is, you've got the masses behind you, you'll always have support.

While I'll still be crying in the wilderness.......

We are careful, but I agree with Al.
This may be out of line, but I pray that some day we'll enter a phase where adults can look at things like contrasting the uptick in suicides with "coronavirus deaths" ........ weigh costs with something other than agenda-driven hysteria
This is

Supposedly why the civilized world is so great. We are free to voice our opinions. Some love them and some hate them.

I will take the words from my brother...

"I truly believe my life isn’t mine, it belongs to someone higher. If they want me dead of Covid, cancer, heart attack, car accident so be it. I will live my life based on the choices I’m dealt."

Many of my heroes died young in foreign fields.
Others have died in charred ruins.
I survived.
Anybody can die in a hospital bed.
You can have that death.
I guess I don’t understand the gold star remark.
So you’ve wasted a slur.
A friend once said "when it's checkout time, it's checkout time." I believe that. We don't get to choose our time and place of passing generally. However, we can listen to the best advice out there and act accordingly.

At this hour whole countries in Europe are shut down. Iran is burying dead in mass trenches. In Italy, they don't have places to put all the bodies. Some U.S. states have shut down all schools, bars and restaurants and some have banned gatherings of over 25 people. Many people that had jobs on Friday will not be going to those jobs tomorrow. People won't be able to buy food and pay their rent.

Our governments aren't doing this to mess with our heads. They are trying to keep us alive.

It took a lot of folks in this country a good bit of time to take WWII seriously. This is beginning to seem a lot like that.

My wife and I may not die from this, but it for sure will make it a lot harder to retire. The financial impact will be lasting. I fully expect to lose friends and possibly relatives.

I don't subscribe to B.S. Covid-19 is not B.S.
Well, it's nice to see a return to responsible commentary.
What lots of folks seem not to factor are two major issues here. Everybody, absolutely everybody is trying, even by being overly cautious, to try to stretch out the contamination curve so as not to potentially overwhelm the system.
The choices boil down to maybe being over cautious and underwhelmed or cavalier and risk being overwhelmed.
This, and the fact that as of now.....zero treatments/effective drugs, and those are on a fast trac development schedule, hopefully minimizing ultimate fallout.
Time will tell.
Well, I don't know about everyone else, but at my age I have already survived 4 or 5 Ends Of The World, so I'm throwing caution to the wind. :D
It will still be there....

I too, try to rely on common sense for a lot of things in life. There is NO medicine for this. There is NO vaccine. Old people are susceptible and we, as a group, have a lot of old men. Not a lot of cases yet but increasing daily. Hopefully, the infection curve will flatten out in the next month.

I agree there is an awful lot of hype on this but it IS a contagious virus. Do your own risk/reward analysis. If you go, you may win 1st place, bragging rights and gas money or a blue ribbon/trophy. You may win a trip to the hospitol or worse.

Match directors have a big decision to make here. I'll have to address this in the next week as to whether to have the match in Austin on the 29th. It will prob be only 15 shooters but we're all old bastards in the high risk group. It may be wise to take a month off.

How do you know the guy you just shook hands with didn't get sneezed on by the person in line at the grocery store. I mean, there were only 75 people in line with me at the store.
Personally, I'm not very afraid to get the virus. What I'm afraid of is to get the virus, and then pass the virus on to people of not so good health.
Despite the fears

I really wonder what the economic impact will be?

Pretty sure this is going to be the nastiest in my 54 years walking this earth. The Canadian dollar keeps dropping. Not going to be good for Canadians and purchasing of goods....

I really wonder what the economic impact will be?

Pretty sure this is going to be the nastiest in my 54 years walking this earth. The Canadian dollar keeps dropping. Not going to be good for Canadians and purchasing of goods....


I mustered the courage to glance at my 401k today. I’m reconciled to think that what goes down must come back up:p
We are giving in, we WILL lose if we don't wake up!

A church in Louisiana "defies the government" by gathering for Sunday Service.... the cops show up to "break it up" and claim that "they'll call in the National Guard"



we're sick all right.... soul-sick.

This is the real problem here, we're staying home, accomplishing nothing. Limiting nothing. We're believing, listening to, giving credence to the segment of the population which is completely incapable of reason. For all the wrong reasons. Mortality rate for people under 30 is zero.... most of us already have been exposed.... so if you want to do something "effective" don't go visit your elderly loved ones.....

And today the silly bints are suggesting "no gatherings larger than 10 people"

I guess there's one "good thing".........The streets around our great nation are choked with kids, happy happy happy......"SCHOOL'S OUT FOREVER!!!"

Best Spring in history!

Go Kids!
A church in Louisiana "defies the government" by gathering for Sunday Service.... the cops show up to "break it up" and claim that "they'll call in the National Guard"



we're sick all right.... soul-sick.

This is the real problem here, we're staying home, accomplishing nothing. Limiting nothing. We're believing, listening to, giving credence to the segment of the population which is completely incapable of reason. For all the wrong reasons. Mortality rate for people under 30 is zero.... most of us already have been exposed.... so if you want to do something "effective" don't go visit your elderly loved ones.....

And today the silly bints are suggesting "no gatherings larger than 10 people"

I guess there's one "good thing".........The streets around our great nation are choked with kids, happy happy happy......"SCHOOL'S OUT FOREVER!!!"

Best Spring in history!

Go Kids!


A man was caught in a storms rising waters, some friends came by in a tall 4x4 and said to get in.
“No”, said the man. “I am relying on My faith in God to save me.”

As the waters rose, the man was trapped on the second floor. A boat came by.....”Get in, we can take you to safety”
“No”, said the man. “I’m relying on my faith in God to save me”.

As the waters rose the man was soon trapped on his roof top. A rescue helicopter appeared over head....”Grab the rope, we will take you to safety”
“No”, said the man. “I’m relying on my faith in God to save me”.

Well, the man drowned, and at the Pearly Gates, was met by St Peter.......”why didn’t the Lord save me”, said the man.

St Peter answers....“Oh, your the moron that we sent the truck, the boat, and the helicopter after”.


A man was caught in a storms rising waters, some friends came by in a tall 4x4 and said to get in.
“No”, said the man. “I am relying on My faith in God to save me.”

As the waters rose, the man was trapped on the second floor. A boat came by.....”Get in, we can take you to safety”
“No”, said the man. “I’m relying on my faith in God to save me”.

As the waters rose the man was soon trapped on his roof top. A rescue helicopter appeared over head....”Grab the rope, we will take you to safety”
“No”, said the man. “I’m relying on my faith in God to save me”.

Well, the man drowned, and at the Pearly Gates, was met by St Peter.......”why didn’t the Lord save me”, said the man.

St Peter answers....“Oh, your the moron that we sent the truck, the boat, and the helicopter after”.

300 members, hugging, holding hands and kissing. After the last hymn is sung,
they take whatever viruses they might have been exposed to, back to their respective communities.
Not smart.

The tithes are more important than common sense.
