The Tack Driver Showdown sponsored by IBS

Many people worked to find an alternate range. It just wasn't meant to be this year.

This match was set before the corona virus. It's also after the points season. I just fail to see your point or how the two are related.
The implication seems to be that what might be one of the biggest shoots all year, that brings group, score and long range together, outside of the points season, is of relevance at all to the regular ibs matches. I fail to see that.
Instead, I think that falls on range availability and Corona virus, much more than anything scheduled for outside of the actual season. Am I wrong?
IBS should be spending more time with regard to a location
for the their NATIONAL GROUP SHOOT as compared to a
nonregistered shoot.
Not exactly sure who you are or what you might know or understand about benchrest. Let me give you some information to work with! I am a match director in Orangeburg, SC and the 1st VP of IBS. The range I currently run has NO moving backers for a group match to be held at my range. The time I spend on promoting an UNSANCTIONED event at my club is totally up to me and I am doing it for Jeff Stover( as this was his brainchild and he is resigning as President at the end of this year) and the shooters across all shooting organizations and disciplines. I currently have the 100-200 score Nationals, 200-300 Score Nationals, a 100-200-300 match and The tack Driver scheduled for the remaining part of 2020. I can assure you that NO ONE is devoting any more time or effort to benchrest and IBS than I am! your negative comments or misunderstood information, could be just that. If you would care to discuss what IBS or myself is doing in a one on one conversation my cell phone number is 843-957-6546. I will be waiting for your call. Thanks JC
This match was set before the corona virus. It's also after the points season. I just fail to see your point or how the two are related.
The implication seems to be that what might be one of the biggest shoots all year, that brings group, score and long range together, outside of the points season, is of relevance at all to the regular ibs matches. I fail to see that.
Instead, I think that falls on range availability and Corona virus, much more than anything scheduled for outside of the actual season. Am I wrong?

Dave was speaking about the group Nationals. We did look for alternative locations, but didn't have anything that would be sufficient either with scheduling dates or match directors/range help.
And on a more positive note. THE TACK DRIVER is officially FULL! if you would like to get on the waiting list , please call me at 843-957-6546. Thanks JC
Can’t fix stupid

Not exactly sure who you are or what you might know or understand about benchrest. Let me give you some information to work with! I am a match director in Orangeburg, SC and the 1st VP of IBS. The range I currently run has NO moving backers for a group match to be held at my range. The time I spend on promoting an UNSANCTIONED event at my club is totally up to me and I am doing it for Jeff Stover( as this was his brainchild and he is resigning as President at the end of this year) and the shooters across all shooting organizations and disciplines. I currently have the 100-200 score Nationals, 200-300 Score Nationals, a 100-200-300 match and The tack Driver scheduled for the remaining part of 2020. I can assure you that NO ONE is devoting any more time or effort to benchrest and IBS than I am! your negative comments or misunderstood information, could be just that. If you would care to discuss what IBS or myself is doing in a one on one conversation my cell phone number is 843-957-6546. I will be waiting for your call. Thanks JC

My response is that if you have never been a part of a committee or involved in a discipline other than a participate then IÂ’m very aware of this persons idiotic statement. Jim I can totally understand all that you do have watched over the years your growth as a competitor as well as match director my hats off to the chores youÂ’ve taken on this year Trying to grow the sport when all else around is failing the growth in the past few years is phenomenal in the southeast thanks to your efforts never let a fool that knows nothing about whatÂ’s actually happening discourage your efforts I know that I personally think that the winner of this tack driver unsanctioned event should be more proud of this win than any other event out there best of the best And buddy if you are so concerned about the group nationals why didnÂ’t you offer to host it at your local range or at least try to help with a solution instead of proving how oblivious you are at what has been going on with the committees trying to jump through hurdles that local and state governments have set fourth if you wish to discuss further 706 491 8040
It's getting closer

I have finalized the art for the t-shirts for this event and the excitement continues to build. I am getting numerous calls a week and pictures of groups people are shooting all the time. The question is who will be the best of the best? will it be dominated by a 6PPC or will the old 30BR prevail? Will the Long Range guys shooting 1" groups at 600 get it all dialed in and dominate with the 6BRA or will a big boomer show us how its done? Time will tell and the excitement is building. I am considering printing some hooded sweatshirts for sale($25) in addition to the T-shirt that will be provided. If you want a sweatshirt, please make sure to let me know as the order will be submitted on 11-1 for printing. Thanks and WHO WILL BE THE TACK DRIVER?
I have finalized the art for the t-shirts for this event and the excitement continues to build. I am getting numerous calls a week and pictures of groups people are shooting all the time. The question is who will be the best of the best? will it be dominated by a 6PPC or will the old 30BR prevail? Will the Long Range guys shooting 1" groups at 600 get it all dialed in and dominate with the 6BRA or will a big boomer show us how its done? Time will tell and the excitement is building. I am considering printing some hooded sweatshirts for sale($25) in addition to the T-shirt that will be provided. If you want a sweatshirt, please make sure to let me know as the order will be submitted on 11-1 for printing. Thanks and WHO WILL BE THE TACK DRIVER?

So will the T-shirts and hoodies be for sale to those of us that wont be able to make the trip?
the ibs is sponsoring a fun shoot: The tack driver on november 14, 2020 at the mid-carolina gun club in orangeburg, sc. We are inviting virtually any type of rifle to compete at 300 meters for group and score. Maximum of 120 shooters. You do not have to be a member of ibs to shoot. The match will be conducted under ibs competition and safety rules. I want to thank jim cline for stepping up and offering mid-carolina gun club for the inaugural tack driver. One item of import is that there will be two divisions: Bolt and gas. So semiauto shooters will see how they stack up against the bolt br rifles, but compete in their own division.

We envision on the line the full array of the world's most accurate rifles: Short and long range benchrest rifles, f-class, ar, other tactical, egg shoot rifles, whatever...not many rules. Semiautos will need chamber flags, otherwise bolts out all all times. All shooting from bench, either rests or bipod. But no return to battery or rail guns. We are still working out the "rules" but likely no more than 22 pounds.

There will be a 1/3 payback to the shooters plus a cash option ($60-$80 entry fee, still working on). My early discussions with those in the industry, leads to me believe we will have lots of prizes too.

Much more to come. This is a work in progress, and we are working out the details. This is something totally new, so hang on - and be a little patient.

Jeff stover, ibs president
jeff where is mainville match report 4 days late .
3 open spots

If you are wanting to shoot the Tack Driver on 11-14 and 15th. There have been a few cancelations and 3 spots are open.
Mike it seems like I wish I could but can't make it, a poor excuse is better then none, You need to step up to the plate, every time I see your name same thing wish I could BUT.
Mike it seems like I wish I could but can't make it, a poor excuse is better then none, You need to step up to the plate, every time I see your name same thing wish I could BUT.
You're right, Dan. 2020 has been a tough year and there have been numerous times that I had to back out of matches at the last minute and others that I couldn't make for various reasons.
This match has been a scheduling conflict for me since it was announced. That's no one's fault. It just is what it is. No complaints and I believe itll be a good time.

Now, did you have a point?
I still don’t know which Rifle I am going to shoot. I did not get to test my new 104 grn 6mm bullets with the J4 Jackets last week end, will shoot them Sunday.

That being said, I am starting to think more about shooting one of my 6PPC’s. Both were ready for the Nationals, both shoot great.
i still don’t know which rifle i am going to shoot. I did not get to test my new 104 grn 6mm bullets with the j4 jackets last week end, will shoot them sunday.

That being said, i am starting to think more about shooting one of my 6ppc’s. Both were ready for the nationals, both shoot great.
jackie make 71.5 they shoot great in 6 ppc shot them back in 70s just little more recoil.
jackie make 71.5 they shoot great in 6 ppc shot them back in 70s just little more recoil.

These dies will not make a bullet that short.

Besides, I have shot 80’s and see no advantage at 300 and shorter over a regular 65/68 grn bullet.

If I shoot a 6PPC, it will be with either the 65 grn Bart’s or the old 68 grn Bruno 00, which I still have about 1000 of.

I am trying to keep in the mindset that this Match is still in the Short Range Relm. You take the most accurate Rifle you have to the line and read the conditions.
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these dies will not make a bullet that short.

Besides, i have shot 80’s and see no advantage at 300 and shorter over a regular 65/68 grn bullet.

If i shoot a 6ppc, it will be with either the 65 grn bart’s or the old 68 grn bruno 00, which i still have about 1000 of.

I am trying to keep in the mindset that this match is still in the short range relm. You take the most accurate rifle you have to the line and read the conditions.
make them on your regular pt. Die for 1 14 barrel there better than 80 gr.
T-Shirt Debut

It's time to debut the T-shirts for "THE TACK DRIVER". Who will be the winner of this first ever combination event? I will have that answer in exactly 4 weeks from today. There have been a few cancelations and NOW is the time if you think you have what it takes to win or just want to have a great time with some great shooters!


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