Sporter Class NBRSA

Since everyone just about shoots 6MM, the Sporter class is a redundancy.

Just open the class to anything riding on separate bags. With the aggs shot today in LV and HV,
let's see what a wide open bag class would do.

Damn iPad.
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Hi Jerry

Did Ferris compete with these rifles ? A fellow who ran a grain elevator here in central Indiana that I have done repair for since the early 70s was telling us many years ago about how he, his brother, and another local farmer whom were all BR shooters in the day of Mauser actions, double set triggers, Unertl scopes, and 22-250, 220 Swift barrels had placed one through three and Ferris Pindell fourth at a match somewhere in Indiana. That had to be in the 50s or 60s, he had never heard of a PPC, which was actually fairly new when he told the story. He passed away many years ago, so I would say he was probably older than Ferris at the time of the match. I had just started buying Precision Shooting magazine at the gun shows, so when he mentioned Ferris as a competitor it immediately registered with me.

Benchrest rifles with actiions Ferris built.

Hi Jerry

Did Ferris compete with these rifles ? A fellow who ran a grain elevator here in central Indiana that I have done repair for since the early 70s was telling us many years ago about how he, his brother, and another local farmer whom were all BR shooters in the day of Mauser actions, double set triggers, Unertl scopes, and 22-250, 220 Swift barrels had placed one through three and Ferris Pindell fourth at a match somewhere in Indiana. That had to be in the 50s or 60s, he had never heard of a PPC, which was actually fairly new when he told the story. He passed away many years ago, so I would say he was probably older than Ferris at the time of the match. I had just started buying Precision Shooting magazine at the gun shows, so when he mentioned Ferris as a competitor it immediately registered with me.

I'm sure he did since this was all the Benchrest rifles in his house when I inventoried. Not all were PPC's. At least one was a 40 degree 6BR. This collection went to Kelblys as did the Hugh press pictured. Dave Kiff ended up with most or all of them. He has since given one or two as prizes to Benchrest nationals.

An old thread

With the redundancy in classes and 90% plus, all shooting one gun in three classes, why not a 13.5lb limit in all classes, excluding UL? If your best gun is 10.5, shoot it, just like now. IBS score(at least) allows 13.5lbs but recognizes 10.5 LV records if you shoot a 10.5lb gun. The big upside is that there are a ton of score shooters that already have 13.5lb guns that might shoot more group matches if not for only being able to contest in HV. UBR, IBS and NBRSA all use 13.5lb max for score, again excluding UL.
You'd still be shooting one gun if you choose and records could still be recognized for individual classes as long as your gun meets those class rules. It would make it where matches are somewhat easier to hold and run and there could be the option of shorter matches for clubs with limited time, for directors as well as range availability, as all three classes could be fired at the same time. Not trying to start any trouble, just thinking about why so many classes where virtually everyone is shooting one gun in all of them. With the low numbers at so many matches, and a natural place to draw from(score) where the guns already exist..I guess I'm just wondering why this hasn't been discussed more than I've seen. Two reasons I don't shoot group are the lack of ranges nearby holding matches and I'd have to build a dedicated gun for a game without nearby matches. I think this could address both. Just thinking out loud and reviving an old thread.
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