Rate these barrels

Conspiracy Theory :)

If MONEY is all the "BARREL" makers are after why don't the sell the "HUMMERS" for a $1000.00 or put them on EBAY (to bring top $$$$).

And sell the "lesser barrels" for the amount according to what match they can win.(Do you think the "BARREL SORTERS" have a Black Market thing going? :) )

Are the Bullet Makers, Powder People, and the rest of the industry in on this also?

Inquiring minds want to know???

Have any of you found that a barrel (Hart or Lilja or Kreiger) from Midway or Brownelles is of less quality that if you got it from the manufacturer?


I bought two Shilen and one Douglas, all Match Grade, from Brownells about 8 years ago. And every one of them disapointed me.

I asked a representative of Shilen and he assured me that the barrels they sell to Brownells were exactly the same barrel they sell directly to the customer.

So, the result is that I dont trust Shilen or Douglas barrels to shoot anymore...
....you are missing the point completely.
You are well know and an accomplished competition shooter and you would have no trouble getting a good product!
You would have used a well know and respected gunsmith to get your first barrels . He would have no trouble getting a good barrel or its replacement.

Its the UNKNOWN SHOOTER , THE ORDINARY GUY ON THE STREET that is getting it in the neck from some barrel makers worldwide .

'Morning. I'll probably regret posting this. I know I regret my original post. Threads like this should die a quick death and I've probably only succeeded in prolonging the inevitable. :( But now that I've opened my yap, I suppose I better finish what I started. Not that it will make any difference, but here goes:

Just to clarify things a bit, I went down and checked my records on my Lilja barrel purchases. Not one of the 8 Lilja barrels I've used were ordered directly from Lilja by me:
- 4 were ordered by my 'smith. 3 of those 4 were used to 'fill out' an order to get to the next discount level. Lilja Barrels certainly never knew who these 'filler' barrels were going to.
- 2 were purchased by me from pals that happened to have one or two left over from their '5 or more' orders. Lilja Barrels certainly never knew who the end user of these was going to be.
- 2 were ordered directly from Lilja on a one-at-a-time basis by my 'smith for me. On the first of these, it was the first time my 'smith had ever ordered a barrel from Lilja. At that time, my 'smith was unknown among BR shooters....hardly a candidate for getting a 'hand picked' barrel. :rolleyes:

But my real point here isn't the defense of a company that I feel makes a quality product, as it is a cautionary message about being too quick to judge a company based on a few isolated instances and then to post these 'findings' on the Internet as 'fact'.

Interestingly, I don't have a Lilja on any of my BR guns at this time, so it's not like I have some sort of vested interest here. I just think that posting these sorts of inflamatory things about situations that we don't know all the facts about has the potential to cause great harm to a company. We don't know all the facts. Yet we sit back and judge and pontificate about a company (any company) based on heresay and the classic 'he said/she said' scenario? Doesn't seem quite kosher to me.

In defense of this, I'm going to point out the case of one poster on BRC that used to badmouth one of the biggest barrelmakers over barrels that were, in his opinion, junk. He would lament long and loudly over this..all the while assuring everyone that tried to help him that eveything else was fine with his setup...it was the barrels that were junk. Well, lo and behold..it turned out that the freebore diameter in his chamber was too small. It was a reamer problem. Not a barrel problem. But it was the barrelmaker that took the slamming. And did some people make purchase decisions based off his erroneous postings? Probably.

Some people seem to have issues with every component they buy: actions, barrels, stocks, triggers, rests, scopes...you name it, they have problems with it. The common demominator seems to be the person, not the product, in some of these cases. None of this is directed at any individual here. Just an observation.

I haven't been in the sport a real long time, but long enough to see people have issues with almost every brand of barrel out there. And I agree that customer service after a problem crops up is where a company can really shine for the customer. And I also know that at times the customer service of all companies (not just in this sport) falls short of what the customer needs to have done to satisfy him or here. It happens...I've let it happen to me in my 'day job', just like most of us have done.

Good shootin'. :) -Al
The best information I've taken from this so far is match score results.

Does anyone have any more of this information?
What barrels are winning?

I'm sure everyone puts out their friday afternoon barrels, but I figure that's a chance everyone takes.

So who's winning with what barrels?
Lilja makes every barrel to fill an order, except the rimfire, pre-fit barrels. Each barrel is lapped and checked with the rigid, fixed bore scope system in the shop. There are no bins, boxes or racks for barrels of different quality levels. There don't seem to be any "special runs" of barrels for particular people or customers.
I know this because I have visited his old location and his new shop on several occasions, talked to everybody in the shop and observed the operations. On occasion, Dan was absent so I could observe the steps without concern of being a bother to anyone or taking people's time.
I have only used Broughton, Hart, Kreiger, Lawrence, Lawton, Lilja, Pacnor and Shilen barrels (in alpha order) and all were fine for their intended use. I would use any of them again. Many of them did very well at 1000 yard BR but the owner/shooter is usually the key factor.

An in-depth discussion on triggers would be real interesting. Where posters could say whatever they wanted without offending the trigger makers but it isn't going to happen for several reasons. Not all trigger systems are loved by all shooters and for good reasons. So we talk about it offline.

I'm outa here,
Here's somethng else to consider..a parting shot, if you will. ;)

Would any of us be anxious to have 'smiths and mfgs. post a thread with the heading:

Rate These Customers :eek:

For consideration. ;) -Al
Conspiracy Theory


First off let me say I agree with you on the Lilja barrel thing. If someone orders a 1.750" diameter barrel that what they should get. Dan should admit his mistake and make it right.

The reason I thought SHILEN sold different grades barrels was to fill the demand for people with different needs.

The difference in the price of the different grade barrels reflects the increased labor cost to make a better grade barrel.

The biggest cost of a product is usually labor cost, not material cost.

Some people don't feel they need a select match grade barrel to replace the barrel on their deer rifle, that was ruined when it was fired with a chunk of mud in it.

Maybe the prairie dog hunter wants to replace the barrel on his trusty varmint rifle that has the throat shot out from to many 300-500 round days at the dog towns.

He doesn't require a barrel that groups in the .2's. He fires at one target at a time, if he misses, no big deal just move to the next dog.

By making several different grades of barrels SHILEN can target( :) ) different niche markets, GOOD ECONOMICS.

I don't know about all barrel makers but some will only let the best they can make go out the door.
I have out in my shop the start of a SS barrel blank that has a .22 hole in it but no rifling it failed inspection and was rejected. You can make lot of washer out of one barrel blank.:)

I've kept quiet so far about this issue with Lilja, because I like Dan personally.

To be honest, I have two barrel blanks from him that I ordered from him, talked to him on the phone to order. Both blanks to be .980 dia, one blank a .224 in one in eight twist and the other to be a .224 in a one in seven twist. Both for AR-15's for my Son. The barrels came marked as seven and eight.

Trouble was, they are .223 barrels. Now I don't know anybody that uses a seven or eight twist for .22 rimfire. The chamber end of one barrel is clearly marked .223, the other is not stamped at all.

All of this would have been OK if I had anything that would work for that dia to thread to at that time.

When I called Dan and told him about this he offered no explanation or offer to replace them. I've bought a lot of barrel since then, but no more Lilja's.

I wish it never happened, and this is the only time I've said anything publicly about it.:confused:
I've kept quiet so far about this issue with Lilja, because I like Dan personally.

To be honest, I have two barrel blanks from him that I ordered from him, talked to him on the phone to order. Both blanks to be .980 dia, one blank a .224 in one in eight twist and the other to be a .224 in a one in seven twist. Both for AR-15's for my Son. The barrels came marked as seven and eight.

Trouble was, they are .223 barrels. Now I don't know anybody that uses a seven or eight twist for .22 rimfire. The chamber end of one barrel is clearly marked .223, the other is not stamped at all.

All of this would have been OK if I had anything that would work for that dia to thread to at that time.

When I called Dan and told him about this he offered no explanation or offer to replace them. I've bought a lot of barrel since then, but no more Lilja's.

I wish it never happened, and this is the only time I've said anything publicly about it.:confused:

God bless you Big Al,
You, are in fact, humble.

I'd have shipped them back, with a letter, asking for my money back, cc'd to the better business bureau.

It's one thing crying about group size, but when you order a .224 and get .223, that's a whole different kettle of fish.

The only question you have to ask, is to yourself, and did you say .224, and if your certain you did, you should pursue this.

But, as you mention, who to heck would order an 8 twist .223 barrel. You'd think someone in the shop would question that.

Has Mr Valentine Open A Can Of Worms

JUST one question is there any chance of a unknown shooter receiving a top class barrel. thank you :(
When I first started I was lucky enough to get a real good barrel from Hart, Kreiger, and Shilen. Unfortunately I didn't know what I had. I would shoot a .150 and follow it with a .350. I was the Barrel Man for a few years and sold several thousand barrels. Yes, Tony Boyer and some of the other great shooters got some of them. He had no way of knowing what he was getting as I might ship Dwight 50 barrels. Some of those were Tony's and some just went to Dwight's customers.
Chris, nobody yet has posted that they or anybody can inspect a barrel and say it is a hummer. You can see flaws with a borescope and do some measuring. If it ain't right, send it back.
So many things have been posted as fact on the forums by people that heard somebody say something and they take it as fact. If you know anybody that can select a hummer before chambering it, I will pay him $100 per barrel for his expertise.
When I first started I was lucky enough to get a real good barrel from Hart, Kreiger, and Shilen. Unfortunately I didn't know what I had. I would shoot a .150 and follow it with a .350. I was the Barrel Man for a few years and sold several thousand barrels. Yes, Tony Boyer and some of the other great shooters got some of them. He had no way of knowing what he was getting as I might ship Dwight 50 barrels. Some of those were Tony's and some just went to Dwight's customers.
Chris, nobody yet has posted that they or anybody can inspect a barrel and say it is a hummer. You can see flaws with a borescope and do some measuring. If it ain't right, send it back.
So many things have been posted as fact on the forums by people that heard somebody say something and they take it as fact. If you know anybody that can select a hummer before chambering it, I will pay him $100 per barrel for his expertise.

I'll give you a healthy 43% markup if you'll have him select a small pile of 'em for me....

Seriously, the best barrel I've had in a long time was bought from Sinclair by a friend of mine (unknown to the Benchrest crowd) a while back. He told me that they said they had three in stock, and they just pulled one off the shelf and sent it to him.

My best barrel to date is a Krieger 1:11 30 cal. I made a call and checked on wait times. He told me to hold on and came back on the line and said he had one! I had it in a week. I don't know if it was an extra, a stock item or if someone canceled an order- I really don't care:D
Bartlien barrels isn’t on the list but after some of the comments (especially Lynn’s relating to another barrel supplyer)I have some things to say about Bartlien and Frank Green (a member and contributor of this forum).
First if you aren’t going to read my entire post please stop here or you might get the wrong idea of my post.
This fall I ordered a barrel from Bartlien, their website said that they were taking orders but had no delivery dates or something to that effect. So I called and talked to Frank to order a 7mm barrel for a 1000yd light gun, and asked when I might expect it, he said I should have it by Christmas. I thought that’s not bad and placed the order.
I received the barrel around the 2nd week of Dec. When I pulled it from the package (packed very well) I did some measuring and found the shank was 1.20x, I had ordered a 1.250 shank. I called Frank and explained the problem and he said he didn’t know how that could have happened. He said they were on 7mm barrels at the time and would get one with the correct contour out to me right away. In less than a week I received the correct barrel and still before Christmas.
I got around to chambering the barrel this week(7mm SAUM) and started break-in and load development today. All I can say is I am very impressed.
I loaded 5 rounds for break-in.
The first shot I had quite a bit of copper fouling, the second much less, the third very little and the fourth none, so I didn’t use the fifth round for break-in.
I shot 43 rounds for load development 3 for sighting in and the rest a duplicated ladder test. The barrel shot very well on the first 20 but really started to settle in on the last 20. After all the shooting I cleaned again. I ran 3 wet patches of CR-10 through to get rid of the powder fouling and let the last one set. I then ran a dry patch through and got a little blue from one land. I ran another wet patch through and let it set about 20 minutes and got no copper with the following dry patch.
So far I am very impressed with this barrel, looks like it's a keeper.:cool:
And as far as preferential treatment on who gets the good barrels, I'm a nobody.:D
Keep up the good work Frank
JUST one question is there any chance of a unknown shooter receiving a top class barrel. thank you :(

Yes there absolutely is.

Now my question:

Is there a good chance that the Unknown shooter perhaps has little experience in shooting and regardless of what barrel they receive, may well remain unknown?

I've seen ho-hum barrels get re-chambered to a different cartridge and become great barrels. I've seen them get no change other than a new owner and become great barrels. I've seen really great barrels get treated poorly by their owner (me) and become really not so great barrels.


Some here seem to think they make two grades of barrels and it's because they screw up some. It's not a matter of making a mistake, so much as going through inspection after manufacture, and being graded by dimension. Shilen has a specification for what consitutes a select match and if a barrel is lapped a few ten thousanths more, in order to clean up the tool marks in it, then it is no longer a select match. They are looking for an interior finish that is of a known quality. One barrel may need more lapping to get to that point than another, so that one becomes another grade. It does not mean one bit that it is a worse barrel. Very possibly they may work better for all we know. Maybe it will work better if you've got slightly fat bullets or may work with a different load. There's millions of combinations in this game and the barrel is only one piced of the pie. Albeit, a big piece.

I have only once ever sent a barrel back to a manufacturer. I now after more experience, am not convinced that anything was their fault. There may have been nothing wrong with the barrel. I was very early in my shooting days then and I am sure that manufacturer did not know me other than being on the customer list. They were extremely fair about the replacement. They are on the list at the top of the thread. I would buy from them again. Others here evidently would not.

[paragraph deleted] cause I don't even want to respond to the one idea posted around page 4 that is so ridiculous I'm speechless.

While equipment lists are a great source of finding out what wins, they are also a great source for finding what is the flavor of the month too. Ask your gunsmith for a recommendation for the cartridge you want. In some cases, a gunsmith may use one brand for one caliber and another for a different one, just because from experience, they have a feeling about one working better than another.
Good and bad barrels

Hi Gang:

I have had good barrels and some real stinkers. Tradition has it that one gets bad news first, so here goes.

The worst barrel that I ever had was a Hart. I sent them my action M70 and a rifle blank and asked them to make a rifle for me. The rifle that they sent me would shoot 1.375" groups. I returned the rifle where they checked and sent me targets that agged .280", this was a heavy .220 Swift. I could get .750" out of the the gun that I had stripped the action form for this project.
I took the gun to another benchrest who said," his child could have done a better job."

The story is much longer but I was out of a wad of money and had a POS! No more HART barrels fo me!

The good news is that I had a 6PPC that would not shoot well. I talked to the gunsmith who built it and he said that he would try it to see what was the problem. He did and called me and said that I was I correct, this barrel will not shoot! He called Shilen and Shilen said that they would replace the barrel. The new Shilen shot great.

Speedy built me a 30X47 with a Lilja barrel and it shoots fantastic.

Oh yes, I have a 25-06 Herters barrel that will outshoot the Hart barrel! LOL

Bad shooters make good barrels look bad.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR

And good/great barrels will never make bad shooters shoot good, tis the way it is.

If a person with a "Bad Barrel" spent less time complaining about it and more time studying BR/loading/shooting maybe the number of bad barrels they had/have would decrease?!?