OK Buckos!


What happened to the bring it on attitude?

When the tide of opinion is that you've over stepped the bounds and aren't doing a good job. It is time to give up.

The tide of opinion is its time for you to let it go.

Wilbur, Charles has done nothing wrong here. He just did his job, nothing else.
What happened to the bring it on attitude?

When the tide of opinion is that you've over stepped the bounds and aren't doing a good job. It is time to give up.

Goad goad, goad.

Best I can tell, this "tide" is the number of posts by a very small number of people. The biggest "tide" is Wilbur; his money, his forum, his rules. The second biggest "tide" is the general audience on BR Central. Not sure that is team Eck, and am sure it isn't Hambone. Of the two, Team Eck is interesting. From my perspective, if they would encourage rather than squash, they would be a very valuable resource. Do you have that potential?
Goad goad, goad.

Best I can tell, this "tide" is the number of posts by a very small number of people. The biggest "tide" is Wilbur; his money, his forum, his rules. The second biggest "tide" is the general audience on BR Central. Not sure that is team Eck, and am sure it isn't Hambone. Of the two, Team Eck is interesting. From my perspective, if they would encourage rather than squash, they would be a very valuable resource. Do you have that potential?

Not goading at all just reminding those few that are interested of what has been posted and the changes that occur within a matter of hours. I've always found that consistency to be the key to a good performance. Always willing to encourage those that need it. Just as I'm always willing butt up against those that adopt a priggish approach to something that is relatively a simple task given the right attitude.
For those who don't know, there is a CF Chat Room that is frequented mostly by CF Score Shooters. The traffic there is usually in the evening hours. The first requirement to be able to participate is one must use their real and full name. Anyone who is afraid to use their real name perhaps should consider not participating. If this were my site, I woud require everyone to use their true and correct name.

Good in principle, but how do you determine what is a real and full name?

I am a member of a long range shooting/hunting chat room where you get invited to join by an existing member. Most of the members do some form of target shooting too. No invite, no membership. Works for us, but we don't run to 5k members.
Wilbur, Charles has done nothing wrong here. He just did his job, nothing else.

Let's talk about that. Charles, first and foremost, is a genuine friend of mine. If Charles called and asked me to shut this whole deal down I would. Secondly, if you needed someone to represent Benchrest shooting anywhere, Charles would be your man.

As Charles already stated, I upped his permissions one fine day and notified him that he was a Moderator. Same thing with the other Moderators and they have served us well. Nobody likes to have their posts deleted and a valid argument can always be made that the deletion was unnecessary. Conversely, nobody wants to delete posts in the first place but it appears necessary if only at the time.
............ Always willing to encourage those that need it. Just as I'm always willing butt up against those that adopt a priggish approach to something that is relatively a simple task given the right attitude.

Is there any way that you could concentrate on the former and make an attempt to avoid the latter. I realize that I'm asking a tiger to change his stripes but asking anyway.
edgerat - Your confidence in this Rimfire Forum is refreshing.

I am not certain if that was sincere but, if it was, thank you. I really do feel that this is the one forum that has the user-base and the atmosphere to take this sport on. I won't say "advance rimfire accuracy" because that has become a joke in many circles but, it has been revived and I hope it continues to thrive.
Is there any way that you could concentrate on the former and make an attempt to avoid the latter. I realize that I'm asking a tiger to change his stripes but asking anyway.


One can but try. I appreciate being asked. Psychology 101
One would hope that people in this community could be trusted to be honest.



Like wise.

The only problem with the www. and an open forum is its not restricted to just this community.

I have very close 3rd hand experience where significant problems have been caused due to personal information being posted with good intent. Trust your fellow shooters, is a very worthy ideal. Trust the www. a recipe for disaster.
Charles E,

FWIW, I’m pleased to see you posting and moderating on the Rimfire BR sub-forum. I’ve found the several summations you’ve posted of the problems here and of forums in general, both accurate and well written. And, from what I’ve seen, your actions as a moderator deserve no criticism.

As a long time “lurker” and infrequent poster on dozens of forums, my experience tell me that the intent of this thread to “fix what’s broken” is probably not achievable but it’s certainly a worthwhile goal and I hope it’s at least partially successful.

Thank You,
Larry Landercasper
Landy, thank you for your kind words. I think the matter is simply that I was the first moderator to get interested in rimfire; any of the other moderators would have done the same.

People seem to forget that they have been "empowered" by being able to make posts in the first place, and sometimes abuse that power. Like any publication, BR Central has rules & policies.

I think, with just a bit of effort, we can continue to make it a more or less sane place. I hope we haven't driven off those who can make serious contributions -- the Team Eck guys come immediately to mind -- but if that's the price, it must reluctantly be paid.
Haven't driven me off :) I don't have much to offer the readership but, I will always participate :) If more moderation is needed, I would gladly offer to help out. Whatever it takes! I just think we all need to keep the best scenario in mind when reading these forums. Or, get a dedicated SARCASM font ;)
Well Wilbur

Would somebody care to summate what we learned with this thread thus far?

I learned that a Baby Ruth in the punch bowl was a no no. Hambone has learned nothing. And Charles is not the bad guy here. How did I do Wilbur?

PS...... Also, I am going to ask Carp to give my eulogy.
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and posters that wont give there real name MUST have a reason :rolleyes:
Some of us will GIVE our real names, if asked....But just don't use it as a posting handle. A lot of that goes to trusting the other posters, but not trusting the public WWW.