NRA Lawsuit

Why one would think training and education is no longer apart is beyond me. All three of my Granddaughters went through our Clubs NRA sponsored youth program. All received various metals and certificates directly from the NRA. As they continued to move up into their individual degrees of shooting abilities from beginner to expert.

I hope you don't put me here because of the way I worded my above post "I know you're sickened by the fact it's no longer this way"..... my meaning is, that while maintaining a presence in schools and communities that will accept them, it's probably no longer their BIGGEST focus simply because We The Sloths have let a generation languish, we've let the academe run the schools instead of us getting involved and telling them what we want for our kids.

My property is devoted to teaching Hunter Ed, I've an 1800sqft schoolroom and a private but NRA sanctioned range for the kiddo's to hold their range days... and believe you me, if people will step up THE NRA WILL STEP UP! If I was willing and able I could hold classes and shoots here every weekend and NRA would/will step in and help with funding, supplies, literature etc. I'm limited only by MY time schedule, not by a lack of NRA support.

Unfortunately, they do have to spend a LOT of resources just trying to keep the door open.

AND...... while I'm not a BLM supporter type so I refuse to jump on the bandwagen of "defund the NRA" like all the leftist shooters out there, I do agree that there is fat to be trimmed.

TRIMMED I say, throwing the babby out with thee bathwater is not a solution.
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Our Club has applied for and received more than one NRA Grant for Range Improvements that we could have never afforded to do on our own. They offer allot more than one might actually realize if one takes the time to pursue what it is they can actually offer.
But unfortunately some would rather have you think that they are doing absolutely nothing other than wasting all of their members money.
Might also add take a look at the drop down Menu and what is being offered at the NRA Whittington center in New Mexico. Including their Calendar of events being offered to the public.
NRA Whittington Center
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Our Club has applied for and received more than one NRA Grant for Range Improvements that we could have never afforded to do on our own. They offer allot more than one might actually realize if one takes the time to pursue what it is they can actually offer.
But unfortunately some would rather have you think that they are doing absolutely nothing other than wasting all of their members money.

Louis - How much Grant money did the club actually see? How does that Grant money compare to Wayne LaPierre’s multi million dollar residence or his wife's $5000 hair appointments spent with member dues?
Or do you know?
Louis - How much Grant money did the club actually see? How does that Grant money compare to Wayne LaPierre’s multi million dollar residence or his wife's $5000 hair appointments spent with member dues?
Or do you know?

tim, I hear you, I get it...... you don't like the NRA. And you don't like Wayne LaPierre NOR the horse he rode in on.

I hear "You an I bo'f know if I had Wayne's money and Wayne had a feather in his ass we'd both be tickled"

I get it, now please let the horse lay in pieces already
" Louis - How much Grant money did the club actually see?

All of it.

What you Wayne or anyone else does with their income or how it was negotiated is none of my business. If there really is a known issue it is up to the board of directors to deal with and to correct it not me.

Helping to maintain we the people's constitutional rights should be everyone's business and it is also that of my own.

Believe what you want that it is your own right even if it is not the factual truth that is being told.
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Wonder what it will cost us if we lose our rights to keep and bear arms. Divide and conquer, it still holds true today.
It will cost you loosing your own firearms and that won't be the last of the rights that they will still be denying as they have been and are still doing right now.
We do have the right to be self energy sufficient and that is a but one that has already been denied.
" Louis - How much Grant money did the club actually see?

All of it.

What you Wayne or anyone else does with their income or how it was negotiated is none of my business. If there really is a known issue it is up to the board of directors to deal with and to correct it not me.

Helping to maintain we the people's constitutional rights should be everyone's business and it is also that of my own.

Believe what you want that it is your own right even if it is not the factual truth that is being told.

You seem to avoid the question for some reason. When ask, "How much money did the club see," your reply of, "All of it," is not a valid answer. The question was how much?

Many NRA members would disagree that it is none of their business how "Wayne" or his wife spend their money coming from through the NRA. It's actually more about how MUCH "Wayne" puts in his pocket from NRA members money.
It is none of your business how much our Club received through our approved NRA Grant processes. But I was on the Board of Directors at the time and I do know.
It is also none of my business how much you earn or what you are worth or what type of perks you might get or what you do with what have.
It is very obvious that you have a tremendous amount of hatred towards the NRA. But that does not give you the right to pry into our clubs own personal business nor I into your own.
I wish you the best even if the Federal Government passes laws that will take away your own personal Firearms. If you might not be one of those willing to protect what you might already own.

But is also not right to depend on others to pay to protect someone elses rights should that also be your own personal choice.
As was mentioned earlier you need to just let that dead horse be as we all know how you personally feel and we do not need not to know anymore.
It is none of your business how much our Club received through our approved NRA Grant processes.
It is also none of my business how much you earn or what you are worth or what type of perks you might get or what you do with what have.

Thank You Louis for recognizing and defining the real root of a lot of this antipathy toward Wayne and the NRA...... class envy.

I deal every day with people who notice the sort of shoes I wear, how I cut my hair or whether "I've gained a few pounds" .... and they comment on it, they have no problem telling me that my wearing sweatpants instead of chinos is unprofessional or that rubber boots are inappropriate at planning meetings...... all while I'm having trouble remembering their names or why we're in the same room together. Sometimes if I've time and am feeling confrontational I'll ask them whether they're wearing underwear, but mostly I just let them babble and mentally put them on the list of folks to not pay attention to.

It seems "it's none of my business", as a concept has been lost right along with American Pride... collective guilt and class envy are the new drivers with revenge being put back up as a noble cause and "winning" being re-defined as "being recognized"

As long as "I matter" as in "you can hear and see me"........ then "we deserve equal pay"

No jim and tim, i simply cannot agree that Wayne LaPierre's salary is unfair. Nor do I honestly care. Not only is it NONE OF MY BUSINESS, but if I ever found myself caring I'd slap myself in the mirror with a wry smile.

Which honestly, I've got plenty to slap myself for without ever getting down to wondering whether you'se eat vegetables or meat.

For instance, in an earlier post I mentioned that "fat could be trimmed" from the NRA..... I take that back. I'm not in the position to make that judgement.

tim, I hear you, I get it...... you don't like the NRA. And you don't like Wayne LaPierre NOR the horse he rode in on.

I hear "You an I bo'f know if I had Wayne's money and Wayne had a feather in his ass we'd both be tickled"

I get it, now please let the horse lay in pieces already

Yeah, let’s get our folks straight please, you’re not arguing with Tim, and Tim never said, on balance, he did not like the NRA, only the arrogant behavior/practices of current management which a. detracts from the core mission, and b. has seriously compromised fundraising largely dependent on working class shooters that take a dim view of $5000 hair appointments accomplished via a chartered jet.
It is the prime force for 2nd amendment protection and shooting sports, this is fact, but acting like an internet preacher waving around a 10 pound gold Rolex don’t help.
It is none of your business how much our Club received through our approved NRA Grant processes. But I was on the Board of Directors at the time and I do know.
It is also none of my business how much you earn or what you are worth or what type of perks you might get or what you do with what have.
It is very obvious that you have a tremendous amount of hatred towards the NRA. But that does not give you the right to pry into our clubs own personal business nor I into your own.
I wish you the best even if the Federal Government passes laws that will take away your own personal Firearms. If you might not be one of those willing to protect what you might already own.

But is also not right to depend on others to pay to protect someone elses rights should that also be your own personal choice.
As was mentioned earlier you need to just let that dead horse be as we all know how you personally feel and we do not need not to know anymore.

You being on the Board of directors of a Club that received a Grant from the NRA would explain a lot about your attitude towards NRA. If they benefitted your club, then good for the club. Most clubs are not so fortunate.

You're the one who brought up the Grant money. If the club is a Non Profit, the amount would be public record, but I'm sure you know that. LOL

IMO, you should be concerned how money going to the NRA is used and where it is going. Because NRA is a Non-profit and Tax exempt everyone has a right to question if the money is being spent properly.

I'd say you've made it clear regarding your understanding and position of NRA operations when you say, "We do not need not to know anymore." But, Who is this "WE" you are speaking for? Perhaps it would be good if you did know more, why do you think NRA has filed bankruptcy?
Thank You Louis for recognizing and defining the real root of a lot of this antipathy toward Wayne and the NRA...... class envy.

I deal every day with people who notice the sort of shoes I wear, how I cut my hair or whether "I've gained a few pounds" .... and they comment on it, they have no problem telling me that my wearing sweatpants instead of chinos is unprofessional or that rubber boots are inappropriate at planning meetings...... all while I'm having trouble remembering their names or why we're in the same room together. Sometimes if I've time and am feeling confrontational I'll ask them whether they're wearing underwear, but mostly I just let them babble and mentally put them on the list of folks to not pay attention to.

It seems "it's none of my business", as a concept has been lost right along with American Pride... collective guilt and class envy are the new drivers with revenge being put back up as a noble cause and "winning" being re-defined as "being recognized"

As long as "I matter" as in "you can hear and see me"........ then "we deserve equal pay"

No jim and tim, i simply cannot agree that Wayne LaPierre's salary is unfair. Nor do I honestly care. Not only is it NONE OF MY BUSINESS, but if I ever found myself caring I'd slap myself in the mirror with a wry smile.

Which honestly, I've got plenty to slap myself for without ever getting down to wondering whether you'se eat vegetables or meat.

For instance, in an earlier post I mentioned that "fat could be trimmed" from the NRA..... I take that back. I'm not in the position to make that judgement.


IMO, I think you are overlooking an important issue when you say, " I simply cannot agree that Wayne LaPierre's salary is unfair. Nor do I honestly care. Not only is it NONE OF MY BUSINESS."

Whether you care or not is your choice, but the NRA is a Non-Profit and Tax exempt organization. As a Non-Profit and Tax exempt organization it is everyone's business how it is operated.

You also said, "I mentioned that, "Fat could be trimmed" from the NRA..... I take that back. I'm not in the position to make that judgement."
IMO, we all make judgements from information we accumulate from various sources. There is enough information that has come out to indicate, "Fat" should be trimmed from the top, because there is a lot there. Your, "Fat could be trimmed" from the NRA comment is more than appropriate and I think you know it.
alinwa my four great grandchildren are allot more mature than a couple of these folks. And I am not wasting my time by hanging out with any of them and the oldest is only eight.
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The Fat that needs to be cut is in Washington D.C.

Nancy Pelosi, 80, revealed a $24,000 freezer full of $12-a-pint luxury ice cream.
alinwa my four great grandchildren are allot more mature than a couple of these folks. And I am not wasting my time by hanging out with any of them and the oldest is only eight.

It's great your grandkids are mature.
Are you taking credit for them being mature by announcing that you're, "Not wasting my time by hanging out with any of them?"
It could be.