NRA Lawsuit

Alinwa some folks just don't what to face the facts of who they apparently voted for. Gas here is now over 4 dollars and twenty cents a gallon for the least expensive gas. It will go well beyond 5 dollars a gallon long before summer is over. My neighbor across the street just bought a couple of Doug Fir studs and they were 10 dollars and fifteen cents each. The next door neighbor just bought 8 sheets of 1/2 inch 4X8 plywood at 98 dollars plus change for each. And as you know middle class American's are going to get a substantial raise in their taxes. Our own children don't have a chance in Hell of getting ahead in life right now and it is going to get allot worse.
And it's like this everywhere!!
Yes my friends, "facts matter" but not all "facts" are relevant to a given discussion.

The relevant question is WHY is the NRA driven to be as it is right now? (Some here will say it's because of Wayne LaPierre's lifestyle)

Sorry folks, you just haven't thought this through..... you're thinking like democrats

These threads of manure have no bearing on Republican or Democrat, so I reject your conclusion.
It's individuals on this site that didn't think it through.

We agree on one thing finally.
Facts do matter.

I'm glad to see you acknowledge that facts matter.

The fact of the matter is, Why the NRA is driven to be the way it is right now hasn't been part of this discussion.
The truth and the fact is, both you and Louis have repeatedly been posting things that aren't true.
Both of you have posted how I hate the NRA and that I joined this site to say how much I like Tim, all without reason.

At no time did I say that I disliked or hated the NRA, or even Wayne.
I do feel there are legitimate concerns by me as well as others on some issues.
Look at the earlier posts in these threads and you'll see a number of people expressing their concerns too.

Louis acted like an A hole taking this worthless garbage to other sites or links and encouraged others to put me on ignore and to get me banned.
These threads of manure have no bearing on Republican or Democrat, so I reject your conclusion.
It's individuals on this site that didn't think it through.

We agree on one thing finally.
Facts do matter.

I'm glad to see you acknowledge that facts matter.

The fact of the matter is, Why the NRA is driven to be the way it is right now hasn't been part of this discussion.
The truth and the fact is, both you and Louis have repeatedly been posting things that aren't true.
Both of you have posted how I hate the NRA and that I joined this site to say how much I like Tim, all without reason.

At no time did I say that I disliked or hated the NRA, or even Wayne.
I do feel there are legitimate concerns by me as well as others on some issues.
Look at the earlier posts in these threads and you'll see a number of people expressing their concerns too.

Louis acted like an A hole taking this worthless garbage to other sites or links and encouraged others to put me on ignore and to get me banned.

jimmie jimmie jimmie.... some day you're going to give the people around you credit for LISTENING to you :) Some day you're going to realize that some people not only HEAR YOU, but also UNDERSTAND what you're really saying.

I HEAR you, loud and clear.

And I accept your rejection

We are not the same

Vive la difference'?

Alinwa some folks just don't what to face the facts of who they apparently voted for. Gas here is now over 4 dollars and twenty cents a gallon for the least expensive gas. It will go well beyond 5 dollars a gallon long before summer is over. My neighbor across the street just bought a couple of Doug Fir studs and they were 10 dollars and fifteen cents each. The next door neighbor just bought 8 sheets of 1/2 inch 4X8 plywood at 98 dollars plus change for each. And as you know middle class American's are going to get a substantial raise in their taxes. Our own children don't have a chance in Hell of getting ahead in life right now and it is going to get allot worse.

You got it..... normal people are incapable of understanding that actions have consequences....they voted for the guy they "like" and will support him because the other guy's "mean." Because "facts matter and orange man bad" and "coexist" and "love me some lgbtq" and "if I can just concentrate rainbows shoot out my arse...."

There are "facts" everywhere, the simple "fact" is I sometimes talk to my motorcycle..... and to my rifle, and especially to my truck when it starts missing on a big hill, and I have always talked to dogs and sometimes they even understand more than they should.....

That has no bearing on the fact that some people talk to their cat, and

that telling a kitten it's fat isn't mean....

nor is telling it it's cute nice

and jimspice is gonna' wonder just how the rip my manure spreader ended up over here!!! like what do KITTENS have to do with the NRA??
What is interesting is why he joined this site in the first place? Outside of bad mouthing the NRA Leadership and quite a few of us. I haven't seen him post anything that is shooting related since the time he first joined this site.
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What is interesting is why he joined this site in the first place? Outside of bad mouthing the NRA Leadership and quite a few of us. I haven't seen him post anything that is shooting related since the time he first joined this site.


I guess that I joined this site for the same or similar reasons as most. An interest in shooting.
I suppose I do have some reservations about how the NRA is operating, but it seems like a lot of other folks do too.
If there are any doubts, read the beginning posts

Now, Louis says I bad mouth the NRA. I've asked Louis several times to go back and tell or show what he's talking about, and he hasn't.
He did post numerous things, but none were things I said. He literally made them up in his head.
Time after time, he's indicated that I thought or said things that I didn't. He has a real problem with the truth and being accurate.

This all started when I agreed with another persons post, and Louis has been on a rant ever since. I recapped those a page or two back, and he's nuts.

Perhaps Louis would like to list those, "QUITE A FEW," who he's referring too that I bad mouthed. There were three who I have been critical about, including Louis. IN EVERY OTHER CASE, they tore into me about something first. Two have done nothing but lied as to what I said or my position. The other one apparently didn't read what I posted and was upset because of the lies from the others. I can only assume on the one.

Louis was a real A Hole when he even took this to other sites or forums. Another person called him out on that, I didn't see it. I've seldom seen anyone do that, it's so childish.

I can't help what Louis sees or doesn't see about me, and I sure as hell don't owe him an explanation.
He's demonstrated time after time he can't read, so maybe he can't see. He sure couldn't keep his T's and J's straight in earlier postings.
Louis has a history of tearing into others. You can see them in his posting history, or this thread.
I've come to the conclusion, of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind handicaps, the only one left to question about Louis, is he Deaf. The others are obvious.
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I can't see you! Should you be talking about me.
You are probably right but you were also not the one being called an Asshole and a Liar when the other fellow actually is. You might tend to think abit differently if he was actually doing it to you.
(((sorry to hijack your thread GTS225, I just wanted to shout out to the op who got folks true feelings to boil out..... Good On Ya Doggie ;: )))

That's OK Al.

Just to remind you that I ain't in Europe but a fair distance away in Australia and a proud member of the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (our equivalent of the NRA). As much of what happens in the US of A gets monitored by our anti-shooting nutbags then I am interested to see how you all handle this.

It was not my intention to start a flame war (as a few people seem to be having a go at each other) but to just monitor the situation in a civilised manner.

34 years military service, I have a son and a brother living in your fine country so like to keep an eye on events that could affect their freedoms.

Regards * doggie *
That's OK Al.

Just to remind you that I ain't in Europe but a fair distance away in Australia ..........

Regards * doggie *

I apologize for that..... I forget sometimes that you'se blokes left the jollie auld sodde too!!! Our northern polite friends the Canucks are closer to the queen than you are.

I am truly in the wrong to have lumped you in. My baby sister's husband loves you guys, he's been many stints down there fighting your fires and working with your wildfire crews. He keeps one of those big orange Sikorsky waterbombers in the air, the Gypsy Lady

He doesn't like your spiders

Thank you for thinking of us, we're being hoist on our own retard up here......
I think both of y’all are childish. Let it go. Get a life.

You are probably right but you were also not the one being called an Asshole and a Liar when the other fellow actually is. You might tend to think abit differently if he was actually doing it to you.

I'M TRYING TO PROTECT MY REPUTATION from an individual who continues to try to damage it with untrue statements, and who also is trying to get me banned and others to dislike me.

Louis likes to blame others for his problems. The problem is, he doesn't know who he's blaming, or for what.
He accuses me of calling him a Liar and an Asshole.
In this case, if the shoe fits, he should wear it.

No one except Louis has posted the word, "Asshole." In fact he's used it several times.
On 6-6-21 he said that I called others Assholes. That was a lie.
I did/had/have not.

Louis has trouble with the truth.

He says I called him a Liar.
Well, I probably did. I don't know another word for someone who makes false statements, and claims I said something, when I didn't, and there have been many times.

I've already provided numerous quotes that were not true from Louis, so I won't rehash those.

This is an excellent example of what happens when Louis is involved.

On 6-6-21 Louis posted;
Sad part is this fellow is trying to degrade all of those who have a differing opinion. Hey I made a mistake but I also owned up to it.
At no time did I call him an Asshole as he has now done to others. Best way for all of us to unfortunately move on is to follow the directions that I posted to ignore him and to move on without him being able to be seen by any of us any longer.

(For the record, I had not called anyone an Asshole on or before 6-6-21, not even Louis.)

Following Louis's post, 1911Nut said,

Which one?

tim replied,

Precisely. Mr. Louis apparently has yet to figure out he is directed his angst toward the wrong guy, must have loved “Groundhog Day” I have said nothing other than to one self appointed preacher, who still has yet to figure out he is pointing a finger at the wrong guy..... you just cannot make this stuff up.

On 6-5-21, OR the day before Louis's post, this had been posted, "You really don’t pay attention to much, to names, facts, probably because you like to ramble on, and, well, based purely on content...... you’re an A..Hole."


Louis has trouble with facts.

It wasn't until the next day, on 6-7-21 that I replied to alinwa, where I said, "Louis acted like an A hole taking this worthless garbage to other sites or links and encouraged others to put me on ignore and to get me banned."

I have asked Louis a number of times to provide where I lied, as he says I did.
Not one single time has he provided anything.

On the other hand, I've provided numerous quotes where Louis has lied and made false statements. I can back up what I've said.

sdean, Louis says if you were the one being called an Asshole and a Liar you may tend to think differently.

I would hope you'd never act like Louis, because whoever was being attacked with false statements would probably be defending themselves much like I have.

It just keeps going on and on.
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Doghunter there is still hope when we have Judges who still understand and are willing to protect our constitutional rights.

Judge overturns California’s 32-year ban on assault weapons
June 5, 2021.
Louis.J, ..your [sic] welcome to move to GA to help try to unseat one of our "blue" senators next year.

Louis, you're still welcome to come here to help next year. Hopefully, your odds of winning will be better here.