NRA Lawsuit

What is actually hard to believe is we the people are just allowing what our forefathers have left to us to just simply be taken away. Unfortunately what folks forget is that they work for us and we don't work for them. We hired them and we can damn sure fire them just as easily if they are not doing what we hired them to do.

Louis.J, I thought of you when I read the following a few days ago -- it's from a book I've been reading.

What about approaching politicians for help, for change?...Politicians are constantly looking over their shoulders at their human constituency while they slip their hands into the pockets of their nonhuman constituency, their corporate sponsors. Politicians have power, but it has been bought with false promises to the people, and much of it has been paid for with corporate money. Politicians are at once in conflict, since the interest of the people is often antithetical to the interest of the corporation that subsidizes the politician.

"Write your congressman" is the unremitting cry of the impotent. The politician will not change his vote, no matter how many letters, if his underlying power -- money -- is diminished a dime. The letter writer keeps the U.S. Postal Service in business and provides employment to bored congressional assistants who send out thousands of form letters in response.​

As for your comment in bold above, first, "we" (i.e., most of the folks on this forum) probably didn't hire "them," and, second, given that so many votes have been bought by all the free stuff, the "finding" of new rights in the constitution, and the above-referenced false promises, "we" probably can't fire them. But, your welcome to move to GA to help try to unseat one of our "blue" senators next year.
..... "we" (i.e., most of the folks on this forum) probably didn't hire "them," ........

But our kids did, still no fault but our own. Our offspring are the direct result of our raising them.

Or NOT raising them.

We did this.

Blaming anyone else including "big corporations" is childish. "big corporations" and "corporate sponsors" and even "big tech" are just buzzwords used by ineffectual parents to deflect from the reality that we raised our children to vote for this stuff.

What people like yourself seem not to grasp is that these children being "bought by the big corporations' monies" are there only because we've failed to raise them with capacity for rational analysis. WE raised them stupid.... WE have raised our own children to vote us out of authority.

Calling out stupid makes one unpopular but NOT calling out stupid puts us right here where we are today where "niceness" precludes reason.

So bring yer grandbabbies fishing.

Show them something better....

I like this phrase "Write your congressman" is the unremitting cry of the impotent."....... I may just steal it ;)

And BTW "inviting people to come stand with you" is also a cry of impotency
Seems this thread is headed down a path that will intercept with the book "Unintended Consequences", by John Ross.
Some of the thought processes that went into certain portions of it are being iterated here.

Just sayin'.....Roger
My Governor Gaven Newsom is being recalled / Fired so it actually can be done. We the people of California Fired him!
alinwa no truer words could be said we did it and we allowed it all to take place. Our biggest mistake was to let our local school boards and leadership to take over full control of our children's education. When in high school if I or anyone else did not pass our constitution's final exam / test including the bill of rights you simply could not graduate out of high school period. I am now not so sure if they even teach it now it is my understanding my oldest grandchildren did not have to take such a test for them to be able to graduate out of high school when they both did.
" ls signing a recall petition the same as firing the guy? I don't think so."

The petition was signed, 1.6 million signatures were verified and authorized and it met the minimum signature requirements. It is highly doubtful now that he will make it through the recall election process and still survive. If not he will be removed from office / fired from his job by we the people in California. Who are sick and tired of having to put up with none representative leadership that is not for or to the benefit of we the people in California. But it has yet to be determined if it will be by the use of fraudulent mail in votes or having to vote in person as we have been demanding.
" ls signing a recall petition the same as firing the guy? I don't think so."

The petition was signed, 1.6 million signatures were verified and authorized and it met the minimum signature requirements. It is highly doubtful now that he will make it through the recall election process and still survive.

With 24.6 million adults in CA (, I'm not optimistic that he will be "fired"; or, if so, that his replacement will be much different.
With Katlin Jenner now saying he / she is now going to run against him you maybe right. Either way one looks at it Gavin Newson got a real big wake up Call.
The AG is all for taking down the NRA and getting her name plastered all over the press for weeks and weeks. But There is no way way she could do it if Wayne hadn't done all the work.
Yeah, maybe before we get another of your idiotic rants you should learn some actual freakin facts.
First I am and have been a member but it does no cause any good to learn after Olliie North left about Wayne LaPierre’s multi million dollar residence or his wife's $5000 hair appointments spent with member dues to name a couple to make any AG actions that much easier.
It’s disgusting.

Thank you Tim, I appreciate your comments.
NRA's move to another state was an attempted maneuver to avoid legal matters using loop holes. It appears it will not work. NRA used to be mostly about education and trainning, then it became more about high incomes for a few and a political slush fund. It's sad.
Thank you Tim, I appreciate your comments.
NRA's move to another state was an attempted maneuver to avoid legal matters using loop holes. It appears it will not work. NRA used to be mostly about education and trainning, then it became more about high incomes for a few and a political slush fund. It's sad.

See Dawg??


This guy JOINED THE FORUM just to tell us all how he likes tim and thinks the NRA sucks :)

Your govt is strange.....

our PEOPLE are strange!

The freakin' SYSTEM still works here.......

We are getting exactly what we've been voting for.....
OK, you two. Personal attacks don't belong. Let's not make a moderator stomp on anyone, ok?

Just sayin'.....Roger
.... NRA used to be mostly about education and trainning, .......

The fact that you think this is relevant is a large part of the problem. I know, you're sickened by the fact that it's no longer that way.... but the fact you think it's RELEVANT is the problem.

Here.... an article..... one of thousands ...... from which folks on both sides of the aisle can draw inferences and support.

Recognize this?
Why one would think training and education is no longer apart is beyond me. All three of my Granddaughters went through our Clubs NRA sponsored youth program. All received various metals and certificates directly from the NRA. As they continued to move up into their individual degrees of shooting abilities from beginner to expert.
Why one would think training and education is no longer apart is beyond me. All three of my Granddaughters went through our Clubs NRA sponsored youth program. All received various metals and certificates directly from the NRA. As they continued to move up into their individual degrees of shooting abilities from beginner to expert.

I shared my agreement with someone else and was attacked and insulted for doing it. Now, you're implying that I said something that I didn't. What the Hell?

Who said training and education wasn't a part of NRA? I didn't.

The programs like your granddaughter went through used to be cheap and they were used to encourage people to shoot and use firearms properly. Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see a lot of hands-on NRA activity at the local levels.
The programs and dues now are used to bring money into NRA to support huge salaries. Don't get me wrong, they do provide some good things, but most of the work for people like your grandkids is done on the local level by volunteers, or at least it is here.
Our Junior program runs from October to April and once weekly. Without the help of the NRA and the CMP the weekly charge of $3.00 a night would not make it possible to have such a program at our club. That $3.00 is to cover the frieght charges only the ammunition is free and none of it goes to the NRA. Our instructors are NRA Certified and who do think provided that education if not the NRA. If you want to complain talk about Biden and Friends who want to take your rights away and not those who are trying to protect them. My NRA membership is less than $40.00 a year including a magazine of my choice. 10 Gallons of Gas now costs me that same $40.00+ so who is ripping off who it surely is not the NRA that is doing it to me. What does it come out too about 11 cents a day and for just one Beer a day it costs me a hell of a lot more and it does not protect we the people's Constitutional rights.

What you said is on you and it has nothing at all to do with me.
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The was probably the most well said thing I've read lately!!!!

dog, i'm with louis...... We the people are failing at our job with we the shooters being as culpable as any.

Among shooters ("we don't wanna' talk about it") i see that where we are is in part as follows;

-ignorance of the laws that stand is rampant ("filling out a 4473 is registration", "mailing guns is illegal", .... This list is looong)

-feel-goodism is everywhere ("we need to make laws to keep the crazies away from guns")

-simplistic thought is everywhere, absolute denial of our real problem. We're like alcoholics treating symptoms.

It's worse than you think up here doghunter, not only is society trying to destroy the nra, we the so-called "shooters" are intent on destroying it from within!!!

The firmer a stance the nra adopts, the closer they hew to our constitution the more resistance they get from within...

Only one person out of thousands will actually read and understand that which our forebears set up for us and of these people the subset who'll agree with the fathers is again, a fraction..... This, to me is the most terrible crime, the belief that "but, times have changed from muskets" and blahh blahhh blahhh. I've fought this fight in my church environment for years, the idea that "times change and things are different now". Again, it's because people don't actually believe the biblical laws because "that was then, this is now".

King solomon said "nothing is new under the sun" but every generation has this deep-seated want to be "different".... To be "unique" and somehow "better" but without doing the work, without gaining an understanding of why. The "why" is quite simply mary shelley's 'frankenstein' story being played out ad infinitum. Every generation wants to "mean something"......... Without doing the work.

This generation, the generation we spawned, is no exception. Unfortunately the generation that spawned us, our fathers gave us 'wayy too good a deal. A deal we've passed on to our kids but basically without making them work for it. In just 4 generations we've driven ourselves down off of "the shining city on the hill" to writhe blindly in the swamp with the other insects......based in gut insecurity we're letting the childish masses have sway.

And even more blithely, we're giving credence to ignorance. We're rapidly headed back to jollie olde england where this whole cycle has been playing out right in front of us my entire life to the point where now, this day the standard of living is so low, the self-reliance so lost, the 'can-do attitude' so gone that the entire culture spends it's time replaying old monty python bits and smiling glassily into the pint telling themselves "it'll be ok".......someday......

well said!
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What is really unfortunate is those who will not pay to keep their own Constitutional rights. Feel their is absolutely nothing wrong with having others paying it for them while they just sit there and continue to B****.